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Einfach auf gehen und dort ein Foto von euch öffnen.

Schon analysiert das Programm (oder versucht es zumindest) euer Gesicht und gibt Tipps auf Herkunft, Bildungsgrad, Gay-Faktor und vieles mehr ...

Ich kann leider momentan kein Ergebnis posten, da ich gerade in der Arbeit bin, also beginnt ihr schonmal!



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Hehe, des is ja lustig:

Gender: Male

Personality Profile Rank

Intelligence 6.1 Average Intelligence

Risk 4.2 Low Risk

Ambition 7.0 High Ambition

Gay Factor 1.8 Very Low Gay Factor

Honor 2.8 Very Low Honor

Politeness 3.9 Low Politeness

Income 7.1 $50,000 - $100,000

Sociability 8.9 High Sociability

Promiscuity 2.6 Very Unpromiscuous

Archetype: Alpha Charmer

Race Analysis:

17% Middle Eastern

26% Eastern European

57% Anglo Saxon

bearbeitet von DonPippo

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19% Middle Eastern

51% Eastern European

30% Anglo Saxon


Intelligence 5.1 Average Intelligence

Risk 1.8 Very Low Risk

Ambition 5.4 Average Ambition

Gay Factor 1.1 Very Low Gay Factor

Honor 2.2 Very Low Honor

Politeness 7.8 High Politeness

Income 4.7 $10,000 - $30,000

Sociability 3.4 Low Sociability

Promiscuity 4.5 Low Promiscuity

...naja... wenigstens ein niedriger Gay-Faktor :D


Gender: MALE

Ich bin der Meinung, dass sehr viele ASB-User schon alleine wegen diesem Output den Test machen sollten ;)

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Toll wär´s, wenn noch alle das Bild dazu posten würden. Dann könnte man gleich kontrollierein, ob der Gay-Factor stimmen kann ;)

Edit: Was mich an dem Programm am meisten fasziniert ist, dass es das Geschlecht anhand des Gesichtes erkennt. Also ich wüsste nicht, wie man sowas programmieren kann ...

bearbeitet von aXXit

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herlich :D

Intelligence 6.1 Average Intelligence

Risk 4.7 Low Risk

Ambition 6.2 Average Ambition

Gay Factor 1.4 Very Low Gay Factor

Honor 4.1 Average Honor

Politeness 5.2 Average Politeness

Income 6.2 $30,000 - $50,000

Sociability 5.2 Average Sociability

Promiscuity 3.7 Low Promiscuity

36% Middle Eastern

64% Anglo Saxon

zur vollständigkeit halber:

Gender: MALE


You are not keen to interact with others or make social connections.

hehe, um 180grad falsch :laugh:

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schreibt ...

Hier meine Ergebnisse:

Gender: MALE

74% Southern European

26% Anglo Saxon


0% East Indian

0% Middle Eastern

0% Eastern European

0% South East Asian

0% Korean/Japanese

0% Chinese

Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.

Intelligence 6.2 Average Intelligence

Risk 4.3 Low Risk

Ambition 6.2 Average Ambition

Gay Factor 1.3 Very Low Gay Factor

Honor 3.8 Low Honor

Politeness 5.2 Average Politeness

Income 6.4 $30,000 - $50,000

Sociability 4.9 Low Sociability

Promiscuity 3.1 Low Promiscuity


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Parma nel cuore!

@Dannyo: Ha, du Osteuropäer !!! Von wegen Latino ! :D

94% Southern European :super:

6% Anglo Saxon

Gender: MALE

Intelligence 7.5 Very Intelligent ?

Risk 4.4 Low Risk ?

Ambition 7.2 High Ambition ?

Gay Factor 1.3 Very Low Gay Factor ?

Honor 5.3 Average Honor ?

Politeness 6.9 High Politeness ?

Income 7.2 $50,000 - $100,000 ?

Sociability 4.2 Low Sociability ?

Promiscuity 3.7 Low Promiscuity ?

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Intelligence 6.3

Risk 4.1

Ambition 7.0

Gay Factor 1.2

Honor 3.1

Politeness 6.2

Income 6.3

Sociability 6.5

Promiscuity 2.8

jajaja die hälfte von euch editiert vermutlich den gayfaktor nachträglich :p:finger2::finger2::finger2:

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no one expects the spanish inquisition!

