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I have newly moved  to Vienna from Sweden, and my German is not that great. Therefore, I am posting this in English. I hope that it is okay. You might very well answer me in German (google translate is very handy for me!), but I will most likely stick to English for the foreseeable future.

I do not know if this is allowed to ask (if it is not, I am terribly sorry!), but I am looking for someone that is a member of Austria Wien, who are willing to purchase the three ticket deal for the Europa League group stage in my name. If this is possible, please send me a private message, and we will take it from there. 

Once again, if the above request is prohibited, I am deeply sorry, and I will delete/edit this post if it is possible.


The Viking from Sweden

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der Wikinger schrieb vor 6 Minuten:


I have newly moved  to Vienna from Sweden, and my German is not that great. Therefore, I am posting this in English. I hope that it is okay. You might very well answer me in German (google translate is very handy for me!), but I will most likely stick to English for the foreseeable future.

I do not know if this is allowed to ask (if it is not, I am terribly sorry!), but I am looking for someone that is a member of Austria Wien, who are willing to purchase the three ticket deal for the Europa League group stage in my name. If this is possible, please send me a private message, and we will take it from there. 

Once again, if the above request is prohibited, I am deeply sorry, and I will delete/edit this post if it is possible.


The Viking from Sweden

You can buy the 3 tickets on Tuesday by yourself. It will not be sold out until Monday.

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Im ASB-Olymp
der Wikinger schrieb vor 8 Minuten:


I have newly moved  to Vienna from Sweden, and my German is not that great. Therefore, I am posting this in English. I hope that it is okay. You might very well answer me in German (google translate is very handy for me!), but I will most likely stick to English for the foreseeable future.

I do not know if this is allowed to ask (if it is not, I am terribly sorry!), but I am looking for someone that is a member of Austria Wien, who are willing to purchase the three ticket deal for the Europa League group stage in my name. If this is possible, please send me a private message, and we will take it from there. 

Once again, if the above request is prohibited, I am deeply sorry, and I will delete/edit this post if it is possible.


The Viking from Sweden

Hi Viking!

Right now there is only presales. Just wait until the official sale starts and you can purchase a ticket online and in the Fanshop without any problem ;)

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Lewis schrieb vor 4 Minuten:

You can buy the 3 tickets on Tuesday by yourself. It will not be sold out until Monday.

Groovee schrieb vor 2 Minuten:

Hi Viking!

Right now there is only presales. Just wait until the official sale starts and you can purchase a ticket online and in the Fanshop without any problem ;)


Is that so? 

I thought that, since members were allowed to stockpile 10 tickets per person (I read that on the Austria Wien homepage, if I am not mistaken), that there might be a serious possibility that the tickets would be sold out.

But you do insist that there will be tickets left come Tuesday? If you are sure about your statement, I will stick to it.

Thank you for clarifying this to me!

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der Wikinger schrieb vor 3 Minuten:


Is that so? 

I thought that, since members were allowed to stockpile 10 tickets per person (I read that on the Austria Wien homepage, if I am not mistaken), that there might be a serious possibility that the tickets would be sold out.

But you do insist that there will be tickets left come Tuesday? If you are sure about your statement, I will stick to it.

Thank you for clarifying this to me!

Personally I am sure you can buy tickets on Tuesday without problems. I think there will be sellable tickets as well on the matchdays.

bearbeitet von Lewis

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Lewis schrieb Gerade eben:

Personally I am sure sou can buy tickets on Tuesday without problems. I think there will be sellable tickets as well on the matchdays.

Oh, I see!

I am very grateful for your answer, and I will not spam this thread anymore. However, you might come across some posts from me in other threads in this forum. ;)


The Swede

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Is that so? 

I thought that, since members were allowed to stockpile 10 tickets per person (I read that on the Austria Wien homepage, if I am not mistaken), that there might be a serious possibility that the tickets would be sold out.

But you do insist that there will be tickets left come Tuesday? If you are sure about your statement, I will stick to it.

Thank you for clarifying this to me!

Sold Out? Austria Vienna? [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]

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der Wikinger schrieb vor 1 Stunde:

Oh, I see!

I am very grateful for your answer, and I will not spam this thread anymore. However, you might come across some posts from me in other threads in this forum. ;)


The Swede

I'm sure you'll also get the "three tickets deal" when the presale is over. Last year we also played in the Europa League and we sold about 12 000 "three tickets deals". This season I think we'll sell about 18 000, because the group is more attractive. And just for information: The Ernst-Happel-Stadium's capacity is 50 000 :D

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