F.C. Barcelona

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Im ASB-Olymp
Auch David Trezeguet ist wieder ein Thema beim FC Barcelona.

Kann nur eine Ente sein, denn ein solcher Stürmertyp wird nicht mehr gebraucht.


- Der Vater von Rafael van der Vaart hat öffentlich erklärt, dass sein Sohn nächste Saison entweder in England oder in Spanien spielen wird. Und welcher spanische Klub für ihn und seine Familie nur in Frage kommt, dürfte mittlerweile schon klar sein.

- Anscheinend möchte man wirklich einen neuen Torwart holen. Es scheint schon beschlossene Sache zu sein, weil man Jorquera nicht ganz vertraut und an seiner Stärke zweifelt. :nein:

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Im ASB-Olymp

Ronaldinho-Interview anlässlich seines 25. Geburtstages, den er heute feiert:

Ronaldinho: "I am still young and I can still improve"

Ronaldinho celebrates his 25th birthday today (Monday) and took time out to speak exclusively to fcbarcelona.com and Barça TV to talk about how much he is enjoying life at the club and to analyse the team.

The Brazilian playmaker could not ask for a better present than the 11-point lead Barcleona currently enjoy at the top of the table and in this interview he is thrilled with how things are going at Camp Nou. Ronnie also emphasised how highly he rates the team and the role that coach Frank Rijkaard is playing.


You are now 25 years old. What has been the best moment of your life?

"I have had many great moments. Thanks to God I have had a very good life since I was young, both in football and away from it. I have enjoyed a lot of good times that I will always remember."

It is said that a player reaches his peak at 28. Are you still learning and do you think that we have not seen the best of Ronaldinho yet?

"I believe that a football player continues to learn right up until he retires. I am still young and I can still improve. They do say that 28 is the age when you are your best and I am very pleased that I still have plenty of years ahead of me and a lot more to learn."

What differences do you think there are between Ronaldinho this season compared to last?

"I think the main difference is that I have continued to mature. I am more mature not than I was last year and more so today than even yesterday, that's the way life is."

What is main difference between the team this term, compared to the team last season?

"They are totally opposite. Last year we did not have a very good first half to the season and there were many changes, both with the board and the playing squad, but we ended the campaign strongly. This year we started very well with all the new players and things have continued like that."

You have had your first taste of the Champions League this season. How did you find it?

"In that competition every game is like a final and the fans expectations are very different. It is a very important step for a player to take in his career. Things went well, but they could have been a lot better. We lost, but we use that a lesson for next season."

You have always said that you are more of a creator than a goalscorer. Is your role in the side this season allowing you to do more of that?

"With the new signings that have come in this season I am able to do more of what I like. It appears that this year is not as good because I am scoring less goals, but on the other hand now I have the chance to do the things I want and the things I know I can do well."

Is the secret of the team the fact that there are so many young players who are all desperate to win trophies?

"The secret is the great respect we all have for each other and that when we play we always give everything."

The spine of the team is made up of young players. Could it be said that this team is not only one for the present, but also for the future?

"It is a young team and I think that in a couple of years we will be really, really, good and will be capable of competing for every honour and that we will play to win every competition we compete in."

How does the fact that Frank Rijkaard won so many trophies as a player help in his role as coach?

"There a quite a few players that have won many things, but have not done well when they have become trainers. On the other hand, there are great coaches that never won anything when they played. The great thing here is that we have a coach that won so much as a player, but also that is an extraordinary person who is always calm, but also has a few tricks to help us win every game."

Can winning the league give the team a huge boost on a psycholgical level?

"Winning is always important, as it gives you confidence as much as improving everything in general. I believe that there is still a long way to go this season and we have to keep fighting right until the end. What is clear is that if we win the league this season then we will start next term with much more strength."

When do you think Barça will win the league?

"I think that what we have to do is carry on playing like we are right until the last game and to enjoy each victory and not to think about how anybody else is doing. We must only think about ourselves."


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Dutch media reports are suggesting Barcelona will win the race for PSV Eindhoven's much-vaunted midfielder Mark van Bommel.

