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Viviola schrieb vor 1 Stunde:

Schätzung Freie Plätze:

200 im Sektor 102
006 im Sektor 103
005 im Sektor 136
002 im Sektor 139
040 im Sektor 143
060 im Sektor 223
070 im Sektor 224
002 im Sektor 225
385 Gesamt

Mmh, bei mir wird das Spiel gar nicht mehr angezeigt nach dem Login!:ratlos:

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My wife and I are looking for any two tickets available. 

I understand someone writing their first message in English on this forum might seem suspicious, but please note that I am a Swedish Djurgården supporter - which means I do not like teams in green and white.

Many thanks in advance!

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ViolettErlaa schrieb vor 27 Minuten:

Mmh, bei mir wird das Spiel gar nicht mehr angezeigt nach dem Login!:ratlos:

Es wird nur mehr angezeigt wenn man nicht eingeloggt ist, ich schätze das bedeutet das jeder Karten kaufen kann.

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AntiGreenWhiteSchwede schrieb vor 3 Minuten:


My wife and I are looking for any two tickets available. 

I understand someone writing their first message in English on this forum might seem suspicious, but please note that I am a Swedish Djurgården supporter - which means I do not like teams in green and white.

Many thanks in advance!

Just come to the stadium and ask people to get you tickets. You'll definitely get some. 

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AntiGreenWhiteSchwede schrieb vor 11 Minuten:


My wife and I are looking for any two tickets available. 

I understand someone writing their first message in English on this forum might seem suspicious, but please note that I am a Swedish Djurgården supporter - which means I do not like teams in green and white.

Many thanks in advance!

There are a few hundred tickets left - mainly on the west stand (29eur, family sector) and on the north stand (39eur, but seats only next to away sector). There will be definitely someone at the stadium who will buy tickets for you.

Would you consider also going to our fan sector? Maybe someone has tickets left here in the channel?

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fis schrieb vor 13 Minuten:

There are a few hundred tickets left - mainly on the west stand (29eur, family sector) and on the north stand (39eur, but seats only next to away sector). There will be definitely someone at the stadium who will buy tickets for you.

Would you consider also going to our fan sector? Maybe someone has tickets left here in the channel?

I'll head out to the stadium. Apparently, general sale of tickets is available right now on the website, but I keep getting the error text "Die maximal buchbare Anzahl von Karten ist bereits erreicht." 

If the East fan sector is the only option available we would obviously take it, but we would ideally not stand here as we don't want to be "tourists" amongst those who work hard to create a good atmosphere.  

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