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Chi se ne frega!

Carlos villeicht letztes Pre-Statement als Milan-Trainer:


Carlo Ancelotti charges up his players: “We go to play for the direct qualification on a difficult pitch. We start off from a small advantage which we don’t want to manage. We shall play a game without calculations. Nesta is fine.”

MILANELLO – These are the topics faced by Carlo Ancelotti on the eve of the Fiorentina-Milan game, in the press conference of Milanello:


“This is the last press conference of the season, an important press conference, because it arrives on the eve of an absolutely fundamental game for us. You all know how much we want to qualify for the Champions League without the preliminary round.

“We go to play for the qualification against a strong team, on a difficult pitch. We start off from a small advantage which we don’t want to manage. Our objective is to play a game without calculations. This team is used to play these type of games, with these type of pressures. It’s the thing that makes me feel most calm.”


“During this week we have only thought about this game and even today. All the rest are just stuff which will be faced after this game."


“I think that the team is fine overall. It’s very positive the call-up for Alessandro Nesta, who is finding his best condition. It’s been 20 days that he’s been working with the team. Nesta can play, because he has proven to have improved a lot. The doubt is tied to the fact that he’s been inactive for a year and this is an important game, therefore playing him from the start could be a risk for him who has not played for a long time.

"For the rest there was a problem for Beckham to his ankle during the week, but it’s been solved. The others are all in good condition. Gattuso from the start? We’ll see, because Beckham has recovered and worked well today. My doubts for the formation are these: Beckham or Gattuso, Pato or Inzaghi. We will not change attitude or tactics.

“The performance of Kaka? From February 7, day of his injury, he has not found the continuity which was usual for him. He has alternated performances, which means that he has difficulties following his recovery. His injury to his foot was serious, as the foot is fundamental for the balance and he is finding it difficult to maintain this balance. On his role? He has modified his position a bit, but Italy is the only place where you speak about specific roles. Kaka is an attacker like the other two who should play more forward. The Italian teams should modify these divisions of the role, as magnificently proven by the teams who arrived in the Champions League final. I think about Rooney: also thanks to his work and sacrifice, the team arrived to the final. Guardiola? He created a work of art, Barcelona is taking advantage of its strength in the youth sector, apart from the champions they already have.”


“We did not prepare the last games well, otherwise the account would have already been closed. The reason could be a dip in tension following Catania, when we thought that the target was reached, with nine points more than the Viola. Until there is no mathematical certainty, in football you can never feel tranquil. With Juve we played well, but against Udinese and Roma no. We have an advantage, which we don't want to manage, we want to play an open game, trying to win.

“With regards to the dip in the attackers, it’s true. All of a sudden there was a sudden block which involves a bit everyone. We suffered more goals than usual and we were less prolific than usual. I think that it is all tied to the dip in tension which I mentioned before, following the game against Catania.”


“We did not always have continuity in the results and on the contrary there were highs and lows. In the first part of the year, we paid for the injuries and the close games. The problem of this final part of the season is especially tied to the psychological factor and the confidence that we had reached the objective. In the past years, the difficulties I faced have never been tied to such important games, because we always did very well. The impression I have is that we did the same thing in the past days. At times we suffered the games with less pressure, which on paper were easier.

“The nicest moment of the season? I think it was the initial part, when we came from two consecutive defeats (against Bologna and Genoa) and we managed to return at the top of the standings, with the win in the first leg of the derby. That was our best period."


“If I fear Gilardino’s revenge? No, the problem is tied to his qualities. He’s a very dangerous attacker, the problem must be set on these levels. Gila is fearful in the penalty area, good in the aerial game, from the crosses. Fiorentina make good use of the wings, limiting these characteristics for us will mean limiting also the balls to Gilardino."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kaka's Stay Comments Were Lies, Milan Are In Decline - Zvonimir Boban

"I am disappointed with the fact that Kaka spoke about an eternal love and then in the end it was all false because he wanted to go," Boban roared to Sky Sport Italia. “Milan wanted to sell. That's the reality and people must not hide from it.

"That's the truth. Kaka saying that he wanted to stay on is just false. He is not false, but his comments were.

"I do not like the whole affair as it shows that Milan are in decline.

"Milan just allowed themselves to be robbed by selling prestigious players, something which has never happened [previously] under [owner Silvio] Berlusconi.

