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Wie kommst du von meiner Aussage zu diesem Statement? :ratlos:

Er wollte dir damit sagen das keita kein reiner dm ist, womit er auch völlig recht hat. Er ist im mittelfeld universell einsetzbar.Das gleiche gilt auch für sergio, der sowohl defensiv wie auch offensiv agieren kann..

Wie Cule schon gesagt hat, verdammt gutes spiel gestern...Den rest im copa..

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Chi se ne frega!

Er wollte dir damit sagen das keita kein reiner dm ist, womit er auch völlig recht hat. Er ist im mittelfeld universell einsetzbar.Das gleiche gilt auch für sergio, der sowohl defensiv wie auch offensiv agieren kann..

Aso, naja gut, nichts desto trotz würde ich, sofern ich mich zwischen Yaya und Keita entscheiden müsste, immer für den Ersteren entscheiden...

Yaya ist btw: auch universell einsetzbar, hat ja bei Monaco nicht immer nur den Staubsauger gegeben...

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Aso, naja gut, nichts desto trotz würde ich, sofern ich mich zwischen Yaya und Keita entscheiden müsste, immer für den Ersteren entscheiden...

Yaya ist btw: auch universell einsetzbar, hat ja bei Monaco nicht immer nur den Staubsauger gegeben...

so werden aus 2 (3) DM plötzlich 2 (3) universell einsetzbare mittelfeldspieler. hauptsache wieder gscheit gwesen...

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Chi se ne frega!

Nenn sie wie du willst, ich rechne alle nicht OMs oder Flügel generell unter DM, mancher nennt die halt ZM oder anders, was im Endeffekt auch vollkommen egal ist. Worauf ich hinauswollte mit meiner Aussage war, dass ich Yaya Touré nicht abgeben wollte. Punkt. Mehr nicht!...

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Keita ist gut. Was mich bei ihm aber noch n bischen enttäuscht hat diese Saison ist sein Schuss. Torgefährlich ist er ja, aber die Schüsse klappen noch nicht so wie in Sevilla. Für mich aber ein guter Einkauf vorallem für die Kompaktheit im Mittelfeld. Ist auch so n extrem guter Typ. Über Yaya braucht man garnicht zu diskutieren. In Topform ist er Weltklasse......

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Jaja ist die Rolle einfach auf den leib geschnitten, ist nunmal so.Er hat die statur, die einstellung, die charakterzüge, das hirn...einfach alles.Er ist in topform mit sicherheit der, der einem viera bei arsenal damals in dessen besten zeiten am nächsten kommt. Und zwar europa bzw. weltweit. Mmn der perfekte dm.

Keita ist ganz ein anderer typ, einiges offensiver ( zumindest bei uns) und hat auch andere qualitäten, er verfügt über einen extremen und hammerharten

schuss .Ich habe da schon ein paar granatentore von ihm gesehen.

Busquets ähnelt da toure schon mehr, wobei ich finde auch er hat doch differenzierte qualitäten...Ich würde sie so aufteilen..

Toure - Ballgewinner im mf

Sergio - Macht lücken zu und die räume eng

Keita - Einer der lange wege geht, überall auf dem platz zu finden ist, und auch mal per schuss den abschluss sucht

Das ist meine auffassung von den 3en, drum will pep auch auf keinen von denen verzichten.

bearbeitet von Rijkaard

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¿Por Qué?

Und weils da im weitesten Sinne um die Aufteilung im Mittelfeld geht, das Thema sowieso spätestens im Sommer wieder auftauchen wird und ich dem, vollkommen verrückten :D , Ramzi hier fast vollständig zustimme, post ich hier seinen neuesten Erguss aus dem fcb transfer Blog.

Do we buy? Fabregas!

In the previous two parts we discussed the needs of the club in the back, to strengthen the goalkeeper position and the defense.

In brief, what I recommended was to buy new young Goalkeeper as a back up, and either a player who can play both as a left back and a right back (Maicon standard), or a player who can play on the left flank as a left fullback and as a left wing so he gets enough time to play without making our defense more crowded with players than needed. All that incase we managed to have enough space in our squad, loaning or selling some players.The comments there offered some other opinions and it’s all noted and appreciated.

