SK Rapid Wien 3:1 Slovan Bratislava


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Ok, that's your point of view, i can't agree with that, sorry.

It is little bit sick but can we do...But I must remind that we dont have so big problem with nazists as Austria had in 90´s years (even when last year was one person killed by nazists). And also we have group of peoples which are supporters of Slovak state (1939-1945) but they dont declarate themself as nazi (they aer supporters of president Tiso, but nor PM Tuka)....It is complicated...

Ok, but if we made all of our great chances in the first half, we could go with an 5 or 6-0 lead to Bratislava and our Day where made now... :yes:

Honestly. You werent so strong as I expected. But we were weak as I didnt expect. In our league you would be third, maybe, maybe second. But Slovak had his days when players are playing as some Gods and days (as now) when they fogrett on what football is.

I hope you are right with your appraisement. I heard yesterday also about some rows in the city, hours before the game, also with children who get knocked down from some Slovan "Hools" or "want to be's", like you said. :ratlos:

What can I say... That's Vienna like we love and hate it... :D


normal hools wouldnt fight with small childrens. That musted be some idiots (probably teenagers). Just dont have rapid souvenirs and nobody will notice that you are going to match...Do it as I did when I wasnt in peleton...


Only thing which you should be afraid of are Japanese tourist with their cameras :(

@ ante jazic: I was also surpirsed by that statistic. It is truth that after 89 inflation growth up something around 800-1000 percent but anyway...


Hmm..truth. Normal ticket price is 30,-Sk for students (1 Euro), 50 Sk for non-covered seats (1.3 Euro) and 100 Sk,- for covered seats (3.1 Euro).

they didn`t look like small children though. what you describe here sounds more like parts of the trouble-fascinated rapid-fanside. but for "scene-talk" you`re in the wrong forum, i guess. at least i`m not into it.

but i know about not taking ultra-orientad banners too serious. but the ones on slovan-side were more plain dumb than a clever provocation. "giula è una zoccola" (julia is a bitch) -> napolitani to veronesi, years ago. well, at least, i mean, there`s some shakespeare in there. ;)

yea, vienna is quite high, in the european city ranking concerning costs.

I wrote here mine and as far as I know most fan statement. And I think that it belong to thread about that match where that happened. I dont know what you saw, I saw that. I didnt tell that small children but teenagers (15-18) which are palying on big ones. We didnt play with you last year. Last year we were in second league thanks to administration which tunelled whole club...

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Wir sind M&N. Gibt es sonst noch Fragen?
Fradi last summer had nice transparents: Fuck Slovakia, Slovaks you are still our slaves etc.
many fradi-"supporters" are fascist assholes, so don´t care about the transparents ;)

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Due to one studium Bratislava is so expensive as Barcelona (32. most expesive city in the world)...I bought cigarettes in London and they are expensive....But 3 Euros for hot-dog? You must have very bad inflation....

Depends on what Hot-Dog you buy. With a Frankfurter it will cost you only around 2 Euro. With a Bratwurst, a Käsekreiner or other bigger sausages it goes up to 3 Euro (and more). And it also depends on where you buy it.

Next time ask before the match in the ASB where you can get cheaper Hotdogs. ;)

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Depends on what Hot-Dog you buy. With a Frankfurter it will cost you only around 2 Euro. With a Bratwurst, a Käsekreiner or other bigger sausages it goes up to 3 Euro (and more). And it also depends on where you buy it.

Next time ask before the match in the ASB where you can get cheaper Hotdogs. ;)


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many fradi-"supporters" are fascist assholes, so don´t care about the transparents ;)

AS far as I know your ultras have groom's man with them and Fradi will support you in Saturday. Last time when they were here they ended this way

@ revolucion : Wait a moment. Frankfurter costed 2.5 Euro....That smells from cheating... :eek:

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Depends on what Hot-Dog you buy. With a Frankfurter it will cost you only around 2 Euro. With a Bratwurst, a Käsekreiner or other bigger sausages it goes up to 3 Euro (and more). And it also depends on where you buy it.

