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Go Bears

Kaka erhielt heute kurz nach 16:00 Uhr den italienischen Pass.

Poco dopo le 16.00 Ricky Kakà è stato ricevuto in Prefettura a Milano, dove ha firmato le carte che hanno riconosciuto al campione brasiliano del Milan la cittadinanza italiana. Dopo le firme Kakà è stato ricevuto privatamente dal Prefetto di Milano Lombardi. Presente anche l'ad del Milan Adriano Galliani. (
bearbeitet von CopaKagrana

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Go Bears

Aber ManU wird ihn sicher nicht so leicht gehen lassen da, da kann Real ein noch so gutes Angebot vorlegen.

Noch dazu bei den Leistungen die der Cristiano zurzeit liefert!

bearbeitet von Imperatore

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  • 2 weeks later...
Chi se ne frega!

Borriello three-month ban

Milan striker Marco Borriello has been suspended until March 21 after failing a random drugs test.

The forward tested positive on an anti-doping test on November 11 and was suspended in a precautionary measure from December 21.

This evening the Disciplinary Commission confirmed a three-month ban, so he will be out of action until March 21.

Borriello was found to have prednisone and prednisolone in his system following the 2-1 defeat to Roma at San Siro.

He had professed his innocence, insisting a cream used by his girlfriend had caused the positive doping result.

Meiner Meinung nach braucht er gar nicht mehr zurückkommen. Hoffe Milan verwendet ihn als Tauschmittel. Am besten in einem Tausch + Gelddeal mit Livorno bzgl. Amelia! :super:

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Chi se ne frega!

Serginho und va. fast alle anderen Verteidiger stehen wieder im Training! :)


Today’s training started at 11.00 CET after yesterday’s match in Palermo. Those that played yesterday, plus Alessandro Costacurta, Paolo Maldini, Marcos Cafu, Marek Jankulovski, Serginho and Pippo Inzaghi, started the session in the gym with 30 minutes of mat exercises. The rest of the squad (Ronaldo, Alessandro Nesta, Ricardo Oliveira, Yoann Gourcuff, Kakha Kaladze, Massimo Oddo, Leandro Grimi and Marco Borriello) started working outside, as did the keepers who worked apart.

After the warming-up, Alessandro Costacurta, Pippo Inzaghi and Marek Jankulovski moved outside where Carlo Ancelotti had the players work on a series of exercises with the ball. Paolo Maldini and Marcos Cafu continued to work in the gym, while Serginho joined the group working outside. At this point a series of shots on goal began. Serginho served up crosses, along with Oddo and Grimi for Ronaldo, Boriello and Ricardo Oliveira to kick. Kakha Kaladze worked with the outside group, but after 40 minutes he reported some pain and stopped as a precaution. The last part of training was dedicated to shots from in front of the goal with the keepers alternating between he posts.

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Chi se ne frega!

(Defensiv) Erfreuliche News! :)


Milan medical chief Jean Pierre Meersseman has been discussing the situation relating to Milan's injured players

Below are the players who have been carrying injuries and their current situation:

JANKULOVSKI: 'The Czech international is fine and available for the Chievo encounter.'

COSTACURTA: 'After slightly twisting his knee in the one before last training session, Alessandro is recovering very well.'

CAFU: 'As with Jankulovski, he has recovered and available.'

INZAGHI: 'Pippo is, I feel he can play part of the game against Chievo. The objective is to have him ready for the Celtic encounter.'

KALADZE: 'Still lacking fitness and some annoyance with the tendon. He won't be available for Chievo, we want him fit for Celtic.'

MALDINI: 'Same discussion for the captain as with Kakadze. He won't be risked against Chievo, the Champions League is the priority.'

RONALDO: 'Ronaldo picked up a knock against Sampdoria and has not been able to train well. We'll see against Chievo. His fitness makes us very optimistic, he's losing weight, he has lost three kgs but the objective is to build muscle mass so fat mass is not the problem.'

NESTA AND SERGINHO: 'Both are doing well and between March 10 and 15 we hope to see one of them on the pitch.'

AMBROSINI: 'We are very pleased with his recovery, Ambro has had different operation and two bad traumas to his left knee. The body is the problem after these and we have looked to rebuild the muscle balance. Ambro is finding that balance now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Chi se ne frega!

Alle Spekulationen haben ein Ende!

Die Tormannmannschaft für 2007/2008 heißt auch wie heuer wieder: Dida, Storari & Kalac!


Milan announce that Nelson Dida has extended his contract until June 30, 2010.


Nelson Dida was greeted with a round a applause at training after the goalkeeper renewed his contract until 2010.

Wieso eine so lange Verlängerung ist mir zwar schleierhaft, aber besser er als Abbiati oder gar Kalac!

bearbeitet von MILANISTA

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na supa!!!! :aaarrrggghhh:

nichts gegen dida, aber ich heiße die vertragsverlängerung nicht gut!

die zeit für den umbruch wäre mehr als nur reif gewesen und wieder schauts aius als wird mans verschlafen.

wirklich schade... hätte mich schon auf einen amelia, einen boruc oder einen buffon gefreut... wieder nichts :(

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Chi se ne frega!

Ich persönlich hab auch nichts gegen eine Vertragsverlängerung, nur ärgert mich die Zeitspanne! Bis 2010. Lächerlich.

Mehr als ein Jahr hätte ich ihm nie mehr verlängert! Spätestens 2008 hätte ich dann einen neuen jungen Goalie geholt und Dida vielleicht noch ein Jahr als Nummer 2 behalten!....

Aber so! :aaarrrggghhh:

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