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Im ASB-Olymp
bw_sektionsbg schrieb vor 53 Minuten:

Heute Abend auf Sport 1+ übrigens unser aller Lieblingsstürmer Robert Beric im Cup mit St. Etienne gegen Dijon. Ob er da zu sehen sein wird?

Glaub ich nicht wird schon im Flieger nach Belek sitzen:D

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Im ASB-Olymp
Drifter schrieb vor 26 Minuten:

Wenn dem so ist, zahl ich Dir beim nächsten Match ein Bier!

Würd mich natürlich sofort revanchieren nur wird es das leider nimmer spielen bei Rapid ,dass er nochmals spielt bei uns.

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nix is scho..
bw_sektionsbg schrieb vor 8 Stunden:

Heute Abend auf Sport 1+ übrigens unser aller Lieblingsstürmer Robert Beric im Cup mit St. Etienne gegen Dijon. Ob er da zu sehen sein wird?

Nein!Wird bis zum Ende der Transferzeit aufgrund von Verletzungsrisiko nicht mehr eingesetzt.

Man möchte ihn loswerden um ihn im besten Fall mit 2 neuen zu ersetzen.

Nachsatz:Wechselt wahrscheinlich nächste Woche zu Olympiakos.

Edit:Beric hat gespielt und getroffen.hah

bearbeitet von ESC0BAR

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Terrence Boyd wird mit einem Wechsel in die MLS zu Toronto in Verbindung gebracht:


United States international and SV Darmstadt 98 forward Terrence Boyd is in discussions to move to MLS, with Toronto FC showing interest, multiple league sources have told ESPN FC.

One source characterized Toronto's interest as "exploratory," though TFC is in the market for a forward after Tosaint Ricketts' option was declined.

TFC recently acquired the top spot in the allocation order in a trade with FC Cincinnati, but wouldn't need to use that mechanism to acquire Boyd, who isn't on the list of players subject to the allocation order.

Boyd, 27, has spent the entirety of his career in Europe. He started out with Hertha Berlin, and later was on the books with Borussia Dortmund, playing under David Wagner with the club's reserve team.

A two-season stint in Austria with Rapid Wien, one where he scored 37 goals in 80 league and cup appearances, set up a move to RB Leipzig in 2014, who were then playing in the 2. Bundesliga.

But a series of knee injuries involving a torn ACL forced him to miss the better part of two years. He ended up making just eight league and cup appearances with Leipzig, scoring three goals.

Boyd has spent parts of the past three seasons with Darmstadt, and been used primarily as a substitute. Of his 44 league and cup appearances, 29 have been off the bench. Overall he has scored five goals for the club.

At international level, Boyd has made 14 appearances for the U.S. national team and was among the last group of players cut from the squad that went to the 2014 World Cup.

His last appearance for the U.S. came in 2016.


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