Next time ask before the match in the ASB where you can get cheaper Hotdogs. ;)


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Ich hab mir das gestrige Spiel mit einem Freund als Hopper angeschaut.

MIt dem Zug kommend, überraschten uns die ersten beiden Rapid Fans, die eigentlich gar nicht so wirklich wussten, gegen wen sie spielen... Irgendwas aus Bratislava halt 8P

Wir waren dann auch schon drei Stunden vor dem Spiel dort und besorgten uns erstmal Tickets für die Nord. Dann kam auch schon eine Slovan Corteo. Waren so ca. 400 dabei und schauten auch ziemlich motiviert aus. Vor dem Gästesektor sammelten sie sich dann, wobei es einigen gelang, die Gruppe zu verlassen.

Wie schon von anderen erwähnt, muss man sich keine Sorgen machen über Hools in Bratislava, denn die haben nur Interesse an Leuten, die einwilligen darauf. Mein Freund hat dann auch einen gefragt, wie sie denn hergekommen seien. Er meinte zwar nur, wir wären Muschi :feier: aber trotzdem waren wir ihm und seinen Leuten komplett egal.

Wir begaben uns dann noch kurz ins Hubertusbräu, wo auch einige Slowaken waren. Sie waren aber ganz gut drauf und unterhielten sich mit ein paar Wienern.

Als wir dann ins Stadion reingingen, waren wir erstmal beeindruckt von der Stimmung der Slowaken. Wahnsinns Akkustik habt ihr da! Aber wirklich beeindruckend war er erst, als sich der vorher ruhige BW erstmals erhob und die Slowaken komplett in den Boden sang. War schon beeindruckend.

Es waren so ca. 1.200 Slowaken dort und anfangs war auch eine recht ansehnliche Stimmung. Als dann nach 20 Minuten die Vorfälle waren, verschwand die Stimmung auch immer mehr. Der BW liess sich wenig davon beeindrucken und tat seine Pflicht über die 90 Minuten.

Ich denke Lob gebührt auch der Polizei. Hat eigentlich alles richtig gemacht, mMn.

Alles in allem war eine wahnsinnsstimmung von beiden Seiten.

Haben dann noch den letzten Zug nach Graz verpasst :D Haben dann die ganze nacht im MQ verbracht...

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Einer von Uns!

It is little bit sick but can we do...But I must remind that we dont have so big problem with nazists as Austria had in 90´s years (even when last year was one person killed by nazists). And also we have group of peoples which are supporters of Slovak state (1939-1945) but they dont declarate themself as nazi (they aer supporters of president Tiso, but nor PM Tuka)....It is complicated...

I understand your arguments, but that's an endless story, I think the only way to handle this right trash, is to put it completely away, from fanside, also as from club- side.

Honestly. You werent so strong as I expected. But we were weak as I didnt expect. In our league you would be third, maybe, maybe second. But Slovak had his days when players are playing as some Gods and days (as now) when they fogrett on what football is.

Yes, but that game yesterday was also our first pointed game in this season, so we will be much better in 2 or 3 weeks, I hope so. Also 3-4 very important players are at the under-20 wm or injured at the moment. So we will be better, I think. ;)

normal hools wouldnt fight with small childrens. That musted be some idiots (probably teenagers). Just dont have rapid souvenirs and nobody will notice that you are going to match...Do it as I did when I wasnt in peleton...

I think so, hopely you are right.

Only thing which you should be afraid of are Japanese tourist with their cameras

Oh, I live in the 3rd district, near the "Hundertwasser Haus", believe me, I know that pack! :D


bearbeitet von Stanley-Stiff

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und das gefällt uns, weil wir bescheuert sind!

political movements out of football stadiums !!!

the only important colour of a player is from his shirt !!!

zum Spiel selbst...

war überrascht das anscheinend doch nicht alle die Chance genutzt haben dieses Spiel auf der West zu erleben, die Aussenblöcke waren doch sehr mager besetzt.

