Transfergerüchte: Nikica Jelavic


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No offence mate but I think the chances of you beating Aston Villa even with Jelavic are very slim. They will want revenge and will be better prepared. They have more quality.

I feel if your chairman is smart it would be in his best interests to sell Jelavic before you play Aston Villa for the following reasons:

1. If Jelavic plays against Aston Villa he is ineligible to play in the Champions League. This means that any clubs competing in the Champions League will likely drop their interest.

2. You lose to Aston Villa, missing out on around €2M. You now have an unhappy player who's value is unlikely to increase because he's no longer on the European stage.

3. It's uncommon for players to leave in January for high fee's, if you wait until the summer he will only have 1 year remaining on his current contract, therefore clubs will be unwilling to pay a large fee.

The alternative is:

Jelavic plays against Aston Villa, he helps you reach the group stages (HUGE RISK)and possibly scores more goals on the European stage. Yes, his value will rise but like I said before, clubs are unlikely to pay over 5M euros in the middle of the season.

Personally I think your chairman has only one option.

You're right. Maybe.

I think Jela is a good striker, but not a complete one yet. He misses many chances,even against Teams that are very low.

His technique is good and he has a good instinct but when it comes to score a goal, he "thinks" too much and misses chances even my grandma did. That's my personal opinion.

Further, i don't believe that jela will integrate himself into the rangers' team in no time. means, i don't think that he can help the rangers in the CL from day one, like he did for rapid last el season. he is rather a good investment for the future and later tasks.

So, in my opinion and to be realistic, rangers are in no hurry to sign him for cl. maybe they are in a hurry, because they think he could become more expensive, the further rapid vienna gets in the el.

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Yippie-Ya-Yeah Schweinebacke

gut dann hätten wir rein theoretisch auch hofmann ziehen lassen können. eine erflogsgarantie das er uns über jahre hinweg tore und assists liefert gibts auch hier nicht, aber sehr wahrscheinlich ist es. genau so seh ich dass bei jelavic. er hat eine unglaubliche EC quote und das ein oder andere tor würd er sicher wieder machen und für österreich reichts sogar wenn er ein absolutes formtief hat, von dem ich aber nicht ausgeh.

Da hast du völlig recht nur gibt es da einen Unterschied....

Hofmann hat sich FÜR Rapid entschieden und das Angebot angenommen.

Jelavic hat sich quasi GEGEN Rapid entschieden und möchte unbedingt wechseln.

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To make it clear once again: Jelavic is a player of international class. Even if you sign him for € it would be cheap. We would be dumb to let such a hot prospect go for only ~4 million, mentioning the fact that 25 - 30% of the transfer fee will be sent to his former club in Belgium.

We don't need to hasitate.

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1. Yes, this is a possibility but so far Rangers are the only club to make an official approach. Jelavic would be stupid to move to a club like Everton (I severely doubt their interest anyway). He should look at the career of Stefan Maierhofer for an example. This guy would of been better staying at Rapid instead of rotting in Germany.

You can't compare Maierhofer to Jelavic. I think everybody here was laughing about the sum that Wolverhampton was willing to pay for him. Jelavic in contrast to Maierhofer is a very skilled player with potential to more (in my opinion).

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The Best!!!

Da hast du völlig recht nur gibt es da einen Unterschied....

Hofmann hat sich FÜR Rapid entschieden und das Angebot angenommen.

Jelavic hat sich quasi GEGEN Rapid entschieden und möchte unbedingt wechseln.

Bin in dieser Sache 100% bei dir!

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#27 Branko Boskovic

Da hast du völlig recht nur gibt es da einen Unterschied....

Hofmann hat sich FÜR Rapid entschieden und das Angebot angenommen.

Jelavic hat sich quasi GEGEN Rapid entschieden und möchte unbedingt wechseln.

nur hat jelavic noch 2 jahre vertrag bei uns und wir sind angeblich nicht gezwungen ihn unbedingt zu verkaufen. budget ist zwar noch nicht ausfinanziert, trotzdem findet sich schon ein weg dies anders zu ändern. hat edliner bei der mv so gesagt. ich glaub nicht dass jelavic einen auf kleinen trotzigen buben machen wird wenn er ein weiteres jahr bei rapid bleibt.

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Auf gar keinen Fall jetzt ziehen lassen. Jela kann uns sicher helfen Villa nochmal auszuschalten und sich gleichzeitig in England präsentieren. Das ist zwar ein poker mit schwachen Karten, aber wenn er aufgeht dann winken mit den Einnahmen aus der EL+ Transfer locker 8 mio.

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Auf gar keinen Fall jetzt ziehen lassen. Jela kann uns sicher helfen Villa nochmal auszuschalten und sich gleichzeitig in England präsentieren. Das ist zwar ein poker mit schwachen Karten, aber wenn er aufgeht dann winken mit den Einnahmen aus der EL+ Transfer locker 8 mio.

