Arsenal Football Club

Gast Seriöser Bub

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Living the Dream!

nachdem das jetz endlich geklärt ist erwart ich mir im jänner entweder matuidi, jimmy briand oder nobo dy

1. He must be from a country related to France

2. He must be shorter than Wenger

3. He must be able to make 450,985 passes in a minute.

4. He must weigh equivalent or less than Wengers weight divided by pi

5. He must NOT be older than Wengers age divided by pi

6. He must NOT be remotely close to the skill level of Thierry 'Lenny' Henry

7. He must NOT be from Britain, Guatemala, Canada or Uzbekistan, unforunately, this means Mrs. M Minhall cannot ever sign for Arsenal, also she is too old.

8. He must NOT be from any Premiership club

9. He must be faster than Wengers speed multiplied by the square of pi

10. He must have a funny name that can be manipulated into a verbal pun

11. He must be able to take candy from a Baby without a second thought.

12. He must be unable to shoot at goal

13. He must not be older than Robin Van Skillz.

14. He must get the Wenger seal of approval. This is when he has to be better than Francis Jeffers

15. He must have a bizarre name ldso;n

16. He must have a fake passport.

17. He must be under the age of 10.

18. He must be over the age of 11.

19. He must NOT be able to score

20. He must score more goals than the age of the earth divided by pi squared.

21. He must not be english.

22. He must be an immigrant.

23. If the team contains a Frenchman or is run by someone from France, they must lose, to keep inline with their country's tradition.

24. He must be able to dive.

25. He must shave his arse on a weekly basis.

26. He must have a brain as old as a 2 year old.

27. He must not be able to kick the ball further than twice his height.

28. He must have no balls

29. He must cry when the opponents get a penalty and run to the other end.

30. He must not be named Martin Taylor.

31. He must occasionally touch himself in very unnecessary places while playing.

32. His father must work in a zoo.

33. His mother must be a pinecone.

34. He must be part french, black, not really play for his national team that often, and sulk whenever he looses!

35. He must speak Albanian because the Arsenal team communicates in French only

36. He/She must own a small piece of land in Madagascar and speak fluent Mong

37. He must be able to perform oral sex on Wenger without chewing

38. He must surrender when playing a German team.

39. He cannot be named Peter George McGuinnes

40. they have to be able to keep a 'secret'

If he's none of the above, we won't sign him

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