Liverpool FC - Chelsea


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Überhaupt war der ganze Aufstieg nur eine Intrige der UEFA um Mourinho eins auszuwischen.

Glaub ich auch! Überhaupt, da der Ref ja extrem gegen €h£l$ki gepfiffen hat. Auch die 6 Minuten Nachspielzeit waren ja ein Witz, 12 wären mehr als angebracht gewesen! Oder zumindest lässt er solange spielen, bis CFC ein Tor erziehlt!

du, hier  :winke: 

sehe mich nur nicht als "spastiker" und wurde auch noch nicht als solcher bezeichnet, naja, egal

Gut, warst jetzt nicht wirklich du gemeint, is' ja auch belanglos. Aber, was sagst du zur taktischen Leistung Maureens? Klar wars schwierig, aber dem superhypertollstenmega Trainer is genau NULL eingefallen! (nicht missverstehen, du bist, wenn ich mich recht erinnere, noch einer der Realistischen in diesem Punkt)

Aber meine lieben Freunde aus London, Tradition, Passion und die besten Fans in England kann man hald dann gott sei Dank doch nicht kaufen!

Manchester United FC und das Stretford End könntest du sowieso nicht bezahlen! :D

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Gut, warst jetzt nicht wirklich du gemeint, is' ja auch belanglos. Aber, was sagst du zur taktischen Leistung Maureens? Klar wars schwierig, aber dem superhypertollstenmega Trainer is genau NULL eingefallen! (nicht missverstehen, du bist, wenn ich mich recht erinnere, noch einer der Realistischen in diesem Punkt)

stimmt schon, nur sollte man fairerweise sagen dass das nicht unbedingt seine schuld ist, denn liverpool war einfach bis ins kleinste detail perfekt eingestellt. mourinho war letzte saison der beste trainer, hat immerhin porto zum cl-titel geführt. heuer ist er zwar auf anhieb meister geworden mit einem - was viele immer noch nicht sehen wollen - nicht gerade weltklasse kader. chelsea hat zb nur einen echten stürmer, den gudjohnen kommt mehr aus dem mf, duff und robben über die flügel und kezman ist ein totalausfall. anhand der namen ist pool um nichts schlechter - trotzdem wären für mich heuer die besten trainer der cl benitez und hiddink, ohne frage.

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@ Skv

Darf ich fragen bei welchem Spiel du warst?

Ich war bis jetzt 5 mal in Anfiel und wurde noch NIE enttäuscht, natürlich ist gegen lesser teams die Stimmung dementsprechend aber das ist bei jedem Klub der Welt so, oder bist du auch so ein blinder Italienfanatiker der das abstreiten will?

Mir ist auch ehrlich gesagt egal was die Leute über Liverpool und seine Supporters denken, ich weiss das es etwas besonderes is...........Gott sei Dank erkennt das nicht jeder! ;)

@ Funkmaster

Sind dir die post-match Interviews von Mourinho entgangen? sogar die cockney-loving media hat das diesmal aufgeschnappt (obwohl ich auf englische Medien nix gebe)

bearbeitet von SpionKop

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... oder bist du auch so ein blinder Italienfanatiker der das abstreiten will?

...ich denke um solch eine aussage zu machen muss man kein italien fanatiker sein.

da gibts noch ganz viele andere länder mit lebendiger fankultur wie in frankreich, griechenland, türkei, polen etc.

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@ Funkmaster

Sind dir die post-match Interviews von Mourinho entgangen? sogar die cockney-loving media hat das diesmal aufgeschnappt (obwohl ich auf englische Medien nix gebe)

und komm mir nicht mit mourinho-quotes, die scheiß arroganz-verallgemeinerungen gehen mir auf die socken!


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ganz genau, es gibt bestimmt 6 oder 7 ligen, wo die stimmung einfach besser ist. vielleicht fehlt dem spion kop einfach der vergleich. oder ich bin durch diverse klassiker in europa einfach schon zu verwöhnt,hehe.

