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Hello and welcome to our forum,

Your german is pretty good. Still most of us here are fluent in english, so if this is more convenient for you no need to write in german. Also to me (and many other Rapid fans) this was a very special game yesterday. I cannot remember a team that came with such a crowd to Vienna eventhough only very few of you had tickets. Loved your singing. Not only in the stadium but also in the pubs, the public transport.... definitely a point where we can learn a lot from you.

Most of all thank you for this friendly atmosphere you created. Just 3 hours before the game I went to a pub full of Rangers fans and I had a blast there. We had some beers together and wished us good luck for this match. Never seen something like this before. This is how football should be celebrated. We share the same passion - just different  colors ;)

Only point to criticise is your english. After some beers it´s really hard for me to follow you guys :D

Anyway, I will definitely remember this match for a long time. Good luck for you future and hopefully meet you again anytime soon.

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Woody schrieb vor 21 Minuten:

Hello and welcome to our forum,

Your german is pretty good. Still most of us here are fluent in english, so if this is more convenient for you no need to write in german. Also to me (and many other Rapid fans) this was a very special game yesterday. I cannot remember a team that came with such a crowd to Vienna eventhough only very few of you had tickets. Loved your singing. Not only in the stadium but also in the pubs, the public transport.... definitely a point where we can learn a lot from you.

Most of all thank you for this friendly atmosphere you created. Just 3 hours before the game I went to a pub full of Rangers fans and I had a blast there. We had some beers together and wished us good luck for this match. Never seen something like this before. This is how football should be celebrated. We share the same passion - just different  colors ;)

Only point to criticise is your english. After some beers it´s really hard for me to follow you guys :D

Anyway, I will definitely remember this match for a long time. Good luck for you future and hopefully meet you again anytime soon.

I'm glad to hear that you got on with Rangers fans and yes, it is very difficult to understand us. Rangers fans come from Glasgow, so must of us speak in a slang Scottish dialect. Whenever I go on holiday to England or America, the people there will struggle to understand me even though we both come from English speaking countries. Sometimes it can be really embarrassing.

Thank you for the reply, I will definitely be looking out for the Rapid Wien results in the future, all the best!

P.S. Your English is very impressive

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Postet viiiel zu viel
Kitz3006 schrieb vor 1 Minute:

Thanks for your words.

In Austria we are learning english in school so most of us are good in this lenguage. 

But your german is real good too. Just have to learn some Austrian german. :))

In Vienna you have to put after every sentence an Oida ! 

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BritishandScottish schrieb vor 31 Minuten:

I'm glad to hear that you got on with Rangers fans and yes, it is very difficult to understand us. Rangers fans come from Glasgow, so must of us speak in a slang Scottish dialect.

My English teacher was in Scotland when he was studying. Sometimes he started talking your dialect during the lessons and we did not understand a single word. :feier: 


bearbeitet von pironi

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Im ASB-Olymp
BritishandScottish schrieb vor 1 Stunde:
Rangers-Fan hier, ich komme in Frieden. Ich kann nicht gut Deutsch, ich habe es nur ein Jahr lang in der Schule gelernt. Ich werde mein Bestes versuchen.

Gut gemacht für Rapid, die Rangers waren schrecklich und wir haben uns seit dem Spiel in Ibrox verschlechtert. Ihre Fans haben eine fantastische Atmosphäre für das gesamte Spiel geschaffen, wenn wir das nur bei Ibrox nachbilden könnten. Viele Schotten verstehen auch die Ultras-Szene nicht, deshalb wurden wahrscheinlich so viele unserer Flaggen gestohlen. Unsere Fans hängen die Flaggen vor den Pubs auf und gehen rein, um sich zu betrinken. Bei Ibrox haben wir eine kleine Gruppe von Gesangsfans, wir versuchen unser Bestes, aber der Club unterstützt das nicht. Wir leiden jede Woche unter Polizei-Belästigung, und vielen unserer Fans ist es untersagt, Fußballspiele zu besuchen, um zu kämpfen und Fackeln auszulösen. In Schottland kann man für das Singen bestimmter Lieder inhaftiert werden. Ein Rangers-Fan bekam 4 Monate Gefängnis, weil er ein Lied sang. Dies entmutigt viele Menschen, eine Atmosphäre zu schaffen.

Ich habe jedoch eine Kritik an europäischen Ultras-Gruppen. Jedes Team scheint die gleichen Melodien zu verwenden, aber zu unterschiedlichen Wörtern. In Schottland haben wir unsere eigenen traditionellen Lieder, die seit den 60er / 70er und 80er Jahren gesungen werden.

Vielen Dank Rapid-Fans, dass Sie am Donnerstag eine fantastische Atmosphäre geschaffen haben, und bei Ibrox. In meinem ganzen Leben als Unterstützer der Rangers gab es keine so guten Fans wie Sie.

Thank you for your fair and friendly words. I`ve been three times in Scotland and i remember the scots are very helpful and friendly. And yes, with this away crowd it was the most impressive experience so far in the new stadium for us!


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Rapid. Immer. Überall.
Kitz3006 schrieb vor 46 Minuten:

Thanks for your words.

In Austria we are learning english in school so most of us are good in this lenguage. 

But your german is real good too. Just have to learn some Austrian german. :))

Stating we‘re all pretty good in English and then writing lenguage is quite funny :D 

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BuchiRapid schrieb vor 45 Minuten:

Stating we‘re all pretty good in English and then writing lenguage is quite funny :D 

Lies mal in einem Rangersforum, die bedienen sich da oft einer sehr phonetischen Schrift, hat er also wohl von ihnen. :davinci: 

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