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Irgendwelche tipps für gesunde, proteinreiche mahlzeiten, wenn möglich sogar ohne kochen? Ob frühstück, mittagessen usw. ist mir egal, ich hab nur sehr wenig zeit zum kochen in der arbeit und bin nicht so der große vorkocher.

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Irgendwelche tipps für gesunde, proteinreiche mahlzeiten, wenn möglich sogar ohne kochen? Ob frühstück, mittagessen usw. ist mir egal, ich hab nur sehr wenig zeit zum kochen in der arbeit und bin nicht so der große vorkocher.

- 2 Minuten Mikrowellenreis + Thunfisch aus der Dose + Mais oder Erbsen aus der Dose

- 250 Gramm Magertopfen + 100 Gramm Tiefkühlbeeren nach Wahl + bisschen Fruchtsaft oder Wasser und das dann Cremig rühren bzw mehr Flüssigkeit für einen Shake

- 250 Magertopfen + einen Becher Sauerrahm und das cremig rühren und mit Salz und Pfeffer verfeinern, essen das immer mit Brot oder dippe das mit Gemüse wie z.B Karotten, Paprika oder Gurke

sind jetzt mal meine Snacks wenns schnell gehen muss :winke:

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dass es noch immer leute gibt die sich PWOs von irgendwelchen unbekannten firmen reinwerfen :lol:

Hey guys. Just tried this product called Castle Preworkout and it completely ruined me. I legit thought I was having a heart attack last night (first time trying it) and I had to leave the gym after a few sets of benchpress. I did everything to calm down adn just couldn't for hours. I literally felt so much pain in my heart, and in the gym I literally thought I was about to faint multiple times. Could feel that feeling right before you pass out multiple times and my whole body felt wrong. Was honestly a terrible experience that felt like a heart attack combined with a panic attack and it was just miserable. Even when I got home, until like 3:00 AM, I was still having all sorts of pains and problems.

Wondering what could have caused this? I've enjoyed nuerocore, c4, and Steel Edge preworkouts in the past year or so without a single problem. It might be significant to note that I got my gall bladder removed a few months ago, but I tried steel edge after getting it removed and it was fine.

What could have caused this? Why was it such a scary experience? I legit almost asked my brother to drive me to a hospital. Fckkk

I'm really terrified to try a new preworkout again man. This is a bad mental position to be in. I legit thought I was gonna die last night. As irrational as that might sound, some of the things I was feeling were legit what they say you feel like right before you have a heart attack. Especially the near-fainting in the gym.

This is coming from a guy who has taken many banned pre's. Friend of mine had this huge hard on for his new preworkout. Said he took a scoop and a half and was seeing sounds for 4 hours. Didn't believe him because usually when someone hypes up a pre that much, it's usually dick.

So he gives me a scoop (recommended dose). Not 10 minutes into my workout, I feel extremely overwhelmed. Weights that I normally do didn't feel heavy. Drowning in sweat one second then cold chills the next. Had to stop lifting in my set multiple times because I thought I was going to pass out.

Didn't sleep last night until about 4am. Got curious so I researched the ingredients. Seems that there's nothing too crazy in it (I call bull****, I felt like fking Sonic). Not sure if I'm allowed to post the name but if not, just let me know to remove it mods.

Insane labz- psychotic.

Never, ever, ever again. Hope someone here has taken it so they can vouch for me. Stay safe guys

No 1 upper here but......back around 2006-2009, i went through supps all the time and realized most of them are crap. Anyway, i went through PWo's like crazy. I tried White Flood, Purple Wrath, NO Explode, and a few others. I went 6 scoops on each, plus e and caffeine. Anyway, i got a script for an ER amphetamine. I usually took the amphetamine at 0600 when i woke up, went to work and it wore off by say...5:00. I forgot one day and took it around 11 (right before my first shift) and still went to the gym later that day. After all that PWO on top of everything else, i was shaking like a crack head. it was friggin terrible. I was trying to text my buddy to come get me and keep an eye on me but i could dial the phone, so i just walked back to my apartment probably looking like a baby giraffe getting elctrocuted. Havent taken a PWO since


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  • 2 weeks later...
Popsicle Boy

Hab heute endlich wieder meinen Brust/Bizeps Tag gehabt und hab leider nicht genau auf die uhr geschaut. War ca so 80minuten im Training und hab jetzt Angst wegen dem cortisol in meinem körper. Kann ich irgendwas dagegen machen?

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Hab heute endlich wieder meinen Brust/Bizeps Tag gehabt und hab leider nicht genau auf die uhr geschaut. War ca so 80minuten im Training und hab jetzt Angst wegen dem cortisol in meinem körper. Kann ich irgendwas dagegen machen?

Not sure if serious...

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Vielleicht ein wenig am Thema vorbei, aber hab eine Frage zu Shakes.

Hab die letzten Tage immer einen halben Liter Proteinshake getrunken (selbst gemixt: Banane, Birne, 400ml Milch und 170g Magertopfen).

Kann es sein, dass man davon Halsweh bekommt?

Habs mir Gesternabend schon gedacht und jetzt wieder, dieser raue Rachen.

bearbeitet von forvert

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Vielleicht ein wenig am Thema vorbei, aber hab eine Frage zu Shakes.

Hab die letzten Tage immer einen halben Liter Proteinshake getrunken (selbst gemixt: Banane, Birne, 400ml Milch und 170g Magertopfen).

Kann es sein, dass man davon Halsweh bekommt?

Habs mir Gesternabend schon gedacht und jetzt wieder, dieser raue Rachen.

Trinke sowas auch, ohne magertopfen, hab das problem aber nicht. Vielleicht einfach zu kalt?

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