Sorry wenn ich da gleich einhake: Bilde mir ein irgendwo gelesen zu haben, dass die Gruppenphase um die 6 Millionen bringen soll.

Stimmt das?

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Yippie-Ya-Yeah Schweinebacke

nur hat jelavic noch 2 jahre vertrag bei uns und wir sind angeblich nicht gezwungen ihn unbedingt zu verkaufen. budget ist zwar noch nicht ausfinanziert, trotzdem findet sich schon ein weg dies anders zu ändern. hat edliner bei der mv so gesagt. ich glaub nicht dass jelavic einen auf kleinen trotzigen buben machen wird wenn er ein weiteres jahr bei rapid bleibt.

Versteh mich nicht flasch, grundsätzlich teile ich deine Meinung.

Ich möchte auch dass der Jelavic bleibt und ich sehe keinen Grund den Burschen zu "verschenken".

Tatsache ist aber auch dass sich das Blatt wenden kann. Jelavic könnte sich verletzen oder einfach in ein Formtief kommen inkl. keine EL-Gruppenphase, dazu noch die kürzere verbleibende Vertragsdauer und schon kostet er um einiges weniger.

Für mich scheint der Verein richtig zu handeln. Jelavic bleibt nicht um jeden Preis aber wenn er geht dann nur für ein nettes Sümmchen.

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Wie kann man sich das vorstellen? :D

Hörtnagl: "Wir wollen 4 Millionen!"

Gegenüber: "OK, passt! 4 Millionen."

Hörtnagl: "OK, dann wollen wir doch 5 Millionen."

:huh?deppat?: :D

Geh wo, Pacult würd eine Zahl aufn Zettel schreiben und dann rüberschieben. Der würd kein Wort sagen :happy:

Genauso und nix anders, dabei schaut er den Rangers Typen so grimmig an, der der noch +10% auf den Zettel schreibt :super:

herrlich :D

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1. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah your right mate and Maierhofer is far better than Jelavic.

3. That's not our problem. Then your club has to search cheaper players. Do you think if Real Madrid wants Messi from Barcelona (just for example) and Barca wants 100 Mio. €, but Real can only pay 70 Mio €, that Barcelona would say "Okay we accept 70 Mio. € because you have financial problems. What the hell do you think? Do you think just because we are from Austria, you can pull a fast one on us?

If we value him at €4.2M and you value him higher then no, we don't expect you to accept anything. What I'm saying is we cannot afford to pay over the odds giving the financial difficulty we're currently in. We also require 2 more players.

You forgot the National Championship. Winning it would make next year's qualification far easier, even if I doubt that we could win it. But certainly not without Jelavic.

The other thing: Rapid doesn't necessarily has to win against AV, 2 good games by Nikica would be enough to have good arguments for a good amount of money for him.

I do not see us under pressure in this case.

1. Scoring goals in Austria is unlikely to raise his value much. And come next summer he has only 1 year left on his contract. This cannot be a serious consideration in my opinion.

2. This is a fair point but is a risk. Rapid will lose out on around €2M if they fail to beat Aston Villa. You lose interest from teams competing in the Champions League so you must rely on interest from clubs who cannot give Jelavic Champions League experience.

You're right. Maybe.

I think Jela is a good striker, but not a complete one yet. He misses many chances,even against Teams that are very low.

His technique is good and he has a good instinct but when it comes to score a goal, he "thinks" too much and misses chances even my grandma did. That's my personal opinion.

Further, i don't believe that jela will integrate himself into the rangers' team in no time. means, i don't think that he can help the rangers in the CL from day one, like he did for rapid last el season. he is rather a good investment for the future and later tasks.

So, in my opinion and to be realistic, rangers are in no hurry to sign him for cl. maybe they are in a hurry, because they think he could become more expensive, the further rapid vienna gets in the el.

Rangers main priority is to win SPL, but we're a selling club, if we're paying €4.2M for a player then we will want him on show at a high level as soon as possible.

To make it clear once again: Jelavic is a player of international class. Even if you sign him for € it would be cheap. We would be dumb to let such a hot prospect go for only ~4 million, mentioning the fact that 25 - 30% of the transfer fee will be sent to his former club in Belgium.

We don't need to hasitate.

If we can't agree an offer we will move on, but if no-one else makes a bid before you play Aston Villa then your chairman has a problem.

You can't compare Maierhofer to Jelavic. I think everybody here was laughing about the sum that Wolverhampton was willing to pay for him. Jelavic in contrast to Maierhofer is a very skilled player with potential to more (in my opinion).

Out of interest, how much did Wolves pay for Maierhoffer?

you can try to sign him next (pre)season :)

This would be no use to us or yourselves.

1. We need a new striker now.

2. His value will have dropped or remained the same at best.

bearbeitet von Champions53Times

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If we can't agree an offer we will move on, but if no-one else makes a bid before you play Aston Villa then your chairman has a problem.

Which problem ? As i said we don't need to hesitate...

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