Rooney kehrt Everton endgültig den Rücken

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Englands Fußball-Shooting Star Wayne Rooney wird seinen Stammklub Everton verlassen. "Die EM war eine fantastische Erfahrung für mich. Ich habe erkannt, dass ich auf höchstem Level spielen kann, und das will ich in Zukunft bei einem Klub tun, der regelmäßig international spielt. Es war eine der härtesten Entscheidungen meines Lebens", meinte der 18-jährige Stürmer am Freitag.

Durch den angekündigten Everton-Abschied des vierfachen EM-Torschützens, der noch an den Folgen eines im EM-Viertelfinale gegen Portugal erlittenen Mittelfußknochenbruchs laboriert, wird nun ein Wettrennen zwischen Newcastle und Manchester United um die Unterschrift Rooneys erwartet. Newcastle ist derzeit laut englischen Medienberichten durch die Millionen-Einnahmen aus dem Woodgate-Verkauf an Real Madrid in der Pole Position. Die "Toffees" fordern für den englischen Teamspieler, der zum Auftakt der WM-Qualifikation am 4. September gegen Österreich in Wien wohl nicht dabei sein wird, zumindest 25 Millionen Pfund (37,2 Mio. Euro).


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Europaklassespieler ---> hier steht einiges, im manU therad!

von tmNh:

Rooney : I Want To Leave Everton

Wayne Rooney has told Everton he wants to leave Goodison Park to further his career.

The England striker handed in a transfer request late on Friday morning following confirmation of bids from both Manchester United and Newcastle United in the previous 48 hours.

"This has been one of the hardest decisions of my life but I feel the time is now right for me to move forward with my career," says Rooney in a statement.

"The Euros were a fantastic experience for me, it made me realise I could play at the highest level.

"To do that, I need to be with a club that is playing in Europe every year. I hope the Everton fans can come to understand my decision and I hope the transfer fee Everton Football Club receive will help the club move forward. 

"The Everton fans have always been fantastic in their support of me. I hope they respect my decision and I also hope that, some day in the future, I could be welcomed back to watch the team I have supported since boyhood."

Meanwhile, Sir Alex Ferguson was telling at United's training ground that a deal can still be done before Tuesday's transfer deadline, despite it being Bank Holiday weekend in England.

"David Gill is in dialogue with Bill Kenwright," Fergie told us. "And it only takes a second to say yes."

"The difficulty is in getting a medical done but, at the moment, we're not at the stage where are talking about it.

"We're waiting on an agreement with Everton before we can do anything else."

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es bleibt spannend.

Rooney hands in transfer request

The battle to sign England's most promising young player began in earnest on Friday when Everton striker Wayne Rooney handed in a transfer request.

The 18-year-old England international, the subject of three failed bids from Newcastle and Manchester United this week, cited his desire to join 'a club that is playing in Europe every year' as the reason for his decision.

It would now seem to be a straight fight between the two Uniteds to sign Rooney before next Tuesday's transfer deadline, with the Old Trafford club favourites to land the player whose rise to prominence was confirmed at Euro 2004.

'This has been one of the hardest decisions of my life but I feel the time is now right for me to move forward with my career,' Rooney said today.

'The Euros were a fantastic experience for me, it made me realise I could play at the highest level.

'To do that I need to be with a club that is playing in Europe every year. I hope the Everton fans can come to understand my decision and I hope the transfer fee Everton Football Club receive will help the club move forward.

'The Everton fans have always been fantastic in their support of me. I hope they respect my decision and I also hope that some day in the future I could be welcomed back to watch the team I have supported since boyhood.'

Newcastle were the first to fail with a £20million bid for Rooney this week. United matched that but were also turned down yesterday.

Newcastle's second offer - thought to be worth £23.5million - was also dismissed by Everton on Thursday.

But with chairman Bill Kenwright revealing: 'I can't tell you if he will be at Everton next week' it would seem the brilliant youngster, who had two years to run on the contract which he signed in 2003, is about to leave.

United manager Sir Alex Ferguson would only say today: 'It is as it was yesterday. David Gill [chief executive] is in dialogue with Bill Kenwright.'

Asked about the timescale of a move, Ferguson said: 'It only takes a second to say yes.