Tat der Stimmung keinen Abbruch, vor allem in den ersten 20 Minuten starke Vorstellung, auch die Nord sehr supportwillig.

1. Hälfte ganz klare Angelegenheit am Feld... wir haben mit den Slowaken Pago gespielt und unsre Chancen optimal genutzt. Das 3:0 vom Steffen war für mich persönlich das Highlight und der Torjubel von ihm war der emotionalste den ich je von einem Rapid-Spieler gesehen habe... einfach nur geil, wie er für diesen Verein lebt und alles gibt.

Der Gegentreffer tut weh, vor allem weil er unterm Strich sogar noch verdient war, Slovan hat am Schluss noch ordentlich gedrückt...

nächsten Samstag wird es hoffentlich kein Zitterspiel.... hab ein Albtraum-Szenario... wir gehen früh 1:0 in Rückstand und das bleibt bis kurz vor Schluss, dann in der 90 wird ein Slovan Spieler vorm Helge umgesenst und der Schiri lässt weiter spielen....

wird ein heißer Tanz werden, sowohl für uns als auch die Jungs am Feld.

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I understand your arguments, but that's an endless story, I think the only way to handle this right trash, is to put it completely away, from fanside, also as from club- side.

Thats the reason why it is tollerated. Peoples say to each other that their "belief" doesnt have nothing to do with football and fanside so is their letting that for themself they dont care...

Yes, but that game yesterday was also our first pointed game in this season, so we will be much better in 2 or 3 weeks, I hope so. Also 3-4 very important players are at the under-20 wm or injured at the moment. So we will be better, I think. ;)

So we´ll see about that. I hope that trainer will shout on them and they start doing what they should and I also hope that we will give chance to our new goalkeeper. BUt still. I think that we´ll won 2:0 (and if not league is starting so there will be enought football).

I think so, hopely you are right.

Oh, I live in the 3rd district, near the "Hundertwasser Haus", believe me, I know that pack! :D


Yes. There are two things which Im afraid of. Nuclear war and japanese tourist :)

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Wir sind M&N. Gibt es sonst noch Fragen?

AS far as I know your ultras have groom's man with them and Fradi will support you in Saturday. Last time when they were here they ended this way

i´m not a rapid or fradi supporter but all i see in this video is the slovakian police beating people who aren´t doing any "bad" things.

(but it´s a video from the hungarian tv so it could be cut...)

@youtubecomments: HA HA, there´s a hungarian pressburg on youtube :D

bearbeitet von Csabinho

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green & white

Thanks @ "kalerab" for your interesting details about slovan-fans' version of that story...

wenn man sich das ganze so durchließt kann man find ich einiges verstehen was die so gemacht haben auf der ost. nur das rechte spruchband etc. sowas werd ich nie verstehen können.

auch hab ich jetz so gut wie keine bedenken mehr wegen der auswärtsfahrt.


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we will pack our rapid things in a rucksack, and go to the stadion! and we will celebrate the advance to the next round.

@ kalerab: you are invite to our game gainst kazan, and i will cover for your hot dog!

bearbeitet von ante jazic

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i´m not a rapid or fradi supporter but all i see in this video is the slovakian police beating people who aren´t doing any "bad" things.

(but it´s a video from the hungarian tv so it could be cut...)

@youtubecomments: HA HA, there´s a hungarian pressburg on youtube :D

It was in 1992. 3 years after fall of Iron Curtain and communism in East and Middle Europe. But police mentality staied as it was in 89 so nothing surprising. And it aws Czechoslovak police.


Comments: Thats our 300 years "friendship" with hungarians. But sometimes they are shocking me with their propaganda. You wouldnt believe what they are learning in schools...but let it be

@ ante jazic: If you will play with Rubin Kazan I will gladly accept your hot-dog :)

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