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Walk like an Egyptian

Jurgen Klopp won't predict Liverpool will rule the world but demands they "conquer the ball. Every Time!"

New Anfield boss talks David Maddock through how his Reds are going to play, what he's learned from watching them so far and why the fans have a vital role

For Jurgen Klopp, his job at Anfield is simple. He has to erase the fear he sees on his new team’s faces, and make football fun for them again.

But if that sounds as though Liverpool’s shell-shocked players are in for an easy ride under their new manager, then his first insight into how they will play should quickly dispel that notion.

“I am not the guy who is going to go out and shout, 'We are going to conquer the world!' or something like this. We will conquer the ball. Yeah? Each. F***ing. Time!” he said, with ferocious emphasis.

“We will chase the ball. We will run more. Fight more. We will work more together. Better together. We will have better organisation in defence than the other teams. We have to find our own way to play. The result is only at the end.

“Our performances have to be enjoyable for ourselves. I don’t want to tackle too rough, but if there is a tackle that is legal, that is a good tackle that gets the ball, it’s like a goal, if you want. Yeeaaah!

"The players have to get the feeling in the game that, I don’t know, they can dive in the game. Out of the city, it doesn’t care. What I want is to be a real special team.”

Given English is his second (or third) language, Klopp managed to get across his philosophy in a manner that not only excited the expectant Liverpool fans during his Friday unveiling, but had them dreaming of the lost glory that was once normal for their club.

For the German though, dreaming is pointless.

He is charismatic and inspiring, but on the pitch, will be ultimately pragmatic.

And that means his side fighting harder than the opposition, running for longer than them, and believing more.

If they faced better opponents, he said, they would bring them down to his team’s level, and then his side would always win.


“I said these words 'full-throttle football' in Dortmund, I know, and my God I can’t say always the same things. But it will be full-throttle football – we want to do the work now.”

First though, he accepts he must change the atmosphere within a squad that has struggled over the past 12 months.

And, after watching Liverpool’s last three games, he knows exactly how.

“I have watched three so far, but ask me on Sunday and I will have seen 20,” he said with a smile.

“The last three - Aston Villa was okay. Really good goals but if you don’t defend the crosses it can happen against this striker, of course.

“Against Sion… in this game, you saw the whole pressure on the team. The first chance missed and everyone is going... (acts panicky). You can see it in their eyes, they are not free.

“Football is about creating chances. Not to make 20 goals a game, it is not possible [but] If you feel, 'Yes, I can miss. Next chance, we will get' then you are free and you can stay confident. That is very important.

"In the game against Sion, you saw many of the problems because there was so much pressure on the players. We have to work so that they feel good. I couldn’t see any fun in this game in no face and that is not so good.

“In these three games, you could see a lot of things. We have to change things. First we have to see what is up at Melwood. What do we have to do there?”

Klopp has a vision, and that is to bring the team and the fans together, expressing the same passion, and enjoying the same ambitions.

“They seem to be a little bit nervous. The atmosphere in the stadium is good but nobody is really enjoying themselves. It’s never good enough. You are winning and then you hear, 'Well, the defence is a problem.' That is what I mean when I say we have to make a restart,” he said.

“If I think back, it is the same as Dortmund. When I came there, they were 13th and the year before they were in the cup final but nobody could enjoy the football. That was the problem.

“So we need to be a team. The fans, the players, the club.

"I know how to work with a team. That is what I can bring in. That is what I want to bring in. It is very important that we make it all closer. We need to be closer with all of the staff, the fans."

bearbeitet von goleador2000

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Walk like an Egyptian

@ TIA:

Ein interessanter Beitrag von "This is Anfield" in Anlehnung an unser kürzlich im Thread angeführtes Posting von deutschen Spielern die wir gerne beim LFC sehen bzw. gut zu uns passen würden: :augenbrauen:

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:love: Bender und Gündogan wären einfach nur ein Traum und würden uns qualitativ sofort auf ein anderes Level heben

alle Anderen, im Artikel erwähnten, sind eher wieder Perspektivspieler von denen wir schon genug besitzen. Denke das sich einige Spieler unter Klopp sehr positiv entwickeln werden (Gomez, Illori, Flano, Rossiter, Ibe, ...)

Ich würde mir neben Verstärkungen im defensiven Mittelfeld noch einen gestandenen Torwart wünschen. Einer meiner absoluten Favoriten wäre Bernd Leno, denke für eine entsprechende Summe (welche ein ordentlicher Goalie auch wert ist) könnte man den schon an die Anfield Road bekommen

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:love: Bender und Gündogan wären einfach nur ein Traum und würden uns qualitativ sofort auf ein anderes Level heben


alle Anderen, im Artikel erwähnten, sind eher wieder Perspektivspieler von denen wir schon genug besitzen. Denke das sich einige Spieler unter Klopp sehr positiv entwickeln werden (Gomez, Illori, Flano, Rossiter, Ibe, ...)


Ich würde mir neben Verstärkungen im defensiven Mittelfeld noch einen gestandenen Torwart wünschen. Einer meiner absoluten Favoriten wäre Bernd Leno, denke für eine entsprechende Summe (welche ein ordentlicher Goalie auch wert ist) könnte man den schon an die Anfield Road bekommen

Ich würde mich auch über Leno oder Karius freun. Beide sind toptalente auf ihrer Position und haben Potenzial für höhere aufgaben. Zusätzlich noch ein DM und unser Kader ist Bombe.

Hab jetz schon ein paar mal gelesen, dass Klopp Subotic holen möchte. Fände ich auch richtig geil.

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Also die ganzen Transfergerüchte sind doch bullshit zum quadrat. JK hat doch schon mehrmals klargestellt, dass er zuerst mit dem bestehenden Kader arbeiten will und zwar mit Recht, weil der war schon teuer genug.

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Also die ganzen Transfergerüchte sind doch bullshit zum quadrat. JK hat doch schon mehrmals klargestellt, dass er zuerst mit dem bestehenden Kader arbeiten will und zwar mit Recht, weil der war schon teuer genug.

Ist schon klar, aber man wird ja noch Träumen dürfen!

Außerdem denke ich schon, dass im Jänner die ein oder andere Verstärkung kommen wird - und da gibt es in der Bundesliga viele interessante Kandidaten (Leno, Subotic, Bender, Gündogan wären hält schon ziemlich geil)

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Walk like an Egyptian

Joe Gomez hat es beim Einsatz für die U21 Englands leider schwer erwischt. Er fällt mit einer Knieverletzung für den Rest der Saison aus...:holy:

Good luck, young lad ! :super:

bearbeitet von goleador2000

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Joe Gomez hat es beim Einsatz für die U21 Englands leider schwer erwischt. Er fällt mit einer Knieverletzung für den Rest der Saison aus...:holy:

Good luck, young lad ! :super:

sensationell :facepalm: bearbeitet von Mecki

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