Transfergerüchte: Nikica Jelavic


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Das Transferfenster ist noch bis 31.8. offen, wenn Jelavic am 1.9 noch bei uns ist, dann spielt er den Herbst bei uns. Im Wintertransferfenster geht dann das gleiche Theater von vorne los.

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Ich bin /root, ich darf das!

Das Transferfenster ist noch bis 31.8. offen, wenn Jelavic am 1.9 noch bei uns ist, dann spielt er den Herbst bei uns. Im Wintertransferfenster geht dann das gleiche Theater von vorne los.

Momentan würde ich mich auf das DANN schon sehr freuen.

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Das ganze Gerede geht mir schon schwer auf die Eier. Ja, nein, vielleicht ezc. Schluss damit. :raunz:

Wir haben am Donnerstag ein schweres Spiel gegen den 6 der vergangenen PL Saison und dem sollte die Konzentration gehören, nicht einem allen Anschein nach toten Transfer.

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Gast Aschyl66

And the talk from Little Beckham is cheap too eh? :laugh:

i consider little beckham's information more trustworthy than some scotish or austrian press articles. after the beattie move the rangers simply do not have the funds anymore to finance nikica jelavic, it is just as simple as that. the statements from ally mccoist may refer to the transfer window in january when you have cashed out from the champions league but I cannot see a deal happening between rangers and rapid now. and maybe there is already a third party involved, who will grab jelavic for a decent price until Aug 31st?

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Little Beckham has proved to be a reliable source over and over again. Although some users don't seem to be capable of reading carefully. For example when he states that, in his opinion, some player will not leave the club in a particular window, some seem to understand, that he for sure will not leave.

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Nikica war eh gestern im Stadion :facepalm:

Es war Anwesenheitspflicht beider Mannschaften und auch von den Spielern die nicht spielten.

Kommt's Leute, machts euch bitte ins Hoserl, weil er gestern net gespielt hat ...

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i consider little beckham's information more trustworthy than some scotish or austrian press articles. after the beattie move the rangers simply do not have the funds anymore to finance nikica jelavic, it is just as simple as that. the statements from ally mccoist may refer to the transfer window in january when you have cashed out from the champions league but I cannot see a deal happening between rangers and rapid now. and maybe there is already a third party involved, who will grab jelavic for a decent price until Aug 31st?

Mate, with all due respect, how do you know what funds we have available? We don't know ourselves so how a Rapid Vienna fan knows is beyond me!

What I can show you is this statement by our manager;

"We could possibly sign all three players. It would depend on the outcomes and the eventual costs but it's conceivable that we would get the three of them."

The 3 players in question are, James Beattie (signed), Tommy Smith & Nikica Jelavic.


Also, the latest from Scotland is that the deal is ''in the balance''.

RANGERS face a double sweat over €6.7m transfer targets Nikica Jelavic and Tommy Smith.

The SPL champions still want to land the attackers, despite making James Beattie their first signing for two years.

Croatian international Jelavic, 24, has yet to sort a cash wrangle with Rapid Vienna.

And Portsmouth have still to give Gers permission to open discussions with 30-year-old striker Smith.

It's believed Ibrox chiefs are growing increasingly anxious over both big-money deals.

But they haven't given up on either target and are eager to have a signing in place for Sunday's trip to Hibernian.

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Surft nur im ASB

Seriously, dude. For what reason do you keep trying to convince us that Jelavic is about to sign at Ibrox? Or at least that the deal is not dead yet...

Information posted by users, who do have reliable sources don't effect the situation between the two clubs, neither do you make the transfer more likely to happen.

This thread is full of speculation and quotes of untrustworthy media. So i think it's time to calm down and see what happens.

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Valdi am Weg ins Stadion

Ich kann mich noch an voriges Jahr erinnern, da hat sich auch am 31.8. noch was getan. Mal schau was noch passieren könnte.

dh wir können uns dann wieder auf dein tägliches posting einstellen, in dem du jelavic wegschreibst?

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ich hab nie behauptet, der deal wäre perfekt. :verbot:

Echt nicht? Sorry, dann muss ich Dich mit nem anderen Insider verwechselt haben. Tut mir leid, mein Fehler!

Der heutige Herald zum mittlerweile leidigen Thema Jelavic:

Meanwhile, Rangers signing target Nikica Jelavic has taken it upon himself to rekindle negotiations with the club having feared his move to Ibrox was dead.

Jelavic’s agent made contact with Martin Bain, Rangers’ chief executive, over the weekend and made it clear the Croatian internationalist would still like to join the Clydesdale Bank Premier League champions. Rangers’ position has hardened over the past few days, though, having become frustrated with the £4m-rated striker for stalling over a payment he was due from Rapid Vienna.

Rangers backed away from the deal and signed striker James Beattie, then made a bid for another, Tommy Smith of Portsmouth, instead. That prompted Jelavic, 24, to get in touch and now the on/off deal is alive again.

Walter Smith, the Rangers manager, still regards Jelavic as his main summer target.

bearbeitet von Rangers_Bear

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ich halte es für absolut ausgeschlossen, dass jela noch vor den villa spielen wechselt. hörtnagel wäre es unmöglich zu rechtfertigen, einen solch wichtigen spieler, derart kurzfristig vor so einer wichtigen begegnung abzugeben.

danach ist alles möglich... also scheiden die rangers für mich aus.

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