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Super FOMO
vaas schrieb vor 8 Minuten:

Er hat also die Ereignisse am asiatischen Markt "sehen" können?


Gibts leicht schon eine gute Erklärung ?  Die News-Seiten meiner Wahl schreiben nur tausend Vermutungen, wie immer halt :D 


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Doena schrieb Gerade eben:

Gibts leicht schon eine gute Erklärung ?  Die News-Seiten meiner Wahl schreiben nur tausend Vermutungen, wie immer halt :D 


China is reportedly raising the bar on its cryptocurrency crackdown

  • Beijing plans to block domestic access to Chinese and offshore cryptocurrency platforms that allow centralized trading, Bloomberg said, citing unnamed sources.
  • Chinese authorities will also target people and companies that provide market-making, settlement and clearing services for centralized trading.



Quelle: CNBC.

Klingt noch sehr merkwürdig, aber ja, die Asiaten hauens mal wieder zam. :D

Wird schon.

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Asia still dominates in crypto-trading by volume, accounting for the vast majority of money flowing in and out. Guess what is coming up in 3 weeks? Lunar New Year. Lots of money is flowing back to fiat to buy presents and plane/train tickets.

People spend a TON of money on travel and presents during Lunar New Year. This is their Christmas. This is also the largest mass migration of people on the planet, occurring over two weeks. Projections are for $100 billion USD in spending. []

Remember that the crypto market is antithetical to the stock market. Stocks boom when business is booming during the holidays. Crypto investors are retail investors, not Wall Street investors. Retail investors sell during holidays, thus the crypto market falls.

This selloff has happened exactly 3 weeks before Lunar New Year each of the last 4 years.

Evidence: [credit: u/Secruoser]

So, everybody chill out for a week, the bulls will be back by February. You can't fault these Chinese and Korean bros for taking major gains to buy some cool shit for their families. Hell, if you want to, buy up their cheap coins in the meantime.




- hier noch eine Spekulation von Reddit. :D

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Super FOMO
vaas schrieb vor 5 Minuten:

Asia still dominates in crypto-trading by volume, accounting for the vast majority of money flowing in and out. Guess what is coming up in 3 weeks? Lunar New Year. Lots of money is flowing back to fiat to buy presents and plane/train tickets.

People spend a TON of money on travel and presents during Lunar New Year. This is their Christmas. This is also the largest mass migration of people on the planet, occurring over two weeks. Projections are for $100 billion USD in spending. []

Remember that the crypto market is antithetical to the stock market. Stocks boom when business is booming during the holidays. Crypto investors are retail investors, not Wall Street investors. Retail investors sell during holidays, thus the crypto market falls.

This selloff has happened exactly 3 weeks before Lunar New Year each of the last 4 years.

Evidence: [credit: u/Secruoser]

So, everybody chill out for a week, the bulls will be back by February. You can't fault these Chinese and Korean bros for taking major gains to buy some cool shit for their families. Hell, if you want to, buy up their cheap coins in the meantime.




- hier noch eine Spekulation von Reddit. :D

Klingt genau wie die Meldung dass am 15.1. die Amis investieren, das Ergebnis kennen wir :lol: 

Aber klingt schon schlüssig diese Begründung

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you only hear lies
vaas schrieb vor 12 Minuten:

Asia still dominates in crypto-trading by volume, accounting for the vast majority of money flowing in and out. Guess what is coming up in 3 weeks? Lunar New Year. Lots of money is flowing back to fiat to buy presents and plane/train tickets.

People spend a TON of money on travel and presents during Lunar New Year. This is their Christmas. This is also the largest mass migration of people on the planet, occurring over two weeks. Projections are for $100 billion USD in spending. []

Remember that the crypto market is antithetical to the stock market. Stocks boom when business is booming during the holidays. Crypto investors are retail investors, not Wall Street investors. Retail investors sell during holidays, thus the crypto market falls.

This selloff has happened exactly 3 weeks before Lunar New Year each of the last 4 years.

Evidence: [credit: u/Secruoser]

So, everybody chill out for a week, the bulls will be back by February. You can't fault these Chinese and Korean bros for taking major gains to buy some cool shit for their families. Hell, if you want to, buy up their cheap coins in the meantime.




- hier noch eine Spekulation von Reddit. :D

die grafik zu dieser theorie findet man auf der letzten seite btw

bearbeitet von Birdy90

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Doena schrieb vor 5 Minuten:

Klingt genau wie die Meldung dass am 15.1. die Amis investieren, das Ergebnis kennen wir :lol: 

Aber klingt schon schlüssig diese Begründung

ja, mich wundert nichts mehr in diesem markt. :D

aber naja, hohes risiko => möglichkeiten eines hohen ertrags. mich interessiert die technik, ich lache über die memes und ich unterstütze interessante coins. bin entspannt. :davinci:

Ähnliches Foto

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berninat0r schrieb vor 2 Minuten:

welche bzw. wo findet man die auflistung?

auf coinmarketcap nach 24h Änderung sortieren und dann die ersten 400 Coins durchgehen.

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