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Der Kapitän bleibt an Bord... :happy::happy::happy:

Gerrard to sign four-year deal with Liverpool

Steven Gerrard has revealed he could sign a new four-year contract with Liverpool today, and promised Reds fans he will never put them through any more emotional turmoil.

For the second summer running Gerrard has performed a dramatic u-turn on his intention to leave Anfield, this time less than 24 hours after he told Reds chief executive Rick Parry his days at the club were over.

Claiming a complete misunderstanding of the club`s long-term plans, the 25-year-old insisted he never wanted to leave his hometown club and is happy to stay for as long as they want him.

"The last five or six weeks were the hardest of my life because I wrongly believed the club did not want me," Gerrard told the Liverpool Echo.

"I do not want to get into attaching blame to anyone. If I blame anyone it is myself.

"I wanted my future sorted out as soon as possible after

the Champions League final but the longer it went on the more misunderstandings there were.

"I will be signing a deal, maybe even today.

"This will not be happening again next summer or ever again as far as I`m concerned."

Gerrard dismissed reports of bust-ups with manager Rafael Benitez, who publicly stated on Monday he saw his captain as a future manager of the club.

Benitez had insisted he wanted Gerrard to stay, a view backed up by Parry, who nevertheless was pessimistic about the chances of keeping the player when he left Anfield late last night.

However, in a dramatic twist Gerrard informed Parry this morning he had changed his mind and he would be committing his future to Liverpool after all, snubbing an anticipated

#40million move to Chelsea.

Although Gerrard was not at Liverpool`s Melwood training ground this morning as Benitez put his squad through their paces ahead of next Wednesday`s Champions League qualifier with Total Network Solutions, the fans who congregated outside were broadly supportive of his decision.

There were however some whose distrust of Gerrard`s motives still lingered and were especially critical of the player`s agent Struan Marshall.

Marshall has been blamed by many for unsettling Gerrard but the 25-year-old insists he has been a major factor in his decision to stay.

"I must defend my agent Struan Marshall in this," he said.

"He has taken a lot of stick all along but he has never done anything I did not ask him.

"He`s well respected at Liverpool and has done deals for me and other players in the past.

"He has conducted himself in the right way.

"He`s a big factor in my decision to stay and has organised the contract."

It is thought Gerrard has been given the rest of the week off after the tumultuous events of the last 72 hours, although he is still expected to be in Benitez`s squad when they tackle TNS next week.

Parry revealed he had persuaded Gerrard that the club did not want to sell him in emotional phone calls late last night and early this morning.

He told Sky Sports News: "Stevie had decided to stay. The last few days have been so difficult for him and I apologise to Stevie if I misread his emotions. But, in the last 24 hours he has reflected on it and decided to stay and it`s what we wanted all along."

He added: "He realises how much the club means to him genuinely. It`s a little bit like last year but even more dramatic.

"Even when he said he was going, I don`t think the language he used suggested he really wanted to go. He never said `I want to go` it was `it`s been so difficult in the last few days I don`t think I can come back.` He never actually said `I want to go`.

"I guess after Istanbul I thought I knew where we were going but he clearly thought, for whatever reason, that the club wasn`t as enthusiastic about keeping him as we might have been. He was anxious.".

In the Liverpool skipper`s mind, the Reds were guilty of dragging their feet on negotiations to improve a contract which had two years to run and he began to feel that the club wanted him out of Anfield.

Parry said: "It was obviously praying on Steven`s mind. There were one or two issues about the contract which he took to be the club dragging its feet.

"We`ve had some emotional moments together over the last 24 hours and we`ve cleared all of that up....I don`t think it will happen again.

"It was two late-night phone calls and a few phone calls this morning. I think he just wants a couple of days to go away and clear his head now because it hasn`t been easy for him."