Now, after some delay, since last year, I move to the midfield wondering, do we buy?

For a change and instead of listing names I will reserve most of the space to discuss the hottest transfer prospect – fulfilling a promise I made before- Cesc Fabregas.

Why to buy him?

I will keep this part for those who recommend buying the guy to give good reasons to buy a talented player like Cesc. Beside, he plays in the premiership, where Beckham was promoted to the world once as the best football player, and now Rooney is labeled as the best striker. It will take less effort to promote a much more talented player like Cesc then; they have done so describing his potentials sometimes reasonably and sometimes not. So instead of echoing that, I will take a less popular role – nothing new about that, right?- I will mention why I think we need to think twice before showing the green light and money.

Why NOT?

I don’t think anyone can argue the player’s talent, he is one of the best in his position, but till someone tell what he can add to the squad that we don’t already have, I see no reason to break the bank buying him, so the right question to ask in my opinion, what will he add?


He is a good ball distributer, but lets make it clear, he is not a Xavi, neither a Xavi heir by any mean, Fabri has the passing skills of a typical Masia graduate (something like MIT graduates in IT), some countries are known in football by their dribbling skills, others by their tactical discipline, and so on…Spain is well known by ball distribution skills in football, Catalans are an upgraded version of that, so Fabri is a “Masia” brand, while Xavi is a “Masia++” the closest to that Quality is Iniesta, call his model as “Masia+” if you like. So we already have Xavi successor, or at least one of them, because till Xavi retire, God knows how many Xavis that academy will pump in the first team veins.

Tactical structure:

There is no way we switch our structure to 4-1-3-2 shrinking our offense fluidity and divorcing our life time tactical structure (4-3-3) just to satisfy a player-any player. We are doing really good with the current structure in midfield (a beast, a horse and a maestro), the formula is clicking perfectly with a defensive midfielder to create a solid platform to break down counters defensively, and making the offense feel secured to push forward with no worries, then you have the magician –Xavi orchestrating the game, while the horse play a Box-to-box role serving everyone and handling special tactical commands for pep, do we really need to change something that works that good? Because Cesc is definitely not a Defensive midfielder, and will no way take Xavi role, beside he is a star so…don’t expect him to accept being the horse after he got used to be treated as a master.


I thought of more detailed stat, and it’s available, but to make things straight forward, Cesc in his best season –last season- scored seven goals in 32 games in the premiership, this season Our third midfielder Combination scored six goals till now. Now comparing to the scoring rate variation of players moving from the premiership to La Liga (Owen, Bekham, Henry….), and for the players moving in the opposite way like Torres, you can get a more realistic comparison, Keeping in mind that aside that great season, Cesc in his other six seasons scored eight goals all together.

But what’s more important than numbers is the fact that you can barely expect that Cesc will penetrate to Villarreal Box heading the ball to score a goal, Keita Style. And that kind of goals-by head- is crucial for us against a team with two rows or defenders.

Galacticos’ curse:

It always worries me to have lot of Giorgio Armani ties, Marc Jacobs Eyeglasses and Florsheim or Forzieri shoes in the midfield. Historically that fashion show is always an event to hail at the beginning of the season, and curse at the end. In midfield of three, one artist is more than enough while the others need to be addicted to eat mud and sweat till they smell! Not a nice saying? As lot of facts in life!

I don’t want to live that Deco thought anymore “Why the hell do I have to sweat earning back the ball, only to serve it to Roni?!” And guys I hate that you get as disappointed by the requested Fantastic three as you had been with the fantastic four…

Sending the right/wrong message to the future:

It has always been a concern, how to protect our youth academy from piracy? Lot of ideas were thrown into the hat and pulled out of it, aside of the pathetic new regulations lately made by UEFA which will make things worse I my opinion.

Our best shot is to promote the right message for our young players, leading by evidence and creating A Creed with the Techniques of Persuasion. The core of that Collective common outlook must give a clear answer for that inevitable question:

Where will a young player have a better opportunity to shine, with Barcelona or outside?

Message one:

Who is having a better opportunity?

Daniel Pacheco at Liverpool or Pedro/Bojan at Barcelona?

