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Hallo, und entschuldigung fur die schlechte Ubersetzung. Ich ben ein tourist aus Toronto, Canada und ich liebe erleben Fan-Kultur. Ich werde kommen dem spiel gegen Wiener Neustadt am 24. Mai

Ich frage mich wo kaufen ticket sein in der nahe der Ultras Rapid. Was sektor wird empfohlen? Ich mochte stehen und schreien mit dem Ultras. Gibt es ein Pub wo Fans vor dem spiel gehen?

Auch, gibt es ein Webseite mit den gesangen? Ich mochte ein aktiver fan und unterstutzt Rapid!

Vielen Dank!

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Hello, thank you for the welcomes!

I hope my translation was not too bad.

I am from Toronto, in Canada, and will be visiting Vienna in May. I am a big supporter of 'Fan-Kultur' and I like ultras. I will come to the match against Wiener Neustadt on 24 May and I am wondering where should I buy the seats so that I can be with the ultras or near them? What section are they in so I can stand and not be obstructing anyone? Also, is there a pub where fans go pre-match? Finally, is there a website with the chants of Rapid? I want to be an active supporter and help the atmosphere.

Cheers everyone, go Hutteldorfer!

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the ultras are located in C/D lower tier, which is completely sold out with season tickets. you can easily buy a ticket for the second tier though where the atmosphere is still pretty good. i think there's a website with chants somewhere, however, as long as you sing "shalalala" and "ohohoho" you'll be fine anyway.... :davinci:

you wont find any pubs around happel stadion, i'd recommend a visit to the famous 'prater' before the match. if you want to meet up and have a few beers prior to the game just pm me ;)

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