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Der kommt wieder zurück. Und solang er spielen will, haben die ihm gefälligst einen Vertrag zu geben und ihn einzusetzen!!!

Was erfreuliches: Stankovic hat seinen Vertrag mit Inter aufgelöst! :super: Danke Dejan für 10 tolle Jahre und alles Gute auf deinem weiteren Weg!

Wenn die Leistung nicht passt, sollte er keinen Stammplatz haben - Urgestein hin oder her.

Was Deki angeht wuhu, dafür bleibt uns wahrscheinlich Chivu noch 1 Jahr erhalten :facepalm: Samuel hätt eigentlich gereicht... aber gut, war ja zu erwarten, das nix dazu gelernt wird.

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if i were a robot, my arm would be an aeropress.
dafür bleibt uns wahrscheinlich Chivu noch 1 Jahr erhalten

According to the Corriere dello Sport, the long time defender of Inter will leave the club this summer.


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if i were a robot, my arm would be an aeropress.

Habs auch schon auf anderen Seiten gelesen, hier aber der football-italia-Link:

Thohir und Moratti sollen sich darauf geeinigt haben, dass der indonesische Investor 40% von Inter kauft. Damit kommt Geld für neue Spieler rein, und auch das Stadion wird wohl zu einem großen Teil von ihm finanziert! :super:

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  • 2 weeks later...
if i were a robot, my arm would be an aeropress.

Laut gazzetta sollen sich Moratti und Thohir nun einig sein: der Indonese wird 75% des Clubs für 300 Mio kaufen, Moratti aber in "wichtiger Funktion" erhalten bleiben!

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if i were a robot, my arm would be an aeropress.

Palacio in einem Interview unter anderem über die Saisonvorbereitung:

Palacio: 'Never worked so hard!'

Rodrigo Palacio is confident Inter will succeed this season and praised Walter Mazzarri’s methods. “I’ve never worked so hard!”
The Argentine striker was one of several players who suffered injuries during the last season and is now raring to go.
“Are we worthy of the Scudetto? We must take it one game at a time,” he told the Corriere dello Sport.
“We have a good squad, of that I am convinced, and the important thing is to give our all. You’ll see that the results will come. Our target is to be competitive and be up there with the top teams.
“I didn’t expect to score 22 goals in my first year at Inter, so I surpassed my expectations, but I always like to improve. I really wanted to play more, so was upset by the two injuries that forced me to miss many games.
“Can I be the Capocannoniere? It’s very difficult to manage that and I’d be happier to score fewer goals if it meant Inter won something.”
New Coach Mazzarri replaced Andrea Stramaccioni, bringing new tactics and training methods to the side.
I really like the way he works, as he is a Coach with great experience, clear ideas and focuses on dialogue with his players. He pushes hard to motivate us,” continued Palacio.
“His Napoli played with great intensity, work-rate and attacking football, which is the ideal for a striker. In all honesty, I’ve never worked so hard in pre-season training!
“It was a shame to lose Stramaccioni, as I had a good rapport with him. Unfortunately, when the results don’t come, the Coach usually pays the price. Now we must all be sure not to repeat the same mistakes.
“I remain certain joining Inter was the right decision and I’m sure I can win here. A club can go through a period of one or two years without success, but this is a great club and you’ll see we will get back to great results.
“I hope Diego Milito can be back in action soon, as he’s been doing very well in training. As for the new buys, Ishak Belfodil has excellent technique and dribbling skills, while Mauro Icardi is very strong in the air and with his movement.”

bearbeitet von chili

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