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Liverpool FC can announce Philippe Coutinho has today signed a new long-term contract with the club.


The 24-year-old has committed his future to the Reds by penning the fresh deal at Melwood, the terms of which will come into effect from July 1, 2017.

Coutinho has been at Anfield for four years following his transfer from Inter Milan in January 2013, during which time he has established himself as one of the most impressive performers in the Premier League, scoring 34 goals in his 163 Liverpool appearances to date.

Upon signing the contract, the Brazil forward told Liverpoolfc.com: “I would like to thank everybody at the club, first of all.

“I am very happy to sign a new contract here. It is a club that I am very grateful to and this shows my happiness here. I will work much harder to repay the belief shown in me.

“I signed this new contract to stay here for a few more years because it’s a great honour for me. It gives me great happiness because I was welcomed here with open arms by everyone at the club and the supporters right from my first day. I am very thankful to this football club for everything.”

Coutinho recently returned to action earlier this month after an ankle injury had kept him sidelined from late November.

Prior to sustaining the problem, the Brazil international had been in irresistible form, helping himself to six goals in 14 appearances.

Coutinho made his comeback as a substitute in the EFL Cup semi-final, first-leg clash at Southampton on January 11 and has figured in a further three games since.

He continued: “I am the kind of person that works very hard in trying to get better every day. I am always trying to learn, so this will be no different from what it was before my injury.

“Of course, with my injury things got a bit more difficult and I wasn’t playing for quite a while.

“When you come back, of course it is too difficult to be at the same level, but I have been working very hard each day in order to carry on producing good performances on the pitch to help the team achieve victories.

“The last few games were not so good but we are ready to stand up again and carry on fighting.”




Angeblich Verdopplung der Bezüge von 80k in der Woche und keine Ausstiegsklausel, wie TIA schon angemerkt hat. Wäre echt cool, wenn wir mit ihm und Firmino langfristig und CL planen könnten!

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Walk like an Egyptian
Green_White Anfield Devil schrieb vor 1 Stunde:

Absoluter Wahnsinn :aufdrogen: 

5 Jahre, keine AK - wunderbare Nachricht :love: 

Yep. Einfach grossartig für den LFC daß sich der Brasilianer so lange bindet ! :clap:

bearbeitet von goleador2000

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mathinger schrieb vor 3 Stunden:

Geil! Dachte schon, dass sich das ein bissen länger ziehen würde. Siehe Arsenal.

Nächste Baustelle sollte Can sein. Da schaut es bis jetzt noch nicht so gut aus.

Can ist ersetzbar, Cou war/ist es nicht!

goleador2000 schrieb vor 2 Stunden:

Yep. Einfach grossartig für den LFC daß sich der Brasilianer so lange bindet ! :clap:

Kannst Deinen Avatar noch länger zur Schau stellen! :winke::yes::)

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Liverpool team: Karius, Alexander-Arnold, Lovren, Matip, Milner, Henderson, Can, Lallana, Coutinho, Firmino, Sturridge.

Subs: Mignolet, Moreno, Lucas, Origi, Klavan, Woodburn, Wijnaldum.



Damit sollte ein Sieg ja möglich sein :)

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