"Milan have never sold such great players and I am disappointed. I am sorry for all this and it's a shame that money makes players leave, but there have been players who have stayed on. However, Kaka was free to make his own choice."

There was talk in the past that Kaka had claimed he wanted to stay on at Milan for the rest of his career, even talking of his desire to captain the club after rejecting Manchester City in January. However, Boban laughed off these suggestions.

"I don't even want to believe that, maybe Kaka felt weak at the time he said that," added Boban.

"There were tears and protests from the fans and it seemed like [turning Manchester City down] was a definitive yes to Milan, but obviously it wasn't. Those players who want to stay on at Milan do, and the club never allows a player who wants to stay to leave, especially players like Kaka."

boban = legend

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Chi se ne frega!

Maldini: We won't win without Kaka

Legendary Milan defender Paolo Maldini believes winning the Champions League is 'a utopia' now Kaka has left for Real Madrid.

The 40-year-old retired from football last week, having made 902 appearances for the Rossoneri over a quarter of a century.

“For Milan, it's the end of an era,” Maldini said. “To think about winning the Champions League without Kaka is utopian.

“Kaka is one of the top five players in the world. He is the first of this level to have been sold. The other four haven't moved.

“When Franco Baresi retired, I felt lost. I only saw black. But then Milan knew how to start all over again.

“This club has always gone forward. I understand the moment, but if the club manages itself as it has done up until now the story will continue,” he explained.

Maldini then went on to talk about the Ultras, who whistled him during his last game at San Siro against Roma.

“I expected something different. I believe that Adriano Galliani took it personally. He has his directors and his people.

“The words of Berlusconi have put me at ease, with a peaceful heart he said the things I wanted to hear.”

Looking to the future, Maldini believes Milan will come to rely on their remaining Brazilian stars, namely Ronaldinho and Alexandre Pato.

“Ronaldinho could become a leader, but it's up to him. He has to take more responsibility,” Maldini said.

“I don't believe Pato will leave. The hope is that we will be able to see him at Milan for many years to come. He has yet to fully understand his talent. He is only 19.”

On being asked to describe what he will do now he is retired, Maldini replied: “Manage family life. I have had various proposals. Nothing from Milan yet, but there is still time to speak about something.

“They have other priorities at the moment. Let's say that if there is a chance to work in a role of responsibility it will be difficult to say no.

“One thing is certain. I don't just want to be a face. I now await a meeting with the team to see what it is like to be on the other side,” he concluded.

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die leihverträge von Sheva, Mattioni und Senderos werden nicht verlängert bzw keine optionen gezogen:


MILANO - Così Adriano Galliani, Aministratore delegato del Milan, oggi in Lega Calcio: "Il Milan sarà assolutissimamente competitivo. Per ogni giocatore che parte arriverà un sostituto adeguato. È partito Maldini, è arrivato Thiago Silva. È partito Kakà, arriverà un giocatore importante. Il Milan non sta affatto smobilitando. Fino ad oggi, a parte altri che hanno giocato meno, sono partiti giocatori come Emerson e come Senderos, Shevchenko e Mattioni che non sono stati riscattati".

find ich alles in allem ok. senderos war zeitweise ein brauchbarer backup, aber sicher nicht das, was milan längerfristig braucht um sich zu verstärken. mattioni scheint sich nicht durchgesetzt zu haben und sheva, naja, der hat vor 3 jahren aufgehört fußball zu spielen.

bearbeitet von ringhio

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Fuck Yeah

Erstes Statement von Aly Cissokho zu seinem Transfer:

"Il Milan è una grandissima squadra e quando ho dovuto scegliere fra i rossoneri e il Lione non ho avuto dubbi, sia per la storia del club italia­no, sia per la parole che mi ha detto Adriano Galliani: con i suoi discorsi mi ha con­quistato. Non vedo l’ora di arrivare a Mila­no, ho tanta voglia di ripaga­re la fiducia del Milan e mi metterò a disposizione di Leonardo. Dove posso giocare? Su entrambe le fasce, ma preferisco quella sinistra".

