Interessanter Brief aus Uganda


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Oida Foda

Meine Mutter (Psychologin aus Wien) hat heute einen Brief aus Kampala, Uganda bekommen. Ich schreib ihn mal schnell ab... :feier:

Dear Dr. -----,

I greet you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ. How are you and all the people around your place. I love all of them so much as our lord commanded us to do to our neighbours.

My name is as above a student of 16 years old at St. Kizito Minor Seminary School in Class two this year.

Both of my parents died way back ago and for all of these years have been in the hands of sister Christine Achola of phade convent sisters who had been paying for all of my school bills plus every thing used in our daily life ever since I lost my parents.

Unfortunately she also passed away last year. May god rest her soul in the enternal peace of life.

Since her death occured have experienced a very hard situation in my life, mostly on the side of my studies.

At the moment I cannot afford to pay for my school fees and no body else to assist me as a good samaritian theough this big problem of school fees. Yet am so much interested ub schooling to fulfil my goals.

Therefore have written this letter to kindly request you to avail me with an wquivalent to € 426 euros per term to enable me continue and complete my studies. Then after I will be able to join the main seminary for Priest hood formation to serve the lord for the rest of my future as my dreams are.

I have attached a copy of my previous report torn to this letter for you to see my performance in the class.

Let us keep each other in prayers and may the lord grant us peace and contentment in our earthy Journeys.

I remain yours in Christ, Denis Kigula.

:feier: alle Rechtschreib- oder Grammatikfehler sind übrigens direkt übernommen, der ganze Brief ist in schöner Mädchenhandschrift verfasst und sein Zeugnis liegt auch da. Alles schön und gut, nur die Adresse ist genau richtig und wieder in fein säuberlicher Mädchenschrift geschrieben, interessant ist aber, dass die Adresse meiner Mutter nirgendwo steht, weder Telefonbuch noch sonst irgendwo im Internet :ratlos: Der Poststempel ist allerdings wirklich vom 10.3. aus Kampala.

Was sagt das allwissende ASB...? :v:

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Kennt das ASB in und auswendig

Zurückschreiben und selbst Geld verlangen.

aber gleich als Mahnschreiben

wieso schreiben sie es nicht auf deutsch? so fallen doch keine gutmütigen pensionisten darauf rein.

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