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ich würd ihr einfach mal zwischen die beine greifen, mal schaun obs zwischen euch funkt

dann sollte mein 1. vorschlag eigentlich kein problem sein oder? :D

Ja... aber irgendwas stimmt mit dem 'n' bei 'funkt' nicht... das ist um 90° im Uhrzeigersinn verdreht

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Baltic Cup Champion

Trotzdem wäre es interessant, wie man es schafft, die Ex wieder zurück zu bekommen. Habt ihr immer eure Ex vergessen oder habt ihr es geschafft, wieder mit euer Ex zusammenzukommen?

ich hatte mit meiner ex-frau rachesex vom feinsten, danach hab ich sie wieder sausen lassen. war ganz leicht, da hatte ich aber nie den plan wieder mit ihr zusammenzukommen.

mit meiner ex wollte ich das unbedingt. laaaange zeit -> keine chance. jetzt lasse ich sie links liegen, und schon ruft sie mich dauernd an. weiber .....

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habe gerade rausgefunden dass man mit dem alter eraten einer frau punkte sammeln kann :D

bevor oder nachdem du ihr geburtsdatum über facebook herausgefunden hast?

noch ein sehr guter, witziger und leider auch wahrer Artikel darüber:

kannst du mir den text vielleicht per pm schicken oder auch gleich hier reinstellen? hab von der arbeit keinen zugriff auf die seite (da gehts sicher einigen andern auch so).

vielen dank!

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Bester Mann im Team

bevor oder nachdem du ihr geburtsdatum über facebook herausgefunden hast?

kannst du mir den text vielleicht per pm schicken oder auch gleich hier reinstellen? hab von der arbeit keinen zugriff auf die seite (da gehts sicher einigen andern auch so).

vielen dank!

Women can get sex anywhere, any time and any way they want it. The problem for us guys is that women don’t want sex anywhere, any time and any way we want it. For women, sex comes bundled up with an onslaught of dizzying and complicated emotions, most of which they don’t seem to deal with very well. The result? It’s infinitely easier for women to place men into the category of “friends” rather than admit them as lovers.

In fact, for a woman, a male friend is the best of both worlds: She can reap all the benefits of having a man around (strength, decision-making, solid advice, logic, common sense, and so on) without the hormone-based entanglements that sex brings to the table.

But men are different. Since we aren’t saddled with psychologically crippling emotions, we aren’t burdened with the senselessness of separating friendship from sex. In fact, for us, it’s just the opposite: When a man likes a woman, he naturally wants to express his feelings by drilling her deep into the mattress. This is natural.

Unfortunately, the female brain can’t process this logic. Instead, it quickly “either-ors” any guy it encounters: Either he’s going to be a lover or he’s going to be a friend. And once a woman has relegated you to the “Friend Zone,” it’s all but impossible for her to see you in any other way. Of course, she’ll still expect you to act like the lovers she’s currently sex-ploiting -- by forcing you to pay for her meals and cart her around like a chauffeur -- but without the fringe benefit of doing the horizontal hula.

Many guys fantasize that by acting as a hot girl’s friend or romantic counselor, they can “backdoor it” into her heart or her bed. This may work well in romantic comedies (or possibly with psychotic women), but in real life, you’re just kidding yourself. You’re a “friend,” and she doesn‘t need you for sex.

So how do you know if you’re in the Friend Zone? Here are a few tip-offs.

you’re just a friend if…

You hear phrases like: “I can talk to you about anything,“ “You‘re really a nice guy,” “You‘re like a brother to me,” “You‘re my best friend,” and “You understand me” (unlike the Bad Boy she’s currently bopping).

You finally work up the courage to ask her out and she tells you: “I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship,” “I like you too much to go out with you,” “I don’t want to risk losing what we have,” and so on.

She tells you all about her problems with men.

She asks you for advice about the men she’s attracted to.

She tells you excitedly, “I just met this really great guy!”

Why you get trapped in the Friend Zone and how to avoid it…

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noch ein sehr guter, witziger und leider auch wahrer Artikel darüber:

Women can get sex anywhere, any time and any way they want it. The problem for us guys is that women don’t want sex anywhere, any time and any way we want it. For women, sex comes bundled up with an onslaught of dizzying and complicated emotions, most of which they don’t seem to deal with very well. The result? It’s infinitely easier for women to place men into the category of “friends” rather than admit them as lovers.

In fact, for a woman, a male friend is the best of both worlds: She can reap all the benefits of having a man around (strength, decision-making, solid advice, logic, common sense, and so on) without the hormone-based entanglements that sex brings to the table.