Nichts außergewöhnliches dabei, schön zu sehen dass wir doch noch ein etwas besseres Standing als Lyon haben. Ich mag Spieler die auf mehreren Positionen einsetzbar sind, kann nicht schaden einene Spieler zu haben der auf beiden Seiten spielen kann.

weiterer Artikel:

Cissokho: «Milan non potevo dire no»

Il francese felice: «Per Leonardo gioco ovunque» :super:

MILANO, 15 giugno - Missione compiuta. Aly Cissokho è diventato nella notte fra sabato e domenica il secondo acquisto del Milan edizione 2009­2010. Il primo, Thiago Silva, era già stato cer­tificato lo scorso gennaio ma, perché ancora extra- comunitario, non era stato possibile schierarlo in campo nella fase finale della passata stagione. L’ad Galliani e il diggì Brai­da hanno brillantemente concluso con il Por­to una trattativa iniziata in salita a causa delle pesanti interferen­ze del Lione e del Manchester United trovando un accordo più che soddisfacente.

LE CIFRE - Al club portoghese, che solo lo scorso gennaio aveva rilevato Cissokho dalla società­satellite Setubal per 500.000 eu­ro, sono andati poco meno di 12 milioni di euro che verranno incrementati da­gli eventuali «bonus» determinati dai risulta­ti (compresa la qualificazione alla Champions League) che il Milan di Leonardo riuscirà a centrare fin dalla prossima stagione. Il fran­cese ha sottoscritto un contratto quinquenna­le che prevede un ingaggio iniziale di un mi­lione di euro. Cissokho ha già scelto anche il numero di maglia (il «28») e sarà a Milano già oggi pomeriggio per iniziare le visite medi­che che concluderà domani. Il neo- acquisto rossonero ha manifestato grande soddisfazione per il suo ingaggio al Milan. «Come avrei potuto rifiutare una simi­le occasione? - ha dichiarato visibilmente soddisfatto il difensore - Non avrei potuto per­dere questo treno e, ammesso ce ne fosse bi­sogno, mi hanno definitivamente convinto e affascinato le parole di Adriano Galliani. Il Milan fa molto affidamento su di me e io, pur di non deludere queste aspettative, sono di­sposto ad adattarmi a qualsiasi esigenza tat­tica di Leonardo». Se Thiago Silva rappresen­ta l’erede di Maldini trasformatosi in centra­le difensivo nella seconda parte della sua car­riera, Aly Cissokho si spera sia il Maldini pri­ma maniera. Anche il francese, come l’ex-ca­pitano, nasce calcisticamente sulla fascia destra, ma poi si è adattato molto bene sulla corsia opposta.

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Ich bin wieder da

Tja, die Zeiten ändern sich:


AC Milan kürzt Spielergehälter um 30 Prozent

Obwohl der AC Milan für seinen an Real Madrid abgegebenen Brasilianer Kaka 68 Millionen Euro kassiert hat, zwingt die Wirtschaftskrise auch die Italiener dazu, den Rotstift anzusetzen.

Die "Rossoneri", die heuer die Serie A auf dem dritten Tabellenplatz hinter Inter Mailand und Juventus Turin beendeten, wollen die Ausgaben für Gehälter der Spieler um 30 Prozent reduzieren.

Wie die Sportzeitung "Gazzetta dello Sport" berichtete, würden sich die Lombarden damit 45 Mio. Euro ersparen. Kaka soll allein 20 Mio. Euro brutto pro Saison kassiert haben. Nach dem Abgang des Stars dürfte nun dessen Landsmann Ronaldinho mit acht Millionen vor Andrea Pirlo (6,5) Topverdiener des 17-fachen Meisters sein.

In diesem Sinne


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Chi se ne frega!


The cissokho negotiation is over. There's no agreement between Milan and Porto. Dzeko: the player will say what he wants to do. Pirlo: no offer and if it should arrive, it will be refused. This is what Adriano Galliani said today.

MILAN - These are the declarations of Adriano Galliani from this morning, just before entering the Lega Calcio. The first words were about Aly Cissokho: "The negotiation is over. We did not reach an economic agreement with Porto, neither for the loan transfer with the buy option nor for a reduction of the price considering the problems. We tried to negotiate for a day and a half, but we did not reach an agreement, even though there was the will of Porto to do some things and our will to do other things. An alternative? No, I think that we have many full-backs and we keep our players. We have Zambrotta, Oddo, Jankulovski, Antonini, we also have Bonera who can play as a full-back and Flamini too. We're covered. We have a great squad, we have many champions in our team."

