FA Cup Semi-Finals

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get the fuck in!

2-0 (78.), Wigan dürfte durch sein.

Millwall-Fans :facepalm:

Daniel Taylor@DTguardian 20m

Some serious fighting starting in the Millwall end. Fans turning on one another.

Jonathan Wilson@jonawils 20m

Pretty serious fighting in the Millwall end now. Fists flying. Not sure who's fighting whom or where stewards/police are.

Henry Winter@henrywinter 19m

20 or so #milwall fans fighting now, many Millwall supporters booing them. Police, stewards nowhere to be seen

Daniel Taylor@DTguardian 18m

Properly kicking off here. A good 30 people going toe to toe. No sign of any police/stewards at all.

Phil McNulty@philmcnulty 18m

Millwall supporters fighting with each other as this FA Cup semi-final reaches an unhappy conclusion - being jeered by other Millwall fans.

Daniel Taylor@DTguardian 18m

Police have gone in and now being attacked. Helmet pulled off and thrown etc etc. Batons out.

Henry Winter@henrywinter 15m

Very sad pictures of a young girl in tears as the fighting broke out in the #millwall end. That picture will go round the world.

Daniel Taylor@DTguardian 14m

TV cameras now showing a Millwall fan with a policeman's helmet hidden beneath his jacket.

Rory Smith@RorySmithTimes 5m

And to think people were worried that football wouldn't honour Thatcher. Well done, Millwall. It's what she'd have expected. (:lol:)

bearbeitet von Maulinho

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Bin mir sicher, dass darüber in angemessener Art und Weise berichtet werden wird, ohne Überzeichnungen, Hysterie, Pauschalverurteilungen oder Abgesang aufs Abendland.

Aus Spurs Sicht würd ich es jetzt durchaus gut finden, wenn sich Wigan jetzt doch nicht für die Europa League qualifizieren sollte. :davinci:

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