But men are different. Since we aren’t saddled with psychologically crippling emotions, we aren’t burdened with the senselessness of separating friendship from sex. In fact, for us, it’s just the opposite: When a man likes a woman, he naturally wants to express his feelings by drilling her deep into the mattress. This is natural.

Unfortunately, the female brain can’t process this logic. Instead, it quickly “either-ors” any guy it encounters: Either he’s going to be a lover or he’s going to be a friend. And once a woman has relegated you to the “Friend Zone,” it’s all but impossible for her to see you in any other way. Of course, she’ll still expect you to act like the lovers she’s currently sex-ploiting -- by forcing you to pay for her meals and cart her around like a chauffeur -- but without the fringe benefit of doing the horizontal hula.

Many guys fantasize that by acting as a hot girl’s friend or romantic counselor, they can “backdoor it” into her heart or her bed. This may work well in romantic comedies (or possibly with psychotic women), but in real life, you’re just kidding yourself. You’re a “friend,” and she doesn‘t need you for sex.

So how do you know if you’re in the Friend Zone? Here are a few tip-offs.

you’re just a friend if…

You hear phrases like: “I can talk to you about anything,“ “You‘re really a nice guy,” “You‘re like a brother to me,” “You‘re my best friend,” and “You understand me” (unlike the Bad Boy she’s currently bopping).

You finally work up the courage to ask her out and she tells you: “I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship,” “I like you too much to go out with you,” “I don’t want to risk losing what we have,” and so on.

She tells you all about her problems with men.

She asks you for advice about the men she’s attracted to.

She tells you excitedly, “I just met this really great guy!”

Why you get trapped in the Friend Zone and how to avoid it…

why it happens

How does a man get trapped in the Friend Zone? There are four main reasons.

She’s not attracted to you

Oh, sure, she finds you funny, charming, fun to be with -- but you just don’t rock her world. Short of a new hairstyle and wardrobe (or maybe reincarnation), there’s not a lot you can do about this, so don’t kid yourself. Sometimes it’s just the way it is -- you don’t want to hit the sheets with every woman you meet, do you? If she‘s just not into you, you have a choice to make: Either stay as her friend or blow her off for more productive territory.

You don’t have the goods

When it comes to choosing men for sex, the number one priority for most women is money. If you don’t have it (or enough of it), odds are you’ll be immediately dumped into the Friend Zone.

You’re a doormat

She has relegated you to friend status because you’re way too nice, too accommodating and too ass-kissing. She knows she can have you just by snapping her fingers. You follow her around like a moon-eyed puppy dog. You try to impress her. You think you can buy her attention with flowers, gifts and expensive meals. You are a wuss and she can’t wait to castrate you and make you her best girlfriend who’ll look after her pets while she goes running off for the weekend with a tattooed biker.

She’s a psycho

She’s been abused or brutalized by the Bad Boys she’s voluntarily chosen to date (and she blames her bad choices on the men themselves, of course), so now she can’t even begin to establish a normal relationship with a normal guy. These women are famous for aggressively flirting with a man, then reacting with horror when he comes on to her (“I thought we were friends”). The only male a psycho can psychologically deal with is a nonsexual “friend.”

how to avoid it

Is there any way to escape the Friend Zone? It’s not easy, but not impossible. Here are a few tips.

Make yourself scarce

Stop acting like her puppy dog and don’t be so available. Don’t get together with her at the drop of a hat. Wait a day or two to return one of her phone calls. Be a challenge, not a doormat.

Start dating other women

In other words, make her jealous. If she has any sexual interest in you at all, this will drive her crazy.

Ask her for advice about the women you’re dating

Openly talk about other women and how hot they are. Ask her for advice about what women want in a man and how you can get close to these women.

Tell her you want to be “just friends”

She isn’t stupid -- she’s known all along that you want to jump her bones, so if you reject her sexually, she won’t be able to stand it.

Start treating her like a girlfriend

Ask her out on dates. Take her to romantic places. Put your arm around her.

If she responds romantically, be challenging

Keep her off balance. Be a challenge. Be unpredictable. Keep her guessing. Never let her think that she’s got you by the cojones. There’s a huge difference between wanting her and needing her -- she’ll react a lot differently around you if she thinks you could leave her at any time for another pretty face.

avoid the dead-end zone

When it comes to romance and sex, women just don’t get it. But that’s what we’re stuck with so we have to make the best of it. Hopefully, some of these techniques will help you avoid stepping into the booby trap of the Friend Zone.

bearbeitet von axl_

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