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Fuck Yeah
seriöse quellen bitte...

und komm mir nicht mit mourinho-quotes, die scheiß arroganz-verallgemeinerungen gehen mir auf die socken!

mourinho ist ein arroganter mensch, kann man gar nicht abstreiter, aber welche andere chelsea spieler ähnelt ihm auch nur annähernd? werft doch nicht alle immer in einen topf...

aber mourinho ist im moment chelsea. Abramovich hat ihn bei den blues zum mächtigsten mann gemacht (vor kenyon). die meisten leute setzten ihn mit chelsea gleich, er ist das gesicht von chelsea und für eure außendarstellung verantwortlich.

das hat natürlich vorteile (er kann sich vor die mannschaft stellen und den druck von ihr nehmen, alleine entscheiden ohne kompromisse eingehen zu müssen, ...) aber eben auch nachteile (sein image ist jetzt das von chelsea).

das muss man als chelsea fan halt akzeptieren (was bei den erfolgen wohl nicht allzu schwer fällt ;) )

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Verantwortliche: Bitte lesen!

Wer kann sich noch an das Spiel gegen England im September erinnern? In Hälfte 1 haben's 20 Minuten durchgesungen, die Briten (bin drei Reihen vor dem Gästesektor gesessen), aber die zweite Halbzeit waren die ja tot... Hat mich auch nicht gerade begeistert... Da war die Stimmung in der Stadthalle beim 0-5 gegen Weißrussland am Montag ja noch besser :busserl:

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das muss man als chelsea fan halt akzeptieren (was bei den erfolgen wohl nicht allzu schwer fällt ;) )

doch tut es, denn mir gefällt einfach diese transferpolitik mit den jungen rohdiamanten und ich halte mourinho für einen großartigen trainer, nur bin ich kei erfolgsfan, der zufrieden den mund hält nur weil man titel gewinnt - deswegen versuche ich zumindest hier das licht etwas anders auf den klub und die spieler zu rücken

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Fuck Yeah
doch tut es, denn mir gefällt einfach diese transferpolitik mit den jungen rohdiamanten und ich halte mourinho für einen großartigen trainer, nur bin ich kei erfolgsfan, der zufrieden den mund hält nur weil man titel gewinnt - deswegen versuche ich zumindest hier das licht etwas anders auf den klub und die spieler zu rücken

also niemand stellt seine fähigkeiten in abrede. mourinho ist ein ausgezeichneter trainer und mangager.

leider überstrahlt halt seine arroganz viel von dem und man konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf das.

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@ skv, Genki

Ihr Beide könnt euch also ein aussagekräftiges Urteil über den Liverpooler Support bilden oder? wow, starke Leistung wenn man bedenkt das der eine noch gar nicht dort war und der andere EIN GANZES MAL (noch dazu vielleicht bei einem lesser game)

Naja egal, manche werdens nie verstehen oder einsehen wollen..........belassen wirs dabei!

das Spiel gegen Juve war Beweis genug wie sehr sich die ach so tollen Juve Stars von der Anfield Atmosphäere beeindrucken haben lassen, selbst die Interviews von Del Piero und Co. haben das bestätigt aber wahrscheinlich haben die nicht so viel Ahnung wie ihr beiden Helden! :laugh:

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Normaler Weise ist die englische Presse nicht unbedingt sehr angetan von Liverpool und Scousers aber diesmal muss sogar sie über ihren Schatten springen.......


Paul Rogers 05 May 2005

Liverpool's players might have beaten Chelsea on the pitch, but newspapers across the world have been quick to pay tribute to the greatest set of supporters the world has ever seen. To misquote that old Slade classic, we're all famous now...

The Liverpool crowd had done an astonishing thing. They made Chelsea play worse than they can, they made Liverpool play better than they can, they made the referee turn a crucial decision their way. That's 23 people all behaving in the way that the Liverpool crowd wished. It was, in the most literal sense, a triumph of hope over expectation.There's a lot of guff written about football crowds, particularly Liverpool's. But the fact is, the tradition of a club is not in the hands or even the feet of players, or managers, hirelings all, who will be off the minute a better offer comes along. No one in football has loyalty to anyone, or is expected to. Only supporters have loyalty. They are not loyal to persons or institutions so much as loyal to loyalty itself. And with Liverpool, the loyalty passed the test of time, the years of comparative failure.