'The difficulty is getting the medicals but at the moment it is not at the stage where we are taking about it.

'We are waiting for an agreement before doing anything else.'

Newcastle chairman Freddy Shepherd would not reveal whether the Magpies would make a new offer for Rooney.

He added: 'You know has much as us - but I'd hope he can still be a Newcastle player.

'We've got until 3.30pm on Tuesday to do it - and I'm sure Everton will make their mind up before then.'

Rooney held talks with Toffees manager David Moyes at Bellefield training ground on Friday morning and then submitted a written transfer request.

Shepherd claimed the Magpies were prepared to fight Manchester United all the way for Rooney.

Speaking in Monaco following the UEFA Cup draw, he added: 'I'm always confident. I think Wayne Rooney will be in another club by Tuesday, and I would like to think he will be wearing a black and white shirt.

'Our bid is in and it's confidential, it would not be fair to Everton to disclose it. They have had the bid and have to decide which way to go.

'He's their player, he's not our player and it's up to them to say yes or no.'

Shepherd refused to say whether Newcastle were prepared to up their bid but insisted they would do their best to land the England forward.

'One thing we're not at Newcastle is shrinking violets put it that way,' he added. 'But I would put my house on it all being sorted out before the transfer deadline.'

ich hoffe doch, newcastle kann sich ihn sichern, rooney ist ein spieler den wohl jeder haben möchte.

nur wäre mir es auch sehr recht, wenn ein guter verteidiger kommen würde, den würden sie wohl mehr benötigen.

auch frage ich mich, warum kluivert geholt wurde, kostet ja doch einiges an gehalt und wenn jetzt rooney tatsächlich kommen würde, würde patrick wohl kaum mehr zum einsatz kommen (zu dem kluivert bis jetzt auch nicht wirklich kam).

ich würde mich über rooney freuen, aber ein guter verteidiger wär mir auch recht.

bearbeitet von Patzi

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Die Hilfe für den ASB-Alltag

trotzdem muss er noch einiges leisten, das er in die fusstapfen von alan shearer treten kann... wenn die in newcastle nicht überhaupt zu groß sind!

aber wer will hier nicht spielen, wahnsinn:

bearbeitet von GreenWhiteMarkus

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Ferdinand, Heinze, Silvestre, Brown, Keane, Gary Neville, O'Shea ... davon kann ein Real Madrid nur träumen ;)

natürlich, noch isses kein vergleich, aba auch real hat mal - ähm - klein angefangen :D

ich hab des so gmeint: man u müsste sich wohl eher in der abwehr als im angriff verstärken...

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Ferdinand, Heinze, Silvestre, Brown, Keane, Gary Neville, O'Shea ... davon kann ein Real Madrid nur träumen ;)

Fortune und Phil Neville können auch in der Verteidigung spielen ;)

Freu mich schon wenn alle fit sind :happy:

Kurzes Wort zu Real: Ich kenn da 4 Verteidiger: Helguera, Woodgathe, Walter Samuel und den jungen Meja

Salgado und R.Carlos sind doch keine Verteidiger, jedenfalls konnte man sie letzte Saison dort nicht finden :D

bearbeitet von VanTheMan

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trotzdem muss er noch einiges leisten, das er in die fusstapfen von alan shearer treten kann... wenn die in newcastle nicht überhaupt zu groß sind!

aber wer will hier nicht spielen, wahnsinn:

in die fußstapfen von alan shearer kommt er sicher nicht, aber das behauptet auch keiner.

aber da shearer ja nächste saison aufhört, braucht newcastle ersatz und ein rooney wäre spielerisch ein doch würdiger ersatz.

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Roberto Carlos war meiner Meinung nach sowieso noch niemals ein Verteidiger, eher sogar ein Flügelstürmer.

Das würde ich nicht so krass ausdrücken, denn Carlos läuft Wege die kein anderer Verteidiger in Europa Konditionell schaffen würde. Außerdem ist er nicht nur Torgefährlich, sondern auch technisch stark, bzw. schnell und hat eine gute Ballkontrolle. :madmax:

Hoffentlich geht er bald zum richtigen Verein. :teufel:

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