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@ Ianrush:

:support: 100% FC LIVERPOOL, 100% CAPTAIN STEVIE G. :yes:

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Chi se ne frega!
Sehr gute Nachricht! :happy:

Gerrard hätte Liverpool nicht adäquat ersetzen können.

den kann keiner ersetzen!......

gehört sicher zu den 5 besten Mittelfeldspielern überhaupt!

weitere nützliche Wechsel wären sicher Kuyt und ein guter Verteidiger! :)

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Walk like an Egyptian
weitere nützliche Wechsel wären sicher Kuyt und ein guter Verteidiger! :)

Dein Wort in Gottes Ohr... :raunz:

Wäre toll wenn wir Kuyt bekommen könnten, aber vermutlich holen wir Peter Crouch von den Saints, der mir eigentlich auch ganz gut gefällt...der gute Verteidiger könnte entweder Gabriel Milito oder Matt Upson heißen, wobei mir der Engländer natürlich lieber wäre... :yes:

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Walk like an Egyptian

Stevie und Carra bleiben weitere 4 Jahre beim FC Liverpool !!! :):clap:

Duo pen new Reds deals

by Paul Higham -  created on 8 Jul 2005



Carra & Stevie :love:  - Reds forever ??? :super:

LiverpoolSteven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher have both signed new four-year deals at Liverpool.

After a tumultuous week at Anfield, The Reds are to end it all with a double boost as their two stars of last season commit their long-term futures to the club.

Rafa Benitez has been busy bringing in new faces to the club, but his two home-grown stars will form the basis of his squad for years to come.

Gerrard's well-documented saga has finally ended on a high note for the European champions and the double boost will give the squad and the fans a huge lift.

Both the skipper and the defensive stalwart have penned new four-year deals that tie them to the club until 2009.

Reds chief executive Rick Parry has been at the heart of the contract negotiations, with many believing he had played a major role in keeping Gerrard at the club, and he was delighted with the news.

"We're delighted to have agreed the deals for both Steven and Jamie today," said Parry.

Carragher's future has never been in doubt and he has now set his sights on the only medal missing from both his and Gerrard's personal trophy cabinet - The Premiership crown.

"I'm absolutely delighted to have agreed this new contract," said Carragher.

"This is the best club in the world with the best fans, so I'm very proud to be a Liverpool player for the next four years and hopefully even longer.

"We've had some fantastic times recently and winning the Champions League was the biggest achievement of my career.

"Now we've done that, all of us have got that hunger to bring even more success to the club.

"Both Stevie and Didi mentioned in interviews recently how they have won every medal except one since 2001.

"I'm in the same situation. Now we're going to make winning the Premiership title our top priority.

"The manager has been working hard to strengthen the squad and he's as determined as anyone to make sure there's a big improvement in our league form.

"I'm sure we're going to go from strength to strength under Rafa Benitez and I'm delighted he sees me as an important player over the next four years. There's nowhere else I want to be."

:support: Tolle Nachrichten für alle Liverpool-Fans nach einer nervenaufreibenden, turbulenten Woche an der Anfield Road. Stevie Gerrard und Jamie Carragher - die beiden Liverpooler Jungs - bekennen sich zum engl. Rekordmeister und bleiben für weitere 4 Jahre den Reds-Fans erhalten. Beide Akteure sind und waren immens wichtig für Rafa Benitez' Neuaufbau der Mannschaft, spielten eine tragende Rolle im letzten Jahr. Gerrard war begehrt wie nie und widersagte schließlich allen Verlockungen und Abwerbungsversuchen d. Chelsea und Real Madrid, Carra wiederum hat immer wieder klar geäußert beim "besten Club und den besten Fans der Welt" eben an der Anfield Road bleiben zu wollen. Seine Bezüge wurden auf Grund der letztjährigen phantastischen Leistungen angehoben und daher war seine Unterschrift nur noch Formsache.

Coach Benitez wird es sehr freuen, daß 2 seiner Leistungsträger ihm während seiner gesamten Vertragsdauer weiterhin zur Verfügung stehen und er rund um die Liverpooler "local-heroes" sein neues Team aufbauen kann und mit den Jungs hoffentlich viele Erfolge, Titel und Trophäen einfahren kann. :yes:

bearbeitet von goleador2000

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Sissoko seals Anfield deal


Mohammed "Momo" Sissoko - _Mali_ - 20J. -zentrales od. offensives Mittelfeld

Liverpool have agreed to sign Mali midfielder Mohamed Sissoko from Valencia, subject to a medical.