Simon Barnes, The Times

The best team may or may not have won, but the best supporters definitely did. Just ask them. Like Jose Mourinho himself, Liverpool fans are good and they know it. A walk down Anfield Road late on Tuesday night was a walk down memory lane. The locals celebrated reaching another European Cup final as if their last one had been months rather than decades ago. Once a champion of Europe, always a champion of Europe. I thought Jamie Carragher captured the Merseyside mood when he said that Liverpool fans had come to take success for granted 20 years ago, and that it would never happen again. Well, not until the next time. The current generation of supporters may have tired of listening to their fathers' fireside stories about the Paisley years, but they never lost the taste for world domination or shed their superiority complex. Even Torben Piechnik and Jimmy Carter couldn't shake their faith altogether. Carragher's eloquent eve-of-battle cry empowered the Kopites again. Like voters in a marginal seat, they were told they could influence the big result. They all volunteered noisily for selection as Liverpool's 12th man. But while Juventus may have suffered stagefright in the quarter-final, it wasn't the decibel level that beat Chelsea but the spirit level. Liverpool's togetherness more than matched the champions' own. The heady atmosphere inside the stadium provided the oxygen for their tireless resistance but the players won the game. They just did it with the pride and passion that their supporters demand of them. Liverpool United are quite a team.

Clive Tyldesley, Daily Telegraph

When 40,000 supporters stood as one and held their scaves up and belted out the most rousing rendition of 'You'll Never Walk Alone' some of us have ever heard, it felt humbling to feel such passion. One of the great sights in world football right there in front of you. People stared at each other in awe.

Oliver Holt, Daily Mirror

For Liverpool the end justified the means. To be precise, the noise at the end justified the means. When the Slovakian referee Lubos Michel finally blew the whistle after his extraordinary decision to award six minutes of injury-time - what a sound. Anfield has exploded down the years but surely this was volume to rival anything heard before. Part joy, part tension, part release, the stadium erupted. As Jose Mourinho said afterwards: "The power of Anfield Road, I felt it. Anfield was as manic as everyone said it would be and their Liverpool team, the Liverpool of Rafael Benitez, have reached a first Champions League final.

Michael Walker, The Guardian

The occasion, with its cyclonic passion and raw desire, ranked alongside the Anfield nights of the 1970s and 1980s when Liverpool won the European Cup an imperious four times.

Jason Burt, The Independent

The Slovakian referee's whistle and triumphant Kop signalled the start of the biggest party at Anfield since the last league title. When Liverpool last prepared for what proved a notorious European Cup Final, whowould have predicted the two decades which would follow? Managerial upheaval, wasted millions, decline in status at home and abroad, humiliating cup exits and a 14-year championship drought. For older supporters and explayers, this night revived images of a distant past. For their sons and daughters, these events meant more than those forefathers can ever imagine. Liverpool Football Club has undergone an era of immense change in the last 20 years. Last night proved some things will never change.

Chris Bascombe, Liverpool Echo

A new Anfield era has begun. Fate, fairytale, whatever, Liverpool are in the European Cup final. Anfield had surpassed the noise level of Stamford Bridge half an hour before kick-off and the Kop was only a quarter full. Packed, it proved an awesome 12th man.

Andy Hunter, Daily Post

The people's club, clad in red, have shattered the biggest, blue-blooded ambitions of the most wealthy power-broker the game has ever known. They did it in an epic, defiant way too. Truly, there has not been a racket like it since, well, since Liverpool last won a European Cup semi-final on one of these white-lit spring nights or since they closed the old, standing-room only Spion Kop end of Anfield in 1994. It was not just a wall of bulging, stretching, moving red shirts upon which Chelsea had to mount a long, fruitless and toothless assault here. It was a wall of noise too.

John Dillon, Daily Express

IT MAY or may not have been his wife, but the man who moped wishfully around Anfield in the hours before kick-off holding aloft a placard bearing a picture of a buxom blonde above the words, "One night with my wife for a ticket", just about summed up what football means to the people of Liverpool.

James Ducker, The Times

Here were the Saints of Etienne, the burgomasters of Moenchengladbach and the Borgias of Rome rolled into a single semi-final for the new ages. Tinnitus night on the Mersey. This was the European Cup revisited in all its old sound and fury. This was Liverpool throwing themselves back through time. This was a journey down memory lane.