Fran Mérida at Arsenal or Busquets at Barcelona?

And while Iniesta is already hunting for titles with Barcelona Cesc is dispirit to earn his “new” team a place in premiership to qualify to the CL next season, and again where did pique get a better chance? with Barcelona or Man UTD?

We don’t need lot of commonsense to find the right answer when we avoid getting drifted by nonsense propaganda, but we need to pass that to our youth and encourage them to read facts rather than base their opinion on uncertain predictions. This cant be done if we buy Cesc, because then we will be sending the second message:

Message Two:

You, Thiago Alcántara and co! Instead of waiting at anonymous Barcelona Athletic an opportunity to be promoted to the first squad – something that may not happen at all- why don’t you take the first opportunity to move abroad and show your worth, if it clicked for you that’s perfect, if not, Barcelona will always have a 50 millions to spend getting you back, because being La Masia child means you will always be welcomed here with open arms.

The decision to buy or not to buy Cesc will automatically generate one of the two messages mentioned above.

Iniesta is lovable, Right Cesc?

This is a reasonable concern to rise, it seems like Iniesta has always been in Cesc path to get a better opportunity, with Barcelona and even on international level. Some people see competition as a motivation for continuous improving, but the majority have a more fragile ego, that when scratched it never heal, what kind of winners are you Cesc?

I am not so optimistic especially considering the fact that if Cesc join Barcelona, Iniesta will seal his place on the left wing. Pep had a very stressful time yelling at Iniesta – the wing- not to think as Iniesta the midfielder anymore “Andres! Don’t give a damn shit about how the team will earn back a lost ball on the edge of our box! Drop to the midfield but not deeper because you will squeeze us back this way and will make it more difficult and slower to move the earned ball forward!” The team-dedicated Iniesta needed time to accept not barking after the ball all over the field to win it back from the opponent as he used to do when he play as a midfielder, he just feel crazy when his team lose the ball and he gets obsessed to win it back. Now he understood that it’s better for the team to listen more to pep, and because the team is a priority for him he did so and he noticed that, following pep instructions, he actually became more effective when he receive the ball wide and make a run forward.

When pep demanded that, he knew he already have Yaya/Keita/Busq/Gudi/hleb behind and around Xavi to drop deeper. Yaya love doing that job, Busq will do anything to play, Gudi and keita enjoy serving the team anonymously, Hleb don’t even care how far his effort will be recognized as long as he will exchange jokes in the dressing room with pique, Cesc? Do you think Cesc “Prestige” will accept that? Especially that, he will play in that Bleak house, cursed role, doomed position, the third midfielder, where he is neither the ball distributor nor the opponent crusher. There, he will be the one who serve the team anonymously, as it is happening for Keita and Gudi so far. He runs and Iniesta get the praise –deservedly. I am not sure he will take that one nicely, what do you think?

Cost - benefit analysis:

It’s no less than “50 Millions” man! Now if we sign him I don’t think he will be a flop, but that’s not what makes the decision smart. He is a successful transfer only if he offers what worth the “50 Million”, boosting the team potentials to another level, if he will add as much as a successful 20 Million buy can offer then he is not a smart buy on the Cost/Benefit analysis, it will sound like saying Microsoft is a smart investment as long as it earn more than one dollar net profit. We already have players for that position who are scoring, defending, serving the team and increasing overall work rate even though they are not even in their best yet, taking the adaptation period in consideration, not satisfied? Then what about this: We have a string of young midfielders waiting for a chance in Barcelona Athletic, we have a string of left wing players there also which eventually may move Iniesta back to midfield, we have Busquets whom I expect to become much better than Cesc in two years from now at most, if he keep improving as I notice at the moment, and we have a “Crosas” in Scotland where he is hailed in the stadium “Crosas better than Cesc” they may not be serious at the moment but within two years who know?

Beside, there will be always cheaper and smarter targets, Hamsik for example is a difficult target but for 30 million Napoli will deliver it to your home, Yoann Gourcuff is a talented risky option –not as risky as the 50 million buy for me, Hernanes was elected as the most complete midfielder in Brazil recently, now is that only another promotion trick or he is really better than what we had seen in the Olympics, something I don’t know. I also prefer an Essien type of midfielders if buying a midfielder is a must.