The 20-year-old, born in France, had also been targeted by Merseyside rivals Everton and will cost the European champions £5million.

Sissoko is a powerful, attacking midfielder has spent two years in the Spanish league after joining from Auxerre's youth academy.

Manager Rafael Benitez said: "He's a young central midfielder who plays a high-energy game with a high tempo. He's young, he's not bad on the ball and he will improve the balance of our team.

"He's had two good years with Valencia where he has won trophies. I know him well and he's a very good player."

Benitez also admitted the Reds are waiting to hear whether they will be able to bring Real Madrid star Luis Figo to Anfield.

"At the moment all we can do is wait. We have some possibilities and Figo is one of them. We'll have to wait and see.

"I'm happy with the squad we have at the moment but we're still trying to bring in two or three more players."

Sissoko's arrival will bring an end to an eventful week for the Reds, who beat Wrexham 4-3 in a friendly on Saturday.

:support:Ich habe mich ein bißchen schlau gemacht über das afrikanische Juwel. Er spielt seit 2 Saisonen bei Valencia (hatte im ersten Jahr 21 Einsätze und im 2. Jahr 24) - er hatte auf seiner Position Leute wie Pablo Aimar und Francisco Rufete (offensives Mf) oder Ruben Baraja und David Albelda (zentral) vor sich, die bekanntlich keine schlechten sind...aus meiner Sicht wieder ein vielversprechender Spieler den sich Rafa geangelt hat - hoffentlich schlägt er besser ein als die beiden Senegalesen Diouf und Diao von denen wir uns alle nach den starken WM-Darbietungen 2002 viel mehr erhofft haben, als sie uns je gezeigt haben... :betrunken:

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fino alla fine

Glaube irgendwie nicht das Sissoko Liverpool weiterhelfen kann. Hätte eigentlich gedacht das Liverpool sich seinen Teamkollegen Aimar schnappen wird, doch damit besteht noch eine Chance das er zu Juventus wechseln könnte, was aber trotzdem noch sehr unrealistisch ist.

Liverpool hat genug solcher Spielertypen.

Dieser Mann hingegen würde den Reds sehr weiterhelfen, mMn jeder Mannschaft der Welt, weil er in der Abwehrkette einfach alles perfekt spielen kann.

Liverpool 'interested in Gallas' 


Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez is reported to be interested in signing Chelsea defender William Gallas.

Gallas, 27, may be keen to move to play in a more central role after playing much of last season at left-back.

"Liverpool and Barcelona both enquired but there is no offer and Chelsea don't want to sell," Gallas' agent Pierre Frelot told the News of the World.

Benitez also revealed he is trying to sign Real Madrid winger Luis Figo and Southampton striker Peter Crouch.

Liverpool have agreed personal terms with Figo but have been put off by Real's £2m asking price, having originally thought they would get him on a free transfer.

"All we can do is wait. We have possibilities and Figo and Crouch are two of them," said Benitez.

"I'm happy with the squad we have but I'm trying to bring in two or three players."

Real sporting director Arrigo Sacchi says they will not allow Figo to leave the club for nothing because he still has a year left on his contract.

"We have had no bids from Liverpool for him, so Luis will stay as he has a year more," said Sacchi.

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Walk like an Egyptian
Glaube irgendwie nicht das Sissoko Liverpool weiterhelfen kann. Hätte eigentlich gedacht das Liverpool sich seinen Teamkollegen Aimar schnappen wird, doch damit besteht noch eine Chance das er zu Juventus wechseln könnte, was aber trotzdem noch sehr unrealistisch ist.

Liverpool hat genug solcher Spielertypen.

Abwarten :) ...der junge Malier wird sicher eine Zeit lang benötigen um in der Premier League Fuß zu fassen, aber Benitez schätzt und bewundert das afrikanische Juwel seit Jahren und meint er könne sogar der "neue Vieira" werden :eek:

Hier ein interessantes Statement von Rafa zu Sissokos Qualitäten:

Rafa: Sissoko better than Vieira

Liverpool, Monday July 11 2005

Liverpool manager Rafa Benitez believes Mohamed Sissoko has the potential to become a better player than Patrick Vieira.