Then the questions went on Edin Dzeko: "Dzeko," replied Adriano Galliani, "Is a great attacker, but Wolfsburg do not want to sell him, for the time being the German club is not giving up on him. We hope to manage with him, otherwise we shall try for someone else. Dzeko is a player who Wolfsburg want to hold on to, but then it will be the player who wil lsay what he wants to do. It's difficult for everyone to hold on to a player who is not happy. It's a rule which is valid for everyone, it's the market. However, a striker will arrive. Still, we have great champions in our squad. We have Gattuso, Pirlo, Ambrosini, Seedorf, Pato, Ronaldinho, Inzaghi, the defenders. Once Kaka left, an attacker will arrive, but our squad is full of champions. we remind you that we are not coming from a negative season, we finished second on level points with Juventus. For the Italian rules we finished third, but if we were in Germany, England or France, where the goal difference is important, we would be second."

The other topics, Galliani again: "Pirlo? We did not receive any offer and if we do we shall refuse it. We continue to think, to believe, that we have a team with many champions. Ambrosini? Slowly, we shall do it. Now for next season there is the contract, then we'll see. We cannot always says yes to everything. We must negotiate and work, little by little everything will be settled. The declarations of Giuseppe Rossi? They please us a lot, he is a very good attacker, but we already have two forwards like Ronaldinho and Pato and right now we are searching fir what we used to call before the classic striker. Pato? He's young, but he has proven to be a great champion. In our opinion Pato, plus a striker and Ronaldinho is a great attack. We also have Inzaghi and Borriello, let's not forget it. After all, our new coach wants to play with the 4-3-3, a tactic which I enjoy a lot. Ronaldinho? He was there already, he's there, we aim on him for next season and he will do well, but Kaka's substitute will be an attacker who will arrive."

The final part is about the young players: "We have many young players. We are meeting various clubs and by next Friday a decision will be taken. We have Astori at Cagliari, Preticone at Livorno, Abate with Torino and Di Gennaro at Genoa. Some of these young players could return in our squad, surely."

Bei dem Wort Champions bekomme ich alle Zustände! :raunz:

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Chi se ne frega!

Leo redesigns Ronie

New Milan Coach Leonardo has made getting Ronaldinho ready for next season his primary objective since taking over at San Siro.

The 29-year-old former two-time World Player of the Year endured a difficult first season in Rossonero.

He scored 10 goals, but rarely featured in the first team after Christmas, making most of his appearances from the bench.

Now Kaka has left for Real Madrid, Ronaldinho looks set to become the focal point of the Milan attack.

The former Barcelona star has apparently been told he has to prove himself next season.

He will not receive any favours and looks set to be treated like everybody else in the group.

The technical staff at Milan would like to improve his quickness.

Ronaldinho was famous at Barcelona for his speedy runs into the opposition penalty area.

The Rossoneri want him to get that back and have drawn up a special training scheme to make sure that happens.

However, a lot will depend on the amount of work Ronaldinho is willing to put into the programme.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, Leonardo intends to line up Milan in a 4-3-3 formation.

He would like Ronaldinho to play up front on the left-hand side of the trident where he was once so effective for Barcelona.

The Brazilian will have to improve his fitness levels if he is to make the role his own and will not be allowed to switch off as he has done in the last 18 months.

Having said that, Ronaldinho will not be asked to track back all the time, as Leonardo wants to keep him fresh so he is devastating in the final third.

Finally, Leonardo also wants to work on Ronaldinho psychologically.

He feels Ronaldinho hasn't believed in himself since 2006 and needs to rediscover his passion for football.

Bin schon auf den Alternativplan gespannt! :holy:

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Fuck Yeah

Bin schon auf den Alternativplan gespannt! :holy:

Es wird keine geben. Milan wird auf Gedeih und Verderb auf Ronaldinho und Pato angewiesen sein.

Abate hat gesagt dass Milan ihn zurückholen will er aber nur kommt wenn er auch genug Einsatzzeit bekommt. Sehr vernünftige Aussagen, ich würde mir meine Karriere auch nicht auf der Bank hinter einem hundertjährigen Seedorf und einem noch älter wirkenden Ronaldinho ruinieren wollen.

hier das Interview:

Galliani ha detto che mi vuole riportare al Mi­lan, ma ci sono tante cose da valutare. La certezza è che io voglio giocare e quindi potrei finire altrove perché l'arrivo di Leonardo, che impiega due esterni offensivi, non è una ga­ranzia sufficiente. E se la volta che non giocano Ronaldinho e Pato lui punta su Seedorf o qualcun altro? Dopo cinque anni, un record, tra prestiti e comproprietà, voglio far parte stabilmente di un progetto. Mi sento pronto perché nell'ulti­ma stagione al Torino sono cre­sciuto molto, malgrado la re­trocessione. Restare in grana­ta? Foschi mi ha detto che non hanno trovato l'accordo con il Milan, c'è tempo sino al 25 giu­gno. Ma in serie B giocherei so­lo se ci sono prospettive di risa­lita immediata".

