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Ich bin /root, ich darf das!

Dann müsste Sky da was ändern. Sobald ein zweiter sich mit SkyGo anmeldet hauts mich raus.

Zumindest war es vor ein paar Monate noch so.

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Also ein Freund von mir meint, dass mit einem Sky-Abo auf bis zu vier Xbox One Sky Austria aktiviert werden kann. Weiß da jemand was genaueres dazu?

ja man kann 4 geräte registrieren, aber man kann nicht mit mehreren gleichzeitig schauen.

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Wo is mei Kettn?

Also ein Freund von mir meint, dass mit einem Sky-Abo auf bis zu vier Xbox One Sky Austria aktiviert werden kann. Weiß da jemand was genaueres dazu?

Ich weiß dass der Plan noch weiter ging und die xBox One den Receiver ersetzen können sollte. Mal abwarten wie die Verhandlungen voranschreiten. Eine SkyGo Anwendung gibts ja schon für die 360!

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Link funzt nicht bei mir.

Gibt es eine kurze Zusammenfassung?

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Do you get consistently blocked on Xbox Live, or possibly send intimate photographs to random strangers? You may soon find yourself getting some very Sartrean just deserts. In a May interview just published by The Official Xbox Magazine, Microsoft senior product manager Mike Lavin has laid out some details on a new reputation system that will debut on the upcoming Xbox One. "There'll be very good things that happen to people that just play their games and are good participants," said Lavin. "And you'll start to see some effects if you continue to play bad or, or harass other people en masse. You'll probably end up starting to play more with other people that are more similar to you."

The program, which will replace the Xbox 360's starring tool, is based not purely on user-created ratings. It takes into account factors like when you're blocked by a user, how often people mute you, and whether moderators have taken action against you. Reputation scores are meant to be public, so people will be able to see if a user has an extremely low "avoid me" rating, and the idea is that eventually, trolls will end up playing with other trolls. This has been discussed before. Back in June, Major Nelson wrote that "we'll keep the good friendly players together with other good friendly people, and keep a seat for the bad apples in their own special place." And similar systems have been tried elsewhere, albeit not for a network as big as Xbox Live.

"We'll... keep a seat for the bad apples in their own special place."

In his interview, Lavin denied that the "avoid me" rating was creating a special Xbox hell. "Some people might like to play with people that are similar to them," he said. "I would not necessarily want to play with those folks." He also tried to defuse what seems, offhand, like the most likely option: that trolls will exploit the system themselves to attack people they don't like. "Let's just be clear, there is no way at all that a conglomerate of people can conspire to sink your Reputation on the system," he said. That's partially because it's adjusted over time, meant to stop flash harassment mobs. Lavin and Xbox Live's Chad Gibson have previously said that the system will do things like make sure you've actually played a game with someone if you complain about their in-game behavior. If you haven't, your report won't count for nearly as much.

But "if we see consistently that people, for instance, don't like playing with you, that you're consistently blocked, that you're the subject of enforcement actions because you're sending naked pictures of yourself to people that don't want naked pictures of you... Blatant things like that have the ability to quickly reduce your Reputation score." Microsoft is also keeping an eye out for opportunities to promote its services. Players' reputation will grow over time if they don't accrue complaints, but Lavin said it might also include things like participating in Xbox Live Rewards, which incentivizes renewing your Xbox Live Gold membership, buying games on the Xbox Live Marketplace, or referring friends.

Quelle: TheVerge

Wäre ein richtig geiles Feature!

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forza roma

Bin mal so frei:

Wäre ein richtig geiles Feature!

Nein. Kaum jemand wird sich die Mühe machen, einen Spieler extra schlecht zu bewerten, weil er dich beschimpft, weil du gegen ihn gewonnen hast (mir persönlich gibt das eher zusätzliche Genugtuung :davinci: ). Aber oft genug wird's schlechte Bewertungen für faire Spieler geben nur weil der Gegner frustriert ist und sich irgendwie "rächen" will.