The Spaniard raided his former club Valencia last week to steal Sissoko from under the noses of Merseyside rivals Everton, who had looked poised to complete a deal for the 20-year-old.

Benitez knows all about Sissoko having brought the Mali international to the Mestalla from French outfit Auxerre two years ago.

And after monitoring the energetic midfielder's progress over the years Benitez has seen enough to predict a bright future for his prospective acquisition.

He told the club's official website: "Sissoko was a player that grew a lot with us and he's a fantastic boy.

"He was called the new Vieira a few years ago. He played many times when he was 18, 19 and I think he has the energy that we need in the middle.


"He has incredible ability for his age. He is 20, I saw Vieira when he was 18-years old and he was no better than Sissoko. Sissoko runs more than Vieira. In a couple of years he will be more dynamic than Vieira and a better player."

Hört sich nicht schlecht an und klingt sehr vielversprechend - ich vertraue auf jeden Fall auf das Auge für Talente unseres Managers - er hat, wie ich schon sehr oft sagte, bei seinen bisherigen Stationen bewiesen, daß er aus "no-names" Riesenkicker formen kann - z.B. holte er einen Vicente Rodriguez aus der Versenkung und formte ihn zum Weltklassespieler und auch Leute wie Albelda, Marchena, Curro Torres oder Angulo blühten unter ihm bei Valencia auf...- ich laß mich wie gesagt positiv von Sissoko überraschen und freue mich schon jetzt insgeheim, diesen jungen Mann im Liverpool-Trikot spielen zu sehen... :happy:


Seit Jahren (als er noch für OM kickte) schätze und bewundere ich den Franzosen und halte ihn wie Du für einen der besten Verteidiger im bezahlten Fußball - wie Du richtig sagst, kann er in der Viererkette jeder Part spielen und ist sehr zweikampf- u. kopfballstark. Er wird zwar einige Konkurrenz bei Chelsea haben (Innenverteidigung: Ricardo Carvalho & John Terry), links (Asier Del Horno und den wiedergenesenen Wayne Bridge) aber Mourinho wird ihn mit Sicherheit nicht ziehen lassen... :nein:

:support: Aber die Reds sind an einem anderen Mann dran, den ich liebend gerne an der Anfield Road sehen würde - ich habe nie verstanden, warum Arsenal ihn nicht aufgebaut od. als er verliehen wurde, zurückgeholt hat - was ein Touré od. Senderos kann, kann mMn auch ein Matt Upson...vielleicht können ihn ja von den Brums aus Birmingham loseisen... :yes:

Reds step up Upson chase


Matthew Upson _England_ - 26J - Innenverteidigung

Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez is reportedly set to launch a £5m move for Birmingham defender Matthew Upson as he seeks a long-term replacement for Sami Hyypia.

Benitez is busy reinforcing his squad ahead of the new season and has already brought in five new faces in recent weeks, while Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher have both signed new deals.

Mohamed Sissoko is on his way from Valencia but a defender is still high on Benitez's list for strengthening his squad.

Chelsea's Williams Gallas was linked with a move to Anfield on Sunday but long-term target Upson seems a more realistic option for the European champions.

The England international believes playing European football will enhance his World Cup chances, while he has turned down the chance to sign a new deal at St Andrews.

The 26-year-old still has three years left on his current contract and manager Steve Bruce is desperate to keep the former Arsenal defender.

"We want to build around our best players - and Matt knows what we think of him," said Bruce.

Birmingham chairman David Gold added: "Matt is an important player for us and he is staying here."

However a source close to the player told the Daily Mirror: "Matt had a great season but knows it will be tough to get into the England side unless he plays for a club involved in Europe."

