Liverpool FC - "You'll never walk alone...!!!

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An der "Aufstellung" ist viel falsch!

- Sakho war kein Kauf von Rodgers und daher auch nicht gesetzt

- Martinez?

- Montoya? lässt Barca den echt ziehen? Dürfen keine Spieler holen und doch einige gehen...

- Milner wird für das zentrale Mittelfeld geholt wenn er kommt

- Henderson ist nicht der forderste Spieler im ZM

- Rodgers spielt ungern mit 2 DM

- Sterling fehlt ;)

Keine Ahnung woher das kommt aber da stimmt einfach viel nicht.

bearbeitet von TIA

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Walk like an Egyptian

An der "Aufstellung" ist viel falsch!

Keine Ahnung woher das kommt aber da stimmt einfach viel nicht.

Die Aufstellung habe ich auf Facebook gesehen. Natürlich kann man die Starting XI mehr "Brendan-like" posten, über den ein oder anderen Spieler bzw. seine Position diskutieren und Sterling fix aufstellen. Ich wollte mit diesem Posting eigentlich nur auf die Schnelle meine Zufriedenheit illustrieren, wenn tatsächlich ein Milner, Illarramendi und Benteke (Inigo Martinez ist extrem teuer und für mich komplett unrealistisch; Montoya muß ich auch nicht unbedingt haben) zum LFC kämen ;)

bearbeitet von goleador2000

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Walk like an Egyptian

Als Gerard Houllier Stevie im Nachwuchs entdeckte...eine tolle, lesenswerte story ! smiley24.gif

Gerrard Houllier: How I discovered Stevie

I met Steven Gerrard for the first time in 1998, when I was the manager at Liverpool. I told the head of the club’s youth academy that I was looking for someone to play out on the right. Every manager has their own tactical style, and mine was to spread the play and have people out wide.

He asked me to come and take a look at a player who, in his view, would be the answer to my problem. It took me five minutes to realise that the player in question wasn’t what I was looking for, but I stayed on the touchline all the same because there was a midfielder who’d caught my eye. His name was Steven Gerrard.

He had a typical teenager’s physique. He was pretty skinny and slender, but what surprised me the most about him was his ability to put himself about like no one else on the pitch that day. He was everywhere. He shouted. He complained. He tackled. He urged his team-mates on. He energised everybody around him. He reminded me of Luis Fernandez in his pomp.

He was a real warrior even then. He’d only just turned 18 and he’d been moved little by little up to the U-19 team to help them out. He couldn’t train on a regular basis because of ongoing physical problems. I went to meet him after the match and we had our first chat:

“What’s your name?”

“Stevie,” he said.

“Well, tomorrow you’re training with the first team.”

“I can’t, boss. I’m with the U-17s.”

“Stevie, who’s the boss?”

“You’re the boss.”

“Which means tomorrow you’re training with the first team.”

And that’s how the story began.

You could already see the respect he had for his superiors, the institution and the club. Sammy Lee and Patrice Bergues, who were my assistant coaches at the time, later told me that I’d undoubtedly saved his career that day. He wasn’t training much due to physical problems, and there were only two things he needed to progress: confidence and the chance to toughen up. I gave him that chance because I knew he could be very strong.

He then started to train regularly and he got physically stronger. His game improved the more he trained with the first team and thanks to the specific work he did with the coaching staff.

He made his first-team debut against Blackburn in 1998 and got his first start against Tottenham, playing 12 matches in his first season, 31 in his second and 50 the following year. He was also called up to the England team during the 1999-2000 season. By the time he was 22 he was captaining Liverpool, and he held on to the armband for the rest of his career, in which he made over 700 appearances for his beloved club and scored 185 goals. That’s absolutely remarkable.

Steven Gerrard is a student of the game. He took in everything that could help him become a better player. Like all the great players, he had class and he wanted to learn more and more every day and work at his game. He was the first to give his all, no matter whether it was in training or a match.

He’s a totally committed leader with superb technique and an exceptional amount of mental and physical energy. It was a pleasure to coach a player like that. There are three words that describe him: classy, combative, captain.


"Moral, Einsatzwille, Charakter, Leidenschaft und Siegermentalität können IMMER über das Scheckbuch siegen !!!" (Rafa Benitez - Coach des Liverpool FC - CL-Sieger 2004/05)

Manchester United could win 50 titles, but they will always be the Rolling Stones of football. Good, but not quite that Band from Liverpool...



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Fanatischer Poster

Wir spielen super! :yes:

Macht wirklich freude die letzten Spiele, vor allem wirken alle total motiviert und kämpfen um jeden Ball. :clap:

e. besonders hervorzuheben ist auch die Moral der Mannschaft! Der Abschied den Gerrard erhält, ist wirklich ein besonders schöner.

bearbeitet von flootschi

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Fanatischer Poster

ja frechheit.

Aber einige Spieler sind dermaßen schwach, heute Can und Lucas ist auch nicht vorhanden.

Stoke sehr motiviert und spielen echt gut, muss man auch mal erwähnen

haha Lucas, wie ein Pensionist

ohne frage, stoke ist motiviert und will gewinnen.

aber 4:0 ??? WTF ??? Schämen sich die nicht ?

e. 5:0. ich drehe ab. Bis zur nächsten Saison. Frechheit! Solche unfassbaren Wappla. Eine einzige Schade.

bearbeitet von flootschi

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Es spielen bis auf Lallana und Coutinho alle schwach, aber bei aller Liebe, Henderson kann kein Kapitän für nächste Saison sein. Wenn ich das Amt haben möchte dann gehe ich spät. nach 2:0 richtig aus mia raus und beidl mal den Can, der schläft da hinten was zusammen, Lucas genau so.

Mehr braucht man dazu jetzt nicht schreiben, das Ergebnis sagt eh alles.

Ich gehe mal GTA spielen Frust loswerden.

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Walk like an Egyptian

Wow ! Das Spiel in Stoke war ja ein tolles Statement unserer lads daß sie unbedingt EL spielen wollen... :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

£120mil spent in the summer and we have Emre Can playing out of position at Right-Back and no Striker on the pitch.

We essentially have 3 defenders and 7 midfielders on the pitch.

Thank God this season is near over.

:support: Danke Stevie - best Captain ever !!! :clap:

17 Seasons. 710 Appearances. 186 Goals. 10 Trophies. One Steven Gerrard. One Legend. Thank You Stevie. :super: :super: :super:

bearbeitet von goleador2000

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Knows how to post...

Utter embarrasment!

Heute hat das Team klar gegen Rodgers gespielt, dass ist bei so einem Ergebnis deutlich ersichtlich.

BR muss jetzt gefeuert werden.

THANK YOU STEVIE! Captain, Legend, Leader

bearbeitet von ShanklysSon

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