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Do you get consistently blocked on Xbox Live, or possibly send intimate photographs to random strangers? You may soon find yourself getting some very Sartrean just deserts. In a May interview just published by The Official Xbox Magazine, Microsoft senior product manager Mike Lavin has laid out some details on a new reputation system that will debut on the upcoming Xbox One. "There'll be very good things that happen to people that just play their games and are good participants," said Lavin. "And you'll start to see some effects if you continue to play bad or, or harass other people en masse. You'll probably end up starting to play more with other people that are more similar to you."

The program, which will replace the Xbox 360's starring tool, is based not purely on user-created ratings. It takes into account factors like when you're blocked by a user, how often people mute you, and whether moderators have taken action against you. Reputation scores are meant to be public, so people will be able to see if a user has an extremely low "avoid me" rating, and the idea is that eventually, trolls will end up playing with other trolls. This has been discussed before. Back in June, Major Nelson wrote that "we'll keep the good friendly players together with other good friendly people, and keep a seat for the bad apples in their own special place." And similar systems have been tried elsewhere, albeit not for a network as big as Xbox Live.

"We'll... keep a seat for the bad apples in their own special place."

In his interview, Lavin denied that the "avoid me" rating was creating a special Xbox hell. "Some people might like to play with people that are similar to them," he said. "I would not necessarily want to play with those folks." He also tried to defuse what seems, offhand, like the most likely option: that trolls will exploit the system themselves to attack people they don't like. "Let's just be clear, there is no way at all that a conglomerate of people can conspire to sink your Reputation on the system," he said. That's partially because it's adjusted over time, meant to stop flash harassment mobs. Lavin and Xbox Live's Chad Gibson have previously said that the system will do things like make sure you've actually played a game with someone if you complain about their in-game behavior. If you haven't, your report won't count for nearly as much.

But "if we see consistently that people, for instance, don't like playing with you, that you're consistently blocked, that you're the subject of enforcement actions because you're sending naked pictures of yourself to people that don't want naked pictures of you... Blatant things like that have the ability to quickly reduce your Reputation score." Microsoft is also keeping an eye out for opportunities to promote its services. Players' reputation will grow over time if they don't accrue complaints, but Lavin said it might also include things like participating in Xbox Live Rewards, which incentivizes renewing your Xbox Live Gold membership, buying games on the Xbox Live Marketplace, or referring friends.

Quelle: TheVerge

Nein. Kaum jemand wird sich die Mühe machen, einen Spieler extra schlecht zu bewerten, weil er dich beschimpft, weil du gegen ihn gewonnen hast (mir persönlich gibt das eher zusätzliche Genugtuung :davinci: ). Aber oft genug wird's schlechte Bewertungen für faire Spieler geben nur weil der Gegner frustriert ist und sich irgendwie "rächen" will.

Ich finde die Idee an sich super!

Endlich keine Sänger oder wie Rohrspatzen schimpfende Wappler die dann durchdrehen und absichtlich Scheisse bauen, sondern eben jeder Spieler mit "seinesgleichen". Ich spiele kaum noch in den offenen Lobbys, vor allem wegen der doch recht hohen Idiotendichte (teilweise ists schon OK, aber ich habe mich schon oft genug geärgert).

Wie es dann im Detail aussieht und funktioniert kann man ja noch ned sagen. Wenn aber der Missbrauch verhindert wird und das System sauber läuft ists für mich wie gesagt ein absolut feines Feature!

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Xbox LIve Beta

hat das schon was mit der one zu tun?

hab mich dafür angemeldet...

auch nett:


-Blog about Beta Materials

-Post Pictures,Screenshots, or viedo clips of the Beta Materials

- Discuss the Beta Matrials, in discussion Forums, e-mails, podcasts,....

-Talk with the media or press about the Beta Materials.

wenn ma des net einhält:

Banned from future pre-release programmss

Crininak prosecution

Revoaction of access to Microsoft materials including Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 content.


bearbeitet von Alan27

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