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Wacker !

Below you will find a list of hotfixes recently applied or coming soon that address various bugs or mechanic tweaks.

These hotfixes should not require you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below will go live the moment they are implemented while others may require restarting the game to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch. Also note that changes to certain abilities will not be reflected in its tooltip until a patch is issued.

Previous hotfixes can be located here: [2.0.1] [2.0.2]

Last Updated - March 28th. Items with an asterisk (*) are most recent.


Drop rates for Mighty Belts and Quivers have been lowered to match other class-specific items.

Belial will now correctly drop loot when killed in Adventure Mode.



Optimized clan and community operations to allow them to load more quickly and efficiently.

Fixed an issue where Adria would occasionally refuse to die if killed during her Cauldron Teleport.

Fixed an issue where Shadow Vermin could spawn infinitely when fighting Orlash.

Westmarch Hounds now properly drop players when charmed.

Reduced the amount of experience granted by monsters with lower than average health pools.

Resolving a number of issues related to powers that apply stacking damage shield buffs, such as Spectral Blade and Magic Weapon

These abilities should now provide the appropriate amount of shielding, absorb the correct amount of damage, last the appropriate length of time, and will no longer break prematurely when hit by multiple enemies at the same time.

Reduced the amount of damage reflected by certain monster abilities.

The "Swing That Bloody Hammer!" achievement no longer requires crafting an item with Life Steal to complete.

The "Gorging the Forge" achievement no longer requires crafting an item with Magic Find to complete.

Players should no longer be incorrectly informed that they have earned a bonus chest after failing a Cursed Chest wave event.

Players matchmaking for Any Quest (or All Acts) games when no existing games are available should no longer receive an error.

Skills that deal Physical damage should no longer benefit from items that increase elemental skill damage.

Fixed an issue where players would occasionally be unable to complete the Skeleton King fight, which would block progression.


The chance for a player to earn a Legendary item from Kadala has been significantly increased.*

The drop rate for Legendary items in Torment 1-6 has been increased.*

Trade timers should now no longer appear on vendor-sold items.*

Fixed an issue that was causing BoA items to sometimes become unbound whenever a player zoned into a new area.*

The Grand Vizier:

This weapon will now appropriately drop with Intelligence for Wizards and Dexterity for Monks.


Now properly has an internal cooldown on its Legendary affix proc.

Homing Pads:

No longer makes players immune to crowd control effects while channeling Town Portal


Damage prevented by Talisman of Aranoch, The Star of Azkaranth, Mara's Kaleidoscope, or Xephirian Amulet no longer splits to party members via the Unity Ring.


Threatening Shout

Skill Rune - Grim Harvest

Once again correctly drops loot when used against targets that normally have a chance to drop loot.


Blessed Hammer

Should no longer occasionally cause the game to crash.

Heavenly Strength

No longer causes the game to crash when equipping items with resource bonuses for other classes.

Akarat's Champion

The revive proc of this skill now properly triggers when killed by a damage over time effect.

Iron Skin

Skill Rune Reflective Skin

Skill can no longer be used to quickly kill bosses with high-proc rate AoE damage (i.e. Ghom, Azmodan, Malthael).

Demon Hunter


Should no longer occasionally cause the game to crash.*


Resolved an issue where Demon Hunters are unable to Vault if the mouse cursor is beyond maximum range.

Resolving an issue where Demon Hunters with the Danetta's Hatred set bonus were able to use Vault without the required amount of Hatred.



Players can now benefit from a maximum of 20% bonus damage from the Unity passive.*

Sweeping Wind

Fixing an issue where Sweeping Wind can occasionally cause severe performance decreases for players.*


Mirror Image

Hydras summoned by Mirror Images should now deal the appropriate amount of damage.

Resolved an issue where Mirror Images was spawning more Hydras than intended.

Arcane Torrent

Skill Rune - Power Stone

Only the Wizard who created the Power Stone will receive Arcane Power when the Power Stone is picked up.


REVERSION - The following hotfix is being reverted:

Should now properly allow Wizards to pass over walls created by monsters with the Waller affix.

This hotfix had unintended consequences and this issue will instead be readdressed in a future patch.

Arcane Torrent

Skill Rune - Cascade

Fixing an issue where the secondary missiles are triggering off damaging sources that are not Arcane Torrent

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hold your colour

Homing Pads:

No longer makes players immune to crowd control effects while channeling Town Portal


I hab gestern a so a Teil gfunden, wo der Schaden nachm Kistenöffnenfür 10 Sekunden um 128% erhöht wird. Das is tw. echt lustig :D

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mittlerweile schon torment III riften... relativ easy wenn man nicht grad 2 rare-champ-packs (1 davon spawnt mobs) und den 2,3mrd-hp-riftwarden pullt... :davinci:

droppt auch ganz gut leg-mäßig, glaub wir haben in 2 t3-rifts gesamt 6 oder 7 legs gefunden.

upgrades find ich aber kaum noch, auch nachdem ich meine 12 legs die noch rumlagen identifiziert hab, alles schrott. langsam aber doch tritt das gleiche gefühl ein wie damals, man findet zwar noch zeugs, aber das meiste ist kein upgrade mehr. bis auf 3 slots sind auch alle items gelb. werd demnächst hc mal weiterzocken bzw. die anderen chars auf 70 bringen und equippen, aber das farmen mit dem main wird langsam wieder langweiliger - genauso wie damals (ich hab über 200 rift keys rumliegen, aber so richtig reizts mich nicht die zu machen, sonst wärens viel weniger). ich hab zu release aber auch erwartet, dass es relativ schnell langweilig werden wird sobald man irgendwann kaum noch upgrades findet, wusste aber damals natürlich nicht, wann dieser zeitpunkt eintreffen wird. wenn ich nicht gerade in der glücklichen lage gewesen wäre das addon umsonst zu erhalten, würd ich nicht wissen, ob ichs mir zugelegt hätte (vermutlich aber schon, eben weil positiver hype die letzten wochen war - blizzard hat alles richtig gemacht aus einem toten spiel nochmal kohle zu machen).

nicht falsch verstehen, bisher hats durchaus viel spaß gemacht, aber wie damals sättigt sich das ganze relativ rasch. ich denke, dass ich das spiel vllt. noch 2-3 wochen intensiv spielen werd, danach mich aber bereits um andere spiele umsehen könnte.

bearbeitet von Heikki

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