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Just to make clear, this is not a thread to boast. You guys should be proud of having such a wonderful player play for your club. Don't know about you guys but Rangers fans generally wish players who move on to be successful and enjoy the fact that they player used to play for your club.

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Not really, I just came to say thank you. Your club sold us a top quality player for little money, a bad move on your clubs part. Nevertheless you guys should be happy that a former player is playing well and being successful.

We can't be happy.

4M was to less money and our chairman is an idiot btw ;)

Most of us knew that he is a great player, maybe even the best we had since 20 years.

But anyway, good luck with him, and next time a great player is in our squad, I'll write a mail to your club boss, cause if he'll wave around with some money, even with less money, our boss gets weak and just will see the Schweinsbraten and Stelzen at Schweizerhaus. ;)

Last but not least, the best goal he ever scored was in our kit ;)

Ibrox won't reach this kind of athmosphere, not even in 100 years :finger:

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Die Hilfe für den ASB-Alltag

We can't be happy.

4M was to less money and our chairman is an idiot btw ;)

Most of us knew that he is a great player, maybe even the best we had since 20 years.

But anyway, good luck with him, and next time a great player is in our squad, I'll write a mail to your club boss, cause if he'll wave around with some money, even with less money, our boss gets weak and just will see the Schweinsbraten and Stelzen at Schweizerhaus. ;)

Last but not least, the best goal he ever scored was in our kit ;)

Ibrox won't reach this kind of athmosphere, not even in 100 years :finger:

ein video aus längst vergangenen tagen :madmax:

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We can't be happy.

4M was to less money and our chairman is an idiot btw ;)

Most of us knew that he is a great player, maybe even the best we had since 20 years.

But anyway, good luck with him, and next time a great player is in our squad, I'll write a mail to your club boss, cause if he'll wave around with some money, even with less money, our boss gets weak and just will see the Schweinsbraten and Stelzen at Schweizerhaus. ;)

Last but not least, the best goal he ever scored was in our kit ;)

Ibrox won't reach this kind of athmosphere, not even in 100 years :finger:

Great goal and atmosphere! :allaaah:

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