HEHEHE... hab grad zwei versciedene Fotos von mir verwendet. Welch Überraschung, die Ergebnisse unterscheiden sich gewaltig. :D

Aber beim zweiten mal hat er völlig in den Gatsch gegriffen!

79% Middle Eastern

6% Eastern European

15% Anglo Saxon

zur Erklärung; Ich hab helle Haut, bin 1,93m groß und blond und hab blaue Augen; Bin also eher der "nordische (Proto-) Typ". Also wie er da auf eine Mischung aus "mittlerer Osten" und Angelsachse (durchwegs kleinerer Gestalt und rothaarig) kommt??? :laugh:

bearbeitet von Inquisitor

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is eh wuascht

33% Eastern European

67% Anglo Saxon

schreck mich

67% Angelsachse. hui woher kommen die frag ich mich

Intelligence 5.5 Average Intelligence ?

Risk 5.0 Average Risk ?

Ambition 6.3 Average Ambition ?

Gay Factor 1.1 Very Low Gay Factor ?

Honor 4.4 Average Honor ?

Politeness 5.7 Average Politeness ?

Income 6.3 $30,000 - $50,000 ?

Sociability 5.7 Average Sociability ?

Promiscuity 3.7 Low Promiscuity

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100% East Indian

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :finger::finger::eviltongue::eviltongue::ratlos:


Intelligence - 6.3

Risk - 4.7

Ambition - 6.1

Gay Factor - 1.4

Honor - 5.0

Politeness - 5.8

Income - 6.4

Sociability - 6.0

Promiscuity - 3.5

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Lustig wird's, wenn man Promi-Fotos verwendet. (siehe beigefügtes Foto).. :laugh:

Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.

Intelligence 6.0 Average Intelligence ?

Risk 4.5 Low Risk ?

Ambition 5.8 Average Ambition ?

Gay Factor 1.4 Very Low Gay Factor ?

Honor 4.8 Average Honor ?

Politeness 5.6 Average Politeness ?

Income 6.1 $30,000 - $50,000 ?

Sociability 5.8 Average Sociability ?

Promiscuity 3.6 Low Promiscuity

Race Analysis Race Analysis Explained

17% Middle Eastern

35% Southern European

48% South East Asian


0% East Indian

0% Eastern European

0% Anglo Saxon

0% Korean/Japanese

0% Chinese

Gender: FEMALE :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Personality Profile:

You particularly enjoy the traditional way of life. Having drinks with your friends, attending parties and relaxing while watching TV are some of the simple pleasures you indulge in. You may also enjoy physical exercise. Your driving force is to retire as early as possible, so that you can do the things you enjoy more often. Your main source of ambition comes from this desire.

You dont particularly like your job but you do it without complaining. You realize that the income that it provides is essential to your lifestyle. You are friendly yet competitive with your co-workers. This competitiveness may lead you to squander your earnings to match other peoples' possessions.

You operate most effectively when there is a set power structure, and the lines of authority are clear. You know your place in the ranks, you play by the rules, and will deliver what is expected of you. You do not care for responsibility; you would rather be care free.

Your view of other types

You sometimes disagree with Boss types, but you respect them for the most part. You may even be envious of their lifestyles. You find Academic types boring and uptight. You have very little in common with them. However some White collar types may respect the accomplishments of certain Academic types. You think that Artist types are unrealistic and immature. You like interacting with Charmer types, and sometimes envy their charisma. You perceive Gambler types mostly as loners and untrustworthy. However, since you may have to interact with them on a daily basis you are not hostile to them. You believe Drifters are too lazy to work for a living but you sometimes feel pity for them.

Other types' view of you

Boss types may have some things in common with Blue collar types, but for the most part they only interact with you during the course of business. Academics see White collar types as unsuccessful versions of themselves, but because of work situations they may have to interact with you often. Artists do not interact with you, for they consider you to be a slave of conformity. Charmer types may associate with you; they find that the collar types are the people that mostly want to hang around them. To the Drifter types your repetitive routines seem boring; they would prefer having more fun and excitement. They may however enjoy the company of some Blue collar types.


bearbeitet von Blackie75

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