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Chi se ne frega!


Strategies for the future in the knowledge of the current economic reality. Adriano Galliani spoke at 360 degrees: “Di Gennaro returns. Dzeko-Wolfsburg meeting today. Favalli renews, Gattuso available to reduce his salary.”

MILAN – These are the declarations of Saturday June 27 of Adriano Galliani, in the second and final day of the Rossoneri’s workshop of Tanka Village of Villasimius.


“Di Gennaro returned at 100% to Milan. I was anxious, because he is a very talented player, he’s a player who can become good in a medium period. I just spoke to him; he was happy, he was jumping around and as a role he said that he can also play as a wide attacker. He can play as an attacking midfielder or a wide attacker.”

“Yesterday Zigoni passed the medical. On Monday we shall deposit the contract. We have purchased him on a definite title from Treviso and he will play with the Primavera. We want to return to have a competitive Primavera, Filippo Galli is working very well. Our youth sector gave to Serie A many players. There’s Astori, who president Cellino tells me that he will be a starter, there's Paloschi, who Parma believe a lot in him and there are many others. The youth sector has allowed the club to make very important profits for the balance. In the first squad we have four young players who come from our youth team, that is Darmian, Antonini, Abate and Di Gennaro. Zigoni will be called-up up by the first team on July 6 because the national team players will not be available yet. Apart from Zigoni we will also have, on July 6, Strasser, Albertazzi, Amadi and Harmony, the two Nigerian players who last year did very well with the Primavera."


“The interest for Dzeko exists from the web of our observers which is headed by Ariedo Braida. Almost all players in the world are part of our bank data. For the technical project of Leonardo of next season, we have believed that Dzeko could do for us. However we have no agreement with Dzeko. He's a Wolfsburg player. Dzeko has expressed his interest, but right now there are no negotiations. We have written to Wolfsburg and they replied that he is not for sale. If Wolfsburg will change mind, we have agreed that they call Milan. The first official game is on August 23, there’s no hurry. Between Dzeko and Wolfsburg there’s no tension, we have always known that the meeting is today and will happen today. I repeat, if Wolfsburg change their mind, I'm ready to leave straight away and go to the wolves city. There's no sum as of yet and Dzeko is not for sale. If he is transfer listed, then we'll start talking about the amount."

“For Adebayor there was just a phone call, in which Wenger was gentle.”

“For Pirlo there has been no offer and on Thursday evening with Ancelotti it was just a dinner between old friends, since Carletto was in Milan for the thesis of his daughter. On Wednesday evening, I went for dinner with Gattuso who gave his availability to reduce his salary. He still has two years of contract, he will pass to three years, reducing the wage. Gattuso is an example, a real extraordinary man.”

“I don’t think that Cissokho will arrive. I hope that Beckham returns in January. There’s nothing dramatic about Ambrosini, but I must balance the books and there are some slight differences. Oddo has returned, he’s a Milan player, he has two years of contract. If there are interesting opportunities for him and us, we’ll see. Favalli signed a contract for the 2009/10 season. From Nesta and Kaladze there are good news.”


“Milan will have a careful eye on the balances, but will not decrease its ambitions and the sponsors present here understood that. Yesterday I did not speak about the success of Milan on the international to attack Inter, absolutely not. Our international success are unique to Milan and I use this argument to keep the sponsors always attached to the Milan project. We’re here to work, not to attack Inter. The brand is magic, fuelled by the results, but not necessarily only by the results. The Real myth has grown even though from 1966 to 1998 Real did not win the Champions Cup. You must take notice of the new world economic reality. Italy is worth half of a year ago. The companies on the market are worth 50% less. Now we must be good to balance the books as well as build a competitive squad. Milan had balance problems and now solved them once and for all.”

“Our objectives are always the same: finishing in the top three in the league and go as forward as possible in the Champions League. We have a salary cap to reduce in a consistent way. Milan must reach level in the ordinary management and I hope to succeed also in the exercise that was started on January 1, and which ends on December 31. We will not have to be forced to sell players."

Klingt alles in allem sehr positiv. :)

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