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Chi se ne frega!

a) hats ja nicht mich direkt betroffen, sondern nur eine freundin.

b) wurde sie ja zurechtgewiesen und auch der anschließenden noteneinspruch ging problemlos durch.

wen willst du also verklagen? :happy:

Aso, fad! :p

Welche Schul wars denn?

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Noch ein paar Ergänzungen zu Version von DerFremde:

Stock market crash

The stock market crash on Tuesday, the 24th October 1929 (later also known as the "Black Tuesday" in the USA) was the worst stock market crash with major consequences.

The market price of the Dow Jones fell very deeply (nicht deeply wuerde drastic nehmen) and many shareholder were strongly indepbted (heißt so viel wie verschuldet, in der Schuld stehen).

Previous in the 20's the shares rose tremendously. In 1923 the share price of Dow Jones was 100 points but the Dow Jones was with 381 points on the highest level in the 20's. (verstehe nicht, was Du mit dem Satz sagen willst. Ich auch nicht!) Many thought there would be eternal prosperty so many speculated in stocks, not only big investors and companies, but also a lot of small investors. But the believe in eternal prosperty was treacherous. ( der ganze Absatz ist eigentlich ziemlich naja ned so besonders ;) )

Wuerde sowas schreiben: Previously in the 1920's the stock market experienced a tremendous boost. For example, the Dow Jones Index in 1920 was around 100 points. (keine Ahnung obs wirklich in dem jahr war ist eh fuern Hugo) Just a couple of years later in the late 20's the index rose to its maximum level ever since of 381 points. Because of that boom many believed in a never ending success story of the stock markets, invested their money and even took loans for their investments. (im grunde kannst dann den naechsten Absatz auch auslassen

Before these (mueste es nicht "those" heißen?) days millions took out loans for buying shares in the hope to pay it back (wuerde eher "amortize the loans" nehmen) with the profit they made on of the at the stock market.

These days were the beginning of the Great Depression and the global economic crisis which arrived at the maximum in the years of 1932 and 1933.

The Great Depression had devastating effects in both the industrialized countries all over the world as well as in those exporting raw materials. There also was was also a high unemployment rate and a high inflation in the industrialized countries.

About one eighth (1/8) of the Americans, that's about 15 million people, were unemployed, compared to only 9 % before the crisis.

(Die USA hatten damals etwas mehr als 100 Mio.Ew.)

The stock market crash and the Great Depression had big consequences in other countries. For example in Germany: The new politics went towards extremism. As many people were unemployed, the new leader Adolf Hitler gave the people jobs. They built weapons, bombs, bridges and so on. They had work, but the consequence was World War II.

(Stresemann hat eigentlich den Umschwung gebracht, aber egal! ;) )

In 1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt became the new president of the USA and he presented the New Deal to the American people. There were many social reforms, which were established in Europe but were revolutionary in the USA. They introduced the social insurance system, which included unemployment-, retirement- and health-insurance.

Furthermore he reduced the working time to lower the unemployment rate.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was re-elected one time and because of the beginning World War II he decided to candidate again. So he was the only president who lead the country more than two periods. He died in 1945 at the end of the Second World War.

bearbeitet von +[Jogi]+

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  • 2 weeks later...
+' date='23 Jan 2008, 0:26 ' post='1827012']

unzuverlaessig :nein:


nur mit der Ruhe, kommt schon noch!

Leider noch immer nicht dran gekommen, haben nur 2mal in Woche Englisch, einmal war meine Partnerin nicht da (krank), und das nächste mal hatten wir nen Test und diese Woche bin ich krank (siehe Durchfall-Thread). Deswegen musste sie gestern ihren Teil alleine vortragen, ich komme am Freitag dran, wenn ich denn schon in die Schule gehen kann!

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mein neues Zuhause

Das Wort heißt "indebted" (verschuldet) :winke:

hab i scho ausbessert ghobt :=

Leider noch immer nicht dran gekommen, haben nur 2mal in Woche Englisch, einmal war meine Partnerin nicht da (krank), und das nächste mal hatten wir nen Test und diese Woche bin ich krank (siehe Durchfall-Thread). Deswegen musste sie gestern ihren Teil alleine vortragen, ich komme am Freitag dran, wenn ich denn schon in die Schule gehen kann!

tzzz ist das ein Grund? die Schule von heute so verkommen :madmax::D

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