Conclusion: Are we going to buy?

It’s not confirmed but it’s easy to believe that Laporta is seeking a big signing to end his reign in style, and it seems to be someone between Cesc and Kun. While Kun may seems to be a more attractive target for the majority of Barcelona fans at the moment, Laporta is aware that this will not be the case if Cesc end up signing for Real Madrid – and I believe this is the major factor that drive Barcelona fans crazy to sign the guy. If it happened and Cesc wore that colorless T-shirt, Laporta could be doomed for ever, while Kun transfer to the other side of the city seems to be more complicated. Laporta then has to be more aware of what Real Madrid does and plan his moves based on that – partially.

Laporta has a political future to think about, so I think there is a big possibility that Laporta will end up signing the guy, seeking guaranteed popularity, unlike me

bearbeitet von Jordi

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Hehe, arge Artikel immer vom Ramzi, der ist ja bzgl. Länge und Umfang ( :D ) noch mickrig ausgefallen.

Ich denke, Cesc wird wohl in ein paar Jahren (1-2 Jahre bevor sein Vertrag ausläuft) zurückkommen, allerdings nur, wenn sich die Ablösesumme in Grenzen hält.

Für 50 Mio.? No way... zu viele Köche verderben den Brei, Xavi kann auf der Position und seiner Spielauslage noch locker mind. 4 Jahre auf diesem Niveau kicken und nachdem Lucho Thiago nun (endlich) vermehrt im B-Team einsetzt sind meine Hoffnungen bzgl. des Jungen auch wieder in die Höhe geschnellt :)

Iniesta wird auf Dauer wohl auch wieder im MF anzufinden sein, Hleb wird dort auch zu seinen Einsätzen kommen.

Wenn ich so auf den Kader sehe, sind die einzigen Position, an denen nachgebessert werden könnte, LV, RV (Backups), LA und evt. ein Joker (ST) für Bunkerteams.

Nach der gestrigen Partie kann man allerdings keineswegs davon sprechen, dass der Kader in der Breite qualitativ unterbesetzt ist ( 8P ).

Daher: Geld sparen und auf die Youngsters achten, v.a. auf dieser Position. Falls ein Mann geht, muss nachgebessert werden (Hernanes wäre noch immer eine gute Wahl), ansonsten sehe ich im MF derzeit keinen Platz.

bearbeitet von Jorly

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- Gaby Milito wird in den nächsten Stunden/Tagen von Argentinien nach Barcelona reisen, um dort seine Reha fortzusetzen. Derzeit sieht es nicht sonderlich gut aus, die Verletzung zieht sich dahin und Gaby ist noch immer nicht fähig, mit dem Ball zu trainieren.

Sollte die Erholung in diesem Tempo voranschreiten, wird wohl frühestens März/April mit ihm zu rechnen sein:

:( Mittlerweile trau ich mich auch nicht mehr auszuschließen, dass er heuer (oder gar in blaugrana) nicht mehr zum Einsatz kommt... :x

- EMD und Sport haben heute einen Artikel des "Daily Star" aufgefasst und berichtet, dass man im Sommer 09 versuchen wird, Cesc und van Persie für zusammen ~ 50 Mio. verpflichten will.

- Sergi Busquets, selbst wahrlich kein Kind von Traurigkeit, hat in 18 Spielen 17 Karten (darunter eine gelb-Rote und eine direkte Rote) provoziert! :eek:

bearbeitet von Jorly

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Also Cesc holen, ja; aber van Persie,....nein! Aber bis Sommer werden die Meldungen, wer gekauft wird oder soll sich sowieso ständig ändern. Van Persie hab ich mittlerweile einige Male gesehen und mich hat er nicht überzeugt, sogar gegen Chelsea (wo er 2mal getroffen hat) nicht.

Für Gaby wird es langsam echt ärgerlich, ich hoffe trotzdem, dass er es noch einmal schafft und für Barca auflaufen kann, aber im Moment schaut es nicht wirklich rosig aus...

bearbeitet von Klaus99

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