Real Madrid wird spanischer Meister

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Gratulation an Real!

Real war zwar vielleicht nicht unbedingt das bessere Team in dieser Saison, aber die unglaubliche Moral, die man in einigen verzwickten Partien an den Tag gelegt hat war einfach beeindruckend. 

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lamasia schrieb vor 37 Minuten:

Gratulation an Real!

Real war zwar vielleicht nicht unbedingt das bessere Team in dieser Saison, aber die unglaubliche Moral, die man in einigen verzwickten Partien an den Tag gelegt hat war einfach beeindruckend. 

Ich denke, dass Real Madrid diese Saison das bei weitem beste Team in Spanien war. Euer Mittelfeld kann mittlerweile nicht mehr mithalten. Da dürfte sich im Sommer bei euch eh was tun. ;)




bearbeitet von rahzel

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"It feels really good, it has taken it out of us and it has been fought for, it is the prize for consistency, to go all year basically without losing, this group deserves to win LaLiga," Ramos told reporters after the game. 

"Consistency is key and to play every game as if it was our last, with concentration and intensity, we have maintained our composure when we needed to, we have taken points, it is very deserved despite having had to decide it at the end."

"It has the same value [despite Barcelona pushing until the end], it is the best league in the world and the most complicated, Sevilla had been good until the end, Atletico too, we have been the best," he added.

"There are always doubts when such strong rivals are pushing you, we have maintained our personality and carried on working in the way that has given us success. 

"There is time for everything, but now to enjoy it with the fans that are at Cibeles."

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