Real Madrid Club de Fútbol


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Di María hat die Vereinsführung in seinem Abschiedsbrief ziemlich direkt attackiert: "It was never my desire to leave the club." + "I only asked for fair things. I value many things, money isn't one."

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¡Hala Madrid! (hijos de puta)

Der ganze Brief


Dear Madridismo,

My cycle at Real Madrid has come to an end. It is impossible to capture all lived through in a few lines, but its worth it to write this letter to communicate how I feel at this moment. Over the past four years, Ive had the honor to wear this shirt, and Ive never felt prouder for everything thats happened together with my teammates.

Unfortunately today I leave, but I want to make clear that that was never my desire. As anyone who works, Ive always wanted to make progress. After winning the La Decima, I went to the World Cup hoping to receive a gesture from the club directors, something that never came. There have many things said and many lies. They always wanted to make it seem like it was my initiative to leave the club, but I wasnt. Unfortunately, Im not like others. The only thing I asked for is something that was fair. There are many things that I value and many of them have nothing to do with my salary. I hope to find them in Manchester United, one of the worlds great clubs with which hopefully I can make history.

Ive been lucky enough to share shirts with fantastic players, who have been even better companions. I think that was the key to getting La Decima. I want to apologize for the times that I was wrong, on or off the pitch. It was never my intention to hurt anyone. I drenched this shirt in sweat every game as if it were the last. There were times when things came from me and others no, but yes, I can assure you that I always gave everything.

I want to thank Spain for all that youve given me and especially for allowing my daughter to be born on this earth. And a very particular thanks to the people at Montepríncipe hospital, who I will always carry in my heart. My wife, my daughter and I will be eternally grateful. Also to my colleagues, who gave me their support, in the good and the bad, to various technical bodies with whom I worked with and also to all the people who work every day at the club, those of who I keep a great relationship.

I want Real Madrid to have a great season and earn the achievements that this club is always searching for. Ill forver have the SuperCup in my memory, when I stepped out onto the Bernabeu for the last time and received incredible love from the fans. Thank you very much. I still have goosebumps. I cant think of a better farewell, which unfortunately was my last game.

Hala Madrid! And farewell!

Angel Di María

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Di María hat die Vereinsführung in seinem Abschiedsbrief ziemlich direkt attackiert: "It was never my desire to leave the club." + "I only asked for fair things. I value many things, money isn't one."

Und was genau wollte er dann? In sämtlichen sozialen Netzwerken gabs haufenweise Madridistas, die Dinge wie "please stay di maria" oder "don't sell di maria" gepostet haben. Von seinen Mitspielern hat er sicher auch genug Anerkennung bekommen.

Worum gings ihm sonst noch, außer ums Geld? Wollte er einen Stellenwert wie Cristiano?

Naja... trotzdem Danke für alles :(

bearbeitet von chilli vanilli

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Er wollte eh nicht viel,

wahrscheinlich nur Stammplatzgarantie und Anerkennung in Form von mehr Gehalt

Der Deal ist natürlich wieder fantastisch, das macht der CR Deal ja eigentlich zum Schnäppchen :D

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Baba und foi net.

Wen ManU wirklich schon immer sein Traumklub war dann hat er beim geilsten Verein sowieso nichts verloren. Und da auf "seiner" Position ohnehin mehr als genügend Spieler in unserem Kader stehen ist dieser unglaubliche Transfer über knapp 75 Mio wieder einmal ein genialer Deal unsererseits...

PS: natürlich ist es ihm nie ums Geld gegangen :D :D :D

bearbeitet von Moldi

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¡Hala Madrid! (hijos de puta)

Im Endeffekt wird es ihm schon ums Geld gegangen sein in der Gehaltliste war er ja nicht ganz vorne dabei obwohl er einer der besten Spieler war ich denke das meint er mit "I only asked for fair things".

Und wie hier viele über einen ach so guten Deal reden versteh ich auch nicht wir holen James für 80 Mio und verkaufen di Maria um 75.Mio, aktuell ist für mich di Maria noch deutlich über James zu stellen.

Aktuell ist der Deal nur für Perez gut mMn weil sich ein James halt viel besser vermarkten lässt als di Maria.

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Im ASB-Tausenderklub

So macht man Geschäfte:

Ángel Di María: 35 Mio. € => 75 Mio. €

Alvaro Morata: 0 Mio. € => 20 Mio. €

Mesut Özil: 18 Mio. € => 50 Mio. €

Gonzalo Higuain: 12 Mio. € => 37 Mio. €

Macht insgesamt ein Plus von 117 Mio. €. Kaká ist quasi refinanziert :=

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