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Im ASB-Olymp

A black kid puts some flour on his face and goes with his mom and tells her "look mommy i'm white", when the mom sees the white face she punches the kid in the face and tells him "go with your father and tell him what you said to me". The kid then goes to his dad and tells him "i told mom, 'look mommy i'm white'", the father sees the white face and punches the kid in the face, and tells him "go to see your grandma and tell her what you said to your mom". The kid then goes to his grandma and tells her "i told my mom, 'look mommy i'm white", the grandma then sees the white face and punches the kid in the face again and tells him "now go back to your mother!"

The kid then goes back to his mom again and when the mom sees him, she asks him "and son, what do you learn with all this?", the kid answers "well i've been white for just 5 minutes and i already hate all of you niggers!"

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Weiß nicht, ob der schon war, aber:

Der Papa schaut sich mit seinem 7-jährigen Sohn einen Pornofilm an. Als die Mutter in das Zimmer kommt, ist sie entsetzt: "Du kannst doch net mit dem Buam an Porno schaun?" - Darauf der Papa: "Wieso, is eh a Kinderporno!"

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