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der Bush kommt weg

Dear Mr. Platini UEFA EL Presidente

Im going to write you this letter from the bottom of the heart of se austrian peoples.

What is going on with se fan zones? The “standler” are very angry because the crowd is not going to consume as much as they want. Maybe they are not hungary and thirsday but I think there is an other problem: The prices are to much high. I do not understand why we fans have to pay over 4 Euros for a Calrsberg pisswater and so much for a fucking uefa wirschtl?

The fans want to taste Austrian tradition like a sixteen plate a buren-skin and a jokerl from the beautiful wurstfrau behind the budl. What could taste better as a leavercheesesemmel with a schorfn with a Ottakringer Hüsn. I tell you what: NOTHING MICHEL NOTHING.

Your UEFA shit tastes like a Hundstrümmerl with Hundspisse oida so please put it away from our fanzones and the fans will eat until they are fat and also drink until they are fett and all are happy und will live a lucky life.

PS: do something against the bad whisteling referees, they whistle more worse than se Aufhauser Rene can make a straight pass to se Ivanschitz Andi.

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der Bush kommt weg

Leider wurde "Igor Budan wasn't even nominated for 'most fertile player of the tournament'. How that?!?" vergessen. Und das vom Skeletore. Der Hund wird oid.... :nein:

...der is scho oid

hob mi auf die EM TOP 11 der Grindhappeln konzentriern miasn. :ratlos:

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