NFL Season 2015/16


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die stats bei den bears lesen sich auch nicht so übel, vor allem mehr rushing yards und mehr passing yards als gb

nur blöd wenn man das ei in der red zone nicht reinbringt

immerhin schaut die defense dieses jahr deutlich stärker aus

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Rapid. Immer. Überall.

Das war ein ähnlich sicker Catch wie von Kearse im Superbowl am Ende vom 4th quarter :D

Der darf aber schon noch 2 TD laufen ;) I need fantasy points.

Und ich brauch keine Fantasy Points für meine Gegner, sorry ;)


ein paar mehr sacks von ware wären auch kein fehler. :D

Bills Defense war soweit ok heute, damit kann ich leben ;)

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Die Randy Moss Werbung ist noch die mit Abstand beste :D da kann Peyton und Luck einpacken.

Note the difference in posture and facial expressions between the two. Note the difference in wealth/status (the clothing and house) between the two. The entire video is filled with showing things a short guy can't do (can't reach the table, cereal, etc.) Then the video ends with 'Don't be like that short guy'. Then, there's the use of the word "petite". If you google "petite", the definition explicitly states "(of a woman)". It's a genteel way of calling a short male a "bitch" or "pussy". I'd rather not have my name on it, but these are some of my observations that I'd hope you discuss in your piece.


I think the most offensive part about this ad is that the creators of the ad thought they could get away with blatant body shaming because it was based on height instead of weight. Can you imagine the backlash such an ad would receive if it were "big boned <insert famous athlete>" who uses cable? Would they really use an overweight body as a punchline and risk alienating a large portion of their potential consumer base? I doubt it. However, body shaming is perfectly fine when it comes to height because they know that shorter men are unlikely to speak out for fear of being labeled with a complex or being seen as oversensitive.

Also note that the rest of the Direct TV ads that involve a "cable version" of a famous person all revolve around the odd or quirky behavior of that "cable version" versus the "DirectTV version". But here, it wasn't about "Petite Randy Moss's" behavior, but about the body to which he was given. The message of the ad is clear. "Petite Randy Moss" isn't a bad guy; it's just that he's very short and so he has a poor quality of life. That's the joke. Get it? Apparently, DirectTV thinks that the mere existence of a short male body is a punchline. So...

I'll be canceling my subscription at the end of the month.


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Pat Patriot

Ist Winston im "Normalfall" besser, oder warum wurde Mariota "nur" zweiter im Draft (College FB hab ich sehr selten verfolgt).

Das waren zwei total unterschiedliche Systeme bei den beiden. Mariota hat bei Oregon primär mit einer no huddle offense gespielt und das in einer Geschwindigkeit, dass sich die Gegner nicht darauf wirklich einstellen konnten. Winston habe ich leider selbst zu wenig verfolgt.

So, jetzt auf New Orleans @ Arizona anschauen ;)

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