Jeff Powell, Daily Mail

It is Liverpool who carry the Premiership standard on to the greatest stage of them all. And nobody can deny them that right. The flame burns bright, their dream, remarkably, lives as it has not for 20 years.

Martin Lipton, Daily Mirror

It is one of the oddities of modern football that it was Liverpool - with, as their supporters never tire of telling us, 18 championships and four European Cups on the shelves - rather than Chelsea - with two and none - who picked up the traditional British support for the underdog. But that's what money does for you. Money and Jose Mourinho.

Jim White, Daily Telegraph

The night - and maybe the football year - belonged to Benitez. As the Kop sang so passionately, it could not have been in better hands.

James Lawton, The Independent

I think for Liverpool supporters Tuesday night's victory is the best because it is happening now. They have tremendous memories of the great days but that was a long time ago. This has given them belief, hope and optimism for the future after a couple of years of under-achievement. They are in dreamland. We saw that at the final whistle. The atmosphere at Anfield on Tuesday night and for the quarter-final against Juventus was sensational - better than anything I experienced in my time as a player. Those people who said the supporters would be a 12th man were spot on. They are a great bunch of supporters, even though at times recently they might have been disenchanted. It is a fitting tribute to them that the team have got to the Champions League final.

Alan Hansen, Daily Telegraph

The Anfield people are back in the final 20 years after Heysel. The people, not only the team, because the magic of this stadium made the team. coached by the genius Rafa Benitez, unbeatable. Mourinho is the great loser ofthis tie but he remains a great figure. It was thanks to him that this game turned into a melodramatic battle between good and bad, rich and poor. Milan will not underestimate the great history and tradition Liverpool seem to take with them wherever they go to the soundtrack You'll Never Walk Alone.

Corriere dello Sport, Italy

Chelsea had 40,000 screaming fans to contend with. The noise level at Stamford Bridge for the first leg would probably have proked Roy Keane into a rant about the prawn sandwich brigade, but here the sandwich brigade, but here the atmosphere boomed into the Merseyside night air and a seething gallery became a sea of red and white.

Paul Joyce, Daily Express

The scenes at the end were incredible. Gerrard was last off the pitch having gone to all four sides in ecstatic celebration. For this particular observer, Anfield will always remain special having been generously clapped off the pitch when Arsenal won the title here in 1989. Not as special, mind, as for the boy from Huyton. How can he say goodbye now to his umbilical cord? Of all Liverpool's momentous results down the years, this one could prove one of the most crucial.

Alan Smith, Daily Telegraph

Liverpool are no longer the half-ignored club that has never won the Premiership and sweats even to finish fourth. This tournament has seen it embrace its former status. It is not sentimentality to declare that clubs can sometimes gain strength by drawing on the store of folk memories. "Respect for your elders gives you character," the message read on a banner in the stands. It could have sounded like a fortune cookie but the four pictures of the European Cup beneath gave it resonance. Considering the pride that Anfield took in the great displays of synchronised passing a generation ago there was a certain irony to the booing when Chelsea composed themselves by holding the ball but this was the moment for any Liverpool fan to be at his most partisan. The spectatorswere participants.

Kevin McCarra, The Guardian

It was a night that will be remembered by Liverpool on a par with St-Etienne in 1977 and the thrilling defeat of Roma three years ago and it means that in Istanbul on 25 May, they have a chance to win their fifth European Cup. The banner in the Kop that read "Make us Dream" might have been touched with the sentimentality to which Anfield is prone but now the home support have good reason to hope. It had been an affront to Anfield tradition that, winning the toss, John Terry chose to defend the goal in front of the Kop. But no one could have expected them to pay for it so quickly. Liverpool's first goal was not quite as swift as the John Arne Riise strike against Chelsea that took just 45 seconds of the Carling Cup final but it was equally devastating and its effect on the atmosphere in the old stadium was quite electrifying.

Sam Wallace, The Independent

Whatever they go on to achieve under Jose Mourinho, Chelsea and their billionaire owner learnt last night that there are some things money cannot buy. Four famous Scousers once sang that it can't buy you love, but add to that the type of passion that was required to propel Liverpool into their first European Cup final since 1985. Mourinho had shaken his head when asked whether the Kop could be the opposition's twelfth man, but instead they proved to be Liverpool's ninth, tenth and eleventh, inspiring players such as Djimi Traore and Igor Biscan to play like the immortals that they might now become.