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Super-Stevie zerlegt TNS im Alleingang :clap:


Das Hinspiel der 1. Runde der CL-Qualifikation war für die Reds wie erwartet eine klare Sache. Der Titelverteidiger gab sich zu Hause keine Blösse und der tapfer kämpfende walisische Vertreter TNS wurde klar mit 3:0 an der Anfield Road besiegt und Captain Stevie Gerrard war mit 3 Treffern der überragende Reds-Akteur auf dem Platz. Das Rückspiel dürfte nur noch Formsache sein...In der nächsten Runde wartet vermutlich Litauens Vertreter FBK Kaunas, das in Thorshavn mit 2:4 triumphierte... :betrunken:

CL-Qualifikation – 1. Runde – Hinspiel:


FC Liverpool – T.N.S. 3:0 (2:0)

FC Liverpool: Reina – Finnan, Carragher, Hyypia, Warnock (Zenden 64.) – Riise, Xabi Alonso, Gerrard, Potter (Cisse 76.) – Le Tallec, Morientes

Tore: Steven Gerrard (8.,21.,89.)

Anfield Road – 44760 – Joeri van der Velde (Holland)

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Crouch Makes £7m Liverpool Move

7/19/2005 5:43:00 PM


Peter Crouch (24) _England_ - Stürmer

Liverpool have had a £7m bid for striker Peter Crouch accepted by Southampton and the 24-year-old is expected to complete the move to Anfield tomorrow.

The 6ft 7in striker has been targeted by a host of Premiership clubs following the Saints relegation from the Premiership, but earlier bids of £6m and £6.5m were rejected.

The former Tottenham, Portsmouth and Aston Villa player will undergo a medical tomorrow before sealing the move to the Champions League winners.

Crouch made his England debut in May of this year after scoring 16 goals for Southampton last season.

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Pass And Move - It's The Liverpool Groove

Immerhin hat man jetzt einige Varianten im Sturm. Mit Cisse den wahrscheinlich schnellsten und mit Crouch den grössten Stürmer der Premier League und wenn man solch unterschiedliche Typen hat kann das in engen Partien durch einen Wechsel die Wende bringen wenn ma die Abwehr aus dem Trott bringt. 16 Tore in 24 Spielen sind natürlich auch eine nette Visitenkarte, obwohl er sich bei Villa nicht durchsetzen konnte. Benitez dürfte für ihn die Drogba Rolle eingeplant haben und wird sicher mit vielen Kopfballablagen auf die anderen Stürmer und Mittelfeldspielern rechnen.

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Ich bin sehr zuversichtlich für die neue Saison...tolle Neuverpflichtungen und kein Stammspieler verloren. Die Mannschaft wird auch eingespielter agieren. Alles ist möglich!! Steve Gerrard Fußballgott..!!

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FC Liverpool siegt mit 3:1 bei FBK Kaunas :clap:

Der Titelverteidiger mußte beim litauischen Meister einem 0:1 nachlaufen, doch binnen weniger Minuten stellten Cissé und Carragher eine 2:1 Pausenführung sicher. Stevie Gerrard verwandelte nach Seitenwechsel noch einen Penalty - sein bereits 6. Saisontor in einem Pflichtspiel :happy: - und Bolo Zenden sowie Djibril Cissé hätten das Score noch verbessern können - Peter Crouch und Momo Sissoko durften auch zum ersten Mal auf internationaler Bühne aufspielen und beide machten ihre Sache lt. Benitez sehr gut :) Mit diesem guten Ergebnis kann der FC Liverpool locker und sehr zuversichtlich ins Rückspiel gehen und sich bereits für die letzte Quali-Runde einspielen.

CL-Qualifikation - 2. Runde - Hinspiel


FBK Kaunas (Litauen) - FC Liverpool 1:3 (1:2)

FC Liverpool: Reina - Josemi, Carragher, Hyypiä, Riise - Potter (Luis Garcia 63.), Gerrard (Sissoko 60.), Xabi Alonso, Zenden - Cissé, Crouch (Morientes 74.)

1:0 Barevicius (21.), 1:1 Cissé (26.), 1:2 Carragher (29.), 1:3 Gerrard (54./Elfer)

SR: Knut Erik Fisker (Dänemark) - 8300 Zuseher

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