The PSV skipper is almost certain to depart the Philips Stadion in the summer, but he has yet to reveal his likely destination.

Real Madrid were purported to be keen on the Dutch international, but their interest has cooled following the winter capture of Danish powerhouse Thomas Gravesen.

With Real seemingly unwilling to follow up their initial interest in van Bommel, the path would appear to be clear for Barca to nip in and land the powerful central midfielder.

It is expected that van Bommel, who netted a fine hat-trick against Ajax on Sunday, will announce his next destination after the upcoming qualifiers with Romania and Armenia, with Barca being tipped to beat off late competition from Bayern Munich and Internazionale to his signature.

Johann Vogel is also being tipped to follow van Bommel through the PSV exit door, with a move to Germany mooted as his likely destination.


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@ Funkmaster, du hast vor ana Zeit lang mal gsagt Chivu würde Barca nix nützen momentan.. weisst no?Also i habs Spiel gegen Milan gsehn und muss sagen ich bin NICHT einer meinung mit dir. ;)

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So auf des hab i gewartet.

Droomtransfer Mark van Bommel nadert afronding

21/3/2005 20:45

Mark van Bommel speelt komend seizoen zo goed als zeker voor Barcelona. Maar bij het vertrek van de Nederlandse international blijft het niet voor PSV. Ook aan spelers met doorlopend contract worden gevolgd.

Van Bommel (27) staat kort voor de overgang naar Barcelona. Op korte termijn zal zijn zaakwaarnemer Rob Jansen de transfer afronden, waarmee de wens van de international eindelijk in vervulling gaat. De PSV'er zag in de afgelopen jaren een transfer naar een Europese topclub steeds mislukken.

Om het verlies op te vangen oriënteert PSV zich breed op de transfermarkt. Daarbij kijkt de Eindhovense club niet alleen naar een potentiële opvolger van Van Bommel. Johann Vogel lijkt ook bezig aan zijn laatste seizoen. De Zwitserse middenvelder weigert voorlopig zijn aflopende contract te verlengen.

Maar ook aan spelers met een doorlopend contract wordt getrokken. Zo is Ji-Sung Park met zijn optredens in de Champions League in beeld gekomen bij enkele Engelse clubs. PSV wil de Koreaan graag langer aan zich binden dan tot 2006 en heeft hem een contract tot 2009 aangeboden.

Een van de mogelijk interessante spelers voor PSV is Zoltán Gera (25). Trainer en technisch directeur Guus Hiddink bekeek vorige week de Hongaarse middenvelder die met West Bromwich Albion aantrad tegen Chelsea.

Kommt von Voetbal International, die mit Abstand sicherste und grösste Quelle des holländischen Fußballs.


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@ Funkmaster, du hast vor ana Zeit lang mal gsagt Chivu würde Barca nix nützen momentan.. weisst no?Also i habs Spiel gegen Milan gsehn und muss sagen ich bin NICHT einer meinung mit dir. ;)

naja, er war der stärkste abwehrspieler in einer ansonsten defensivschwachen formation...ich denk einfach er könnte bei barca nicht auf dem level spielen den man von ihm erwarten würde - aber is eh hinfällig, chivu bleibt in rom und basta :yes:

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Beruf: ASB-Poster

Ich find's klasse, dass van Bommel vielleicht zu Barcelona kommt. :super::super:

Wie viel hat der denn gekostet, wenn überhaupt, da ja 2005 für ihn Vertragsende ist.??

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dann halt wieder erstklassig
Veröffentlicht am 21.03.2005 um 20:51 Uhr

Quelle: rincewind

Van Bommel zu Barca?

Laut "Studio Voetbal" wird Mark van Bommel mit 90-prozentiger Sicherheit in der nächsten Saison beim FC Barcelona spielen. In zehn Tagen wird er seine Entscheidung bekanntgeben. Auch Real Madrid, die Tottenham Hotspurs und der FC Everton sind stark an dem Mittelfeldspieler des PSVs interessiert.

reinkopiert von Tm.de

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