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By John Cross

A TOP Premiership player is being targeted by the drug-busters as the Football Association yesterday announced plans to introduce widespread testing.

Mirror Sport can reveal that FIFA's drug testing bodies have made the English FA and UK Sport aware of one of English football's biggest names having a very high level of red blood cells when he was tested while on international duty.

The FA drug testers - which are overseen by UK Sport - have since singled him out. He was tested three times last season and has already been dope tested again this season.

They were hoping regular testing would catch him if he was using performance enhancing drugs even though at the moment the FA do not routinely test for erythropoietin (EPO), although it is understood they do in special cases.

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has claimed that some players signed from foreign clubs have shown traces of potential EPO treatment.

Now the FA have revealed plans to carry out widespread testing for EPO, a drug often used in cycling to enhance endurance levels and also speed up recovery times after injury.

EPO drugs boost the number of red blood cells, enabling the blood to carry more oxygen and thus increase energy and performance levels.

There is a threshold for levels of blood cells and the player in question was close to being above the limit when given a blood test while playing for his country. FIFA's new crackdown on drugs means they have continued to monitor him.

No Premiership player has failed a test for EPO and, in fact, a high level of red blood cells can reflect extreme levels of fitness.

FIFA introduced blood testing before the last World Cup and as yet there has not been a positive test for EPO from any player even though Juventus have been involved in a long-running court case, accused of administering it to their squad between 1994 and 1998.

The FA have stepped up their testing procedures over the past two years - and have done so again this season in the wake of the Rio Ferdinand affair.

Ferdinand was banned for nine months after missing a drugs test.

World Anti-Doping Authority chief Dick Pound became personally involved in the case and told English football to clean up its act. He has insisted football is "blinkered" when it comes to drugs and has criticised the level of testing. The FA carried out 1,324 tests last season and the figure will rise to 1,600 this season.

Two players will be tested after every match, and international get-togethers and training grounds will also be targeted.

Four England players were tested this week. FIFA, the world governing body, is determined to be seen to be getting tougher on drugs in football.

The sport has already been threatened with expulsion from future Olympics unless it shows a willingness to sign up to the WADA drugs treaty.

The English FA currently uses only urine testing. But it now has the technology to test for EPO from the same sample, though UK Sport admit the extra cost has meant that they have not expanded the tests yet.


An FA spokesman yesterday said: "We will be testing for EPO in the near future. We will be conducting 1600 tests this season.

"The FA has always wanted to be leading the way in the fight against doping and if a particular issue comes to light we would want to be up there among the first to address it."

Those views would be welcome to Wenger, who said: "Some of our signings from abroad have had an abnormally high. red blood cell count. That does make you wonder. But there are clubs who dope their players without the players' knowledg


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Beruf: ASB-Poster

Als einige Spieler von anderen Vereinen zu uns gekommen sind, zeigten sie Symptome, die auf den Gebrauch von EPO hinwiesen. Die Anzahl ihrer roten Blutkörperchen war unnormal hoch. Da wundert man sich schon", erklärte der Franzose. Namen von Vereinen oder Spielern nannte er aber keine.


Das Thema interresiert mich schon länger cool das du einen Thread geöffnet hast. :super:

Es können nur Vereine sein woher Neuzugänge von Arsenal kommen.

bearbeitet von Spain

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Die FA reagiert

Der englische Fußballverband FA hat auf die Aussagen von Wenger mit der Ankündigung reagiert, noch in dieser Saison Tests auf EPO durchzuführen.

Zudem soll allgemein die Anzahl der Dopingproben erhöht werden. "In der vergangenen Saison haben wir 1250 Proben entnommen, in dieser Saison sollen es rund 1600 werden", erklärte ein Sprecher der FA.

Eins ist klar, bei Arsenal wird der Tests NEGATIV ausfallen :hammer::hammer:

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\o\ \o/ /o/

Aus dem Artikel: "Der Test soll bei einem Einsatz des Premier-League-Spielers für die Nationalmannschaft genommen worden sein."

Owen und Beckham kann man also ausschliessen und ich denke Ferdinand wird auch nicht nochmal so blöd sein...

Ich bin gespannt wann das aufgelöst wird, weil es interessiert mich brennend! :nervoes::???:

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Sometimes you have to roll a hard six.

is so ziemlich das selbe ... die beiden griechischen leichtatlethen verpassen auch eine doping probe nach der anderen!

hat schon seinen grund, warum solche versaeumnisse als vergehen gewertet werden. nach einem training in einen becher pinkeln ist ja nicht die weltaufgabe ...

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Silver Torah
hat schon seinen grund, warum solche versaeumnisse als vergehen gewertet werden. nach einem training in einen becher pinkeln ist ja nicht die weltaufgabe ...

Ferdinand wusste ja nichts von der Probe, er fuhr nach dem Training einfach gleich heim. Der Nachtest war dann negativ, also war er nie gedopt, weil so schnell verfliegen die Anzeichen ja nicht.

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Sometimes you have to roll a hard six.

so doping mittelchen koennen schneller aus dem harn/blut verschwinden als so mancher rausch :-)

aba nein ein ManU spieler ist ja _SICHER_ nicht gedopt! :p

ich denk es gibt relativ viele kleinere und groessere suender auch im fussball, ab einem gewissen niveau in sport, ist das anscheinend leider gang und gebe :(

der vorteil von fussball ist, dass man sich talent nicht erdopen kann ;)

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