Trickbetrüger bei Autoverkauf


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Hab das Auto von meinem Vater vor einiger Zeit auf diversen Internetplattformen zum Verkauf angeboten (u.a. auch hier ;)).

Vor kurzem hat sich ein Kaufinteressent namens Larry Holmes gemeldet (Mail: [email protected] ).

War schon nach seinem ersten Mail mißtrauisch (gab vor, Engländer zu sein und hat sich eine tolle Geschichte ausgedacht, warum er in Österreich ein Auto kaufen wolle), das zweite hat ihn dann endgültig als Scammer entlarvt (UK-Mailadresse, aber laut Mailheader aus Mozambique gesendet).

Die Masche ist folgende: Auto wird mit einem Scheck bezhalt, er bezahlt zu viel, den überzähligen Betrag soll man per Western Union rücküberweisen. Scheck platzt, überzähliges Geld ist weg - und wenn Mittelsmänner es mittlerweile abgeholt haben, das Auto ebenfalls.

Leider gibt es genügend Leute, die darauf reinfallen und eine Menge Geld verlieren...

Dieser Scammer hat sich auf jeden Fall richtig Mühe gegeben mit einer durchaus plausiblen Geschichte (siehe Mail 2) - außerdem einen Namen gewählt, der bei Google jede Menge Hits hat und somit nicht gleich mit einem Scammer in Verbindung gebracht wird.

Mail 1:

My name is Mr Larry Holmes.I saw your advert for sale,i will like to

know the present condition and price.I expect your response Asap.

I will be glad if you will get back to me as soon as possible with

the engine informations. I would like to know the following:

(1) How many times has the cars been re-painted?

(2) Hope the oil is changed.

(3) Hope the title papers are ready.

{4}Your last price.

The Car is for my Doughter's wedding gift.She is based in italy so

thats where the car will be going.If an additional picture are

included that will be wonderful.

Have a wonderful day,

Mr Larry Holmes.


Mail 2:

Thanks for the quick reply,i am happy it is still available for sale, the price is ok.Reserve it for me and take off the advert from the internet because i am making payment arrangement immediately.I am making the purchase for my daughter as a special wedding gift because she love wonderful gifts.she is getting married in Italy soon.

Due to distance barrier and my tight schedule / program ms and to avoid additional cost,is not advisable to come physical to text it before payment,but i am ok with the details on the advert and i am paying for it as described and i accept that you sell it to me at no warrantee or Guarantee.

I am presently on a program to improve my business popularity,i am planing to rerelocate to Norway to set up a private clinic sometime next month.

I will instruct my bank to send you a bank cheque for the payment, this money is for your payment.I'll arrangement for the shipping personaly,i'll contact a shipping company i know every well in italy to come for the pick up when then everything is ok .The cheque my Bank will send you is a certified covered cheque which can be exchanged, confirmed and cashed in any post office, bank or finance institute in Austria,Germany and any country in Europe in 3 days.

All you have to do when you get the cheque is to take it to your bank or any finance institute for cashing and exchange, as soon as the money is credited on your account, deduct your payment which is {7300euros}

i will provide you with all details and instructions of my shipping company..

The shipping company will sign on my behalf as my representative,any collect all document including change of ownership he will transport it alongside my other medical iterms i already purchase. i will provide you with all required details and instructions when you receive the money and have deducted your payment. i do hope i can trust you with this transaction,i would have done this myself but i am trying to put up my private clinic presently.

NOTE : 50 euro in addition will be included to cash the cheque and to pay for the bank exchange charges and cheque cashing fees if required.

please reply as soon as possible so that i can instruct my Bank to issue out the payment immediately.

Send me the name of the beneficiary that should be on the cheque and your complete home address where to send the payment in the following order :




Zip Code:


Once i receive a response my Lawyer can prepare a sale contract between us for this transaction and my contact details will also be included.

I am counting on your understanding and trust to make this transaction a success because i really want a surprise gift for my daughter..

Have a wonderful day,

Mr Larry Holmes.


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Postet viiiel zu viel

Passt irgendwie dazu, kennt wer den dreisten Erbschaftsschmäh? Da schickt einer aus RSA ein Email mit der Nachricht, eine Erbschaft gemacht zu haben - man muss nur einen Geldbetrag überweisen, dann kann das Erbe angetreten werden. Ich frag mich wirklich, wer auf so etwas reinfallt...

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Bitte gehen Sie weiter, es gibt hier nichts zu sehen.

Nein, ich bin nicht drauf reingefallen ;)

Das schlechte Englisch im ersten Mail hat mich zwar mißtrauisch gemacht, aber es gibt ja auch genügend Österreicher, die ihrer Heimatsprache nicht 100%ig mächtig sind. Hab deshalb geantwortet, um zu sehen wie das läuft.

Eine kurze www-Recherche hat ergeben, daß die Scammer damit immer wieder Erfolg haben.

Meines Wissens kann man den Scheck einlösen, bekommt das Geld auf sein Konto - aber wenn sich der Scheck einige Tage später als ungedeckt rausstellt, bucht die Bank das Geld wieder ab. Das per Western Union rücküberwiesene Geld sieht man natürlich nie wieder.

