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Manchester United have made a transfer bid for Sadio Mane, according to Sky sources, but a Southampton official has said the winger will not be sold.

The offer for the 23-year-old, who scored a hat-trick in a Premier League record time of two minutes 56 seconds against Aston Villa last season, was lodged last week

Mane is on United's wanted list as an alternative to Pedro, who appears on the verge of joining Chelsea for £21.1m.

But despite the interest, a Southampton official told Sky Sports News HQ: "He is a key part of our team and our planning for the future. He wouldn't be sold."

Mane has already completed a successful season in England and fits in with United boss Louis van Gaal's quest to bring pace, creativity and goals into the club.

His treble against Villa was among a haul of 10 goals last season for the Senegal international, who was used primarily as a winger following an £11.8m move from Red Bull Salzburg a year ago.

Van Gaal's interest in Mane signals an intent to add attacking players to his United squad.

United claim they had the option of signing Pedro earlier in the window but, after long consideration, Van Gaal decided to end their pursuit of the player.

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