Liverpool FC - "You'll never walk alone...!!!

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Danilo Kunhar schrieb vor einer Stunde:

Klopp ist jetzt auf Instagram. Fast jetzt schon 1 mio Follower nach ein paar Stunden.

Ich scheiß mich irgendwie vor morgen an

Das ist das erste Mal in meinem Leben, dass ich wirklich knapp davor bin mich zu registrieren auf dem Bledsinn :D


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Auf zum letzten Gefecht! Ich hab einfach keine Worte, es waren überragende Jahre...

Robbo statt Gomez und Jota wieder auf der Bank, das war's mit den Team News :)


Liverpool: Alisson, Endo, Van Dijk, Diaz, Mac Allister, Salah, Gakpo, Elliott, Robertson, Alexander-Arnold, Quansah.

Subs: Kelleher, Gomez, Konate, Szoboszlai, Nunez, Jones, Jota, Gravenberch, Bradley.

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Walk like an Egyptian
🗣️ Jurgen Klopp: "The way people in England see it, you have to either love Liverpool or hate Liverpool. Obviously it was very easy for me to fall in love with the club and the people. It is a super-special story. Could it have been more successful? Yes. With me? I don’t know. We did absolutely everything. I am very self-critical but I do not reflect on this in a critical way. I am super happy with my time here. If you do not like it, who cares? It is really like that. We had really good times with super football moments, real development, tough moments, overcoming all of them. I look back with a smile." ❤️
From doubtes to believers 😍
Thank you, Jürgen Klopp - You'll never walk alone !!! :clap:

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Walk like an Egyptian

He made the people happy ! :love::love::love:

So this is it, then. After 490 matches, 304 wins, 1,033 goals and eight trophies, Jurgen Klopp takes charge of Liverpool for the final time today when Wolves visit Anfield.
When he promised to turn 'doubters into believers', he meant it. There was heartbreak along the way, but it was worth it for the joy of those big wins. The Champions League triumph in 2019. Premier League glory a year later. Those unforgettable nights against Dortmund, Barcelona, Manchester United and more. Alisson's header against West Brom. Origi's iconic derby winner.
An entire generation of Liverpool supporters have never known times like these. If we ever again have another manager who'll inspire the same feelings of euphoria and belonging as Jurgen Klopp has done, we'll be extraordinarily lucky.
Thank you for the best of times, Jurgen. YNWA :winke:


bearbeitet von goleador2000

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Für mich war einzigartig und unglaublich wie er es in seiner Rede schaffte, die Stimmung von einer traurigen in eine absolut positive mit Vorfreude auf alles was danach kommt Stimmung zu transformieren. Absoluter Top Moment als er Arne Slot anstimmte, ich mein ganz normal ist der Jürgen ja wirklich nicht, das hätte in der Situation wirklich kein anderer Mensch (nicht Manager) gemacht :heart:


bearbeitet von Danilo Kunhar

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