Pop Up´s

Gast Südspaten Bonobo (merda)

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Gast Südspaten Bonobo (merda)

Da das Internet durch die vielen Pop- Ups nahezu unerträglich geworden ist, wollte ich fragen, ob ihr mir einen guten Pop- Up Blocker empfehen könnt?

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beim neuen netscape 7.1 - browser ist ein pop-up-blocker bereits integriert!

Und falls du auf diversen seiten doch pop-ups zulassen willst, genügt ein klick um die seite hinzuzufügen.

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se one and only
ad-aware 6.0

seit dem ich das habe haut alles wieder hin und das programm löscht alle verbindungen zu diversen pop ups....

In Ad-Aware ist ein Pop Up-Blocker integriert??

Ich hab den Free Surfer mkII und bin eigentlich ganz zufrieden damit, der blockt dir alles weg - leider auch erwünschte Pop Ups wie zB bei einer PM im ASB.

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der blockt dir alles weg - leider auch erwünschte Pop Ups wie zB bei einer PM im ASB.

deswegen gibts beim netscape 7.1 die funktion, gewisse seiten auf die save-liste des blockers zu setzen, sodass auf diesen seiten pop-ups problemlos funktionieren

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se one and only
deswegen gibts beim netscape 7.1 die funktion, gewisse seiten auf die save-liste des blockers zu setzen, sodass auf diesen seiten pop-ups problemlos funktionieren

Is ja durchaus praktisch, aber ich mag meinen IE.

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ich verwende den avant browser (ein inet-browser auf basis des ie 6) der popup-blocker, flash-blocker und sogar bild-blocker integriert hat und nix kostet.


Flash Animation Filter: More than 85% of all flash animation on web pages is advertising. These flash files are pretty large, and normally take up to 90% of the size of the page you're visiting. With Avant Browser you can save this bandwidth by blocking the download of these flash files with just one easy click. Avant Browser also provides options to block downloads of pictures, videos, sounds and ActiveX components. With these options users can control their bandwidth and speed up page loading.

Built-in Pop-up Stopper: Easily eliminate unwanted pop-up pages automatically with just one click.

Additional Mouse Functions: If you click a link in the web page with the middle mouse button, the link will be opened in a new window in the background. And there are two handy mouse gestures in Avant Browser. The first allows you to navigate backward one step by holding the right button down and then clicking on the left button simultaneously. The second allows you to navigate forward one step by reversing the buttons used: hold left, and click right.

Multi-Window Browsing: Browse multiple web pages simultaneously. All opened pages can be easily stopped, refreshed, closed or arranged with one click.

Real Full Screen Mode and Alternative Full Desktop mode: When you enable Full Screen Mode, all you see is the webspace, with no toolbars or other clutter. They are simply autohidden! Move your mouse over the top or bottom and find the toolbar and tab bar respectively. Avant Browser also provides Full Desktop Mode, which is the same as Full screen mode, but differs in that your windows task bar stays visible.

Built-in Google Search Engine: Avant Browser provides a built-in search engine, Google. Built-in search engine enables user to search for web pages, images, groups, directories, news, lyrics and software in Internet. International users will be glad to know that you can set avant to utilize any of up to 64 google mirrors by default!

Full IE Compatibility: Avant Browser comes with all Internet Explorer functions, including Cookies, ActiveX Controls, Java Script, Real player and Macromedia Flash. IE bookmarks are automatically imported into Avant Browser.

Records Cleaner: With Avant Browser, you can easily keep your privacy by deleting Typed Addresses, Auto-Complete Passwords, Cookies, History of Visited Web Sites, Temporary Internet Files and Search Keywords.

Safe Recovery: If Avant Browser is closed improperly, all open web pages are saved and will be automatically reopened at next startup.

Translation: Avant Browser is available in many many languages to suit our international audience. If you your language is not available yet (see above), you can easily translate a small file and support for your native language can be included in the next version. It's quite simple.

Skins: Express your creativity by making a skin for Avant using a custom, easy to use program called Avant Browser Skin Factory, or use any of the many and varied skins made by other users.

sehr fein ist auch das multi-window-browsing (ein einziges fenster, das alle i-net seiten enthält)

bekommst du hier!

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