Oliver Kay, The Times

It had been a start from the manual of Anfield dreams, ferocious, cyclonic, and there were, of course, those vast layers of keening noise that had to be anticipated from the moment Liverpool walked out of Stamford Bridge with more than a taste of the old glory.This wasn't the Reebok Stadium and a splash of champagne. This was place practised in grabbing you by the throat and, and if you are not utterly attuned, somewhere in rather lower regions. Chelsea were far from acclimatised.

James Lawton, The Independent

Anfield constructed three layers of defence last night. The first, the conventional back four, did everything that could have been expected of them, with Jamie Carragher again setting the tone. But those demands had already been reduced by the partnership of Didi Hamann and Igor Biscan in a front screen which gradually eroded the morale of Chelsea's forwards. And the third layer was formed by the 17,000 fans filling the old Kop and creating a steel wall of noise that surely kept out Eidur Gudjohnsen's blazing cross-shot in the sixth and final minute of stoppage time.

Richard Williams, The Guardian

We were promised Anfield's most memorable night in 20 years, and boy, we weren't left wanting. It was difficult not to get caught up in the atmosphere. Even Roman Abramovich, the Russian who has bankrolled Chelsea all the way to the Premiership title this season, was spotted clapping along enthusiastically to the Kop choir. It's the kind of support that no amount of Abramovich's billions can buy.

Ian Doyle, Daily Post

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Lobos Michel hat sich zu seinen Entscheidungen geäußert, ich sehe das genauso, wäre Cheslea ein Ausschluß für Cech und ein Elfmeter für Liverpool lieber gewesen?? Super ist auch seine Meinung zur Atmsophäre in Anfield, und der gute Mann hat doch schon so einiges gesehn!

aber genki und skv werdens besser wissen! :laugh:

Football: Anfield Ref: I reckon I did Chelsea a favour

May 8 2005

By David Barnes, People

THE REFEREE in charge of the controversial Champions League semi-final between Liverpool and Chelsea sensationally broke his silence last night.

Slovakian Lobos Michel, in an exclusive SP interview, reckons Chelsea were LUCKY to concede the winning goal to Luis Garcia at Anfield on Tuesday night.

He explained: "I believe Chelsea would have preferred the goal to count rather than face a penalty with just ten men for the rest of the game.

"If my assistant referee had not signalled a goal, I would have given a penalty and sent off goalkeeper Petr Cech."

Michel who runs a company flogging car tyres in Bratislava, added: "Jose Mourinho shook my hand after the game and did not complain about the goal. I appreciated his gesture.

"I was quite ready to explain everything, but no-one asked me about the situation. I always answer polite questions.

"I am a good friend of Anders Frisk, but whatever happened between him and Chelsea is in the past. The only thing I go by is what happens on the pitch."

The crescendo of noise from the Anfield crowd cut communications between Michel and Roman Slysco, the linesman who gave the goal. Michel added: "Roman beeped me to signal the foul by Cech, but I didn't know that till later.

"It was the noise from the crowd that stopped me hearing it. I have refereed at places like Barcelona, Ibrox, Manchester United and Arsenal. But I've never in my life been involved in such an atmosphere. It was incredible.

"I did not need the signal from Roman, though. I had already seen the foul and played advantage. There was no doubt in Roman's mind about the goal and he was in the best position to see.

"I chose him to be part of our team and I trust him. He is a heart surgeon and mistaken decisions are not allowed in his job.

"There was not even need to confer. He signalled the goal and sprinted back to the half-way line.

"I have seen the goal scores of times since on TV and have no reason to change my mind. But it would still be fine by me if they brought in technology to decide these things for the World Cup, European Championship and Champions League."

And Michel would be happy if UEFA select him to take charge of future European ties involving English clubs.

He said: "What I like about England is the players are very fair. They don't like to dive, they don't feign injury. Just one yellow card in a match of such intensity shows that.

"Some people were surprised I played six minutes more at the end. I have never given so many before.

"But apart from the subs, I had to take time off for the two people running on the field and the time-wasting by fans keeping the ball."

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