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Auch ein umtriebiger Autoverkäufer: Pascal Galley.

Er hat auf verschiedenen Autobörsen Gebrauchtwagen drin, wenn man ihm schreibt kommt am nächsten Tag eine unpersönliche Mail ("Dear Client...") mit einer rührseligen Geschichte von wegen Bruder verstorben, dem er den Wagen geschenkt hat, etc... und das bei drei verschiedenen Autos :hää?deppat?:

Gefolgt von der Anweisung, das Geld von meiner Frau (keine Ahnung warum er glaubt ich sei verheiratet) auf meinen Namen bei Western Union überweisen zu lassen

Dass da wirklich jemand drauf reinfliegt kann ich mir zwar nicht vorstellen aber bitte...

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...personifizierte Torgefahr...

Schau ein alter Bekannter:

Teil I:

My name is Mr Larry Holmes.I saw your advert for sale,i will like to

know the present condition and price.I expect your response Asap.

I will be glad if you will get back to me as soon as possible with

the engine informations. I would like to know the following:

(1) How many times has the cars been re-painted?

(2) Hope the oil is changed.

(3) Hope the title papers are ready.

{4}Your last price.

The Car is for my Doughter's wedding gift.She is based in italy so

thats where the car will be going.If an additional picture are

included that will be wonderful.

Have a wonderful day,

Mr Larry Holmes.


Teil II:

Thanks for the quick reply,i am happy it is still available for sale, the price is ok.Reserve it for me and take off the advert from the internet because i am making payment arrangement immediately.I am making the purchase for my daughter as a special wedding gift because she love wonderful gifts.she is getting married in Italy soon.

Due to distance barrier and my tight schedule / program ms and to avoid additional cost,is not advisable to come physical to text it before payment,but i am ok with the details on the advert and i am paying for it as described and i accept that you sell it to me at no warrantee or Guarantee.

I am presently on a program to improve my business popularity,i am planing to rerelocate to Norway to set up a private clinic sometime next month.

I will instruct my bank to send you a bank cheque for the payment, this money is for your payment.I'll arrangement for the shipping personaly,i'll contact a shipping company i know every well in italy to come for the pick up when then everything is ok .The cheque my Bank will send you is a certified covered cheque which can be exchanged, confirmed and cashed in any post office, bank or finance institute in Austria,Germany and any country in Europe in 3 days.

All you have to do when you get the cheque is to take it to your bank or any finance institute for cashing and exchange, as soon as the money is credited on your account, deduct your payment which is {11700euros}

i will provide you with all details and instructions of my shipping company..

The shipping company will sign on my behalf as my representative,any collect all document including change of ownership he will transport it alongside my other medical iterms i already purchase. i will provide you with all required details and instructions when you receive the money and have deducted your payment. i do hope i can trust you with this transaction,i would have done this myself but i am trying to put up my private clinic presently.

NOTE : 50 euro in addition will be included to cash the cheque and to pay for the bank exchange charges and cheque cashing fees if required.

please reply as soon as possible so that i can instruct my Bank to issue out the payment immediately.

Send me the name of the beneficiary that should be on the cheque and your complete home address where to send the payment in the following order :




Zip Code:


Once i receive a response my Lawyer can prepare a sale contract between us for this transaction and my contact details will also be included.

I am counting on your understanding and trust to make this transaction a success because i really want a surprise gift for my daughter..

Have a wonderful day,

Mr Larry Holmes.


Woher kenn ich das bloß

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...personifizierte Torgefahr...

Wann hast Du das kriegt?

21.04.2008 - 16:41 Uhr.

Heute (22.04.2008 - 16:38 Uhr) wieder was Neues bekommen

Hello Robert Rienessel ,

Writing to actually notify you that your contact detail was received.I'll notify you once more once the payment is issued!.

Have a wonderful evening.

Mr Larry.

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Wir sind M&N. Gibt es sonst noch Fragen?
Dass da wirklich jemand drauf reinfliegt kann ich mir zwar nicht vorstellen aber bitte...
auf "nigerianische briefe" sollt auch keiner reinfallen und es passiert trotzdem

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Fuck Heraldry!
auf "nigerianische briefe" sollt auch keiner reinfallen und es passiert trotzdem

das geilste ist, wenn man von seinen eigenen Kunden solche Mails weitergeleitet bekommt mit dem Hinweis, dass das sehr interessant klingt und ich mir das doch mal ansehen sollte. Ich konnte den Typen grad noch davon abhalten, darauf einzusteigen...


bearbeitet von DerFremde

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Im ASB-Olymp

das geilste ist, wenn man von seinen eigenen Kunden solche Mails weitergeleitet bekommt mit dem Hinweis, dass das sehr interessant klingt und ich mir das doch mal ansehen sollte. Ich konnte den Typen grad noch davon abhalten, darauf einzusteigen...


wenns ein kunde ist, der so blöd ist, lass ihn doch reinfallen :ratlos:

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