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Fuck Yeah


Kaká wird verlängern und zwar bis 2013! :love:


dieses ständige verlängern geht mir schon auf die nerven. nach jedem guten spiel zerren sie ihn ins büro und er unterschreibt einen neuen vertrag. das ganze driftet imho schon ins lächerliche ab.

speziell wenn man bedenkt wie wenig so ein vertrag heute wert ist, meist nicht einmal das papier auf dem er geschrieben ist.

spieler wie kaka kann man mit einem vertrag nicht an den verein binden. früher hatten sicher die vereine zu viel einfluss auf die karriere eines spielers aber heute hat es sich von dem einen extrem ins andere gedreht. sicher auch nicht richtig.

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Chi se ne frega!


Kaka wins FIFA award

Milan star Kaka has been awarded the FIFA World Player of the Year award at a ceremony in Zurich this evening.

The Brazilian ace can add the honour to the Ballon d’Or and the FIFPro World Player of the Year prize that he has already secured this year.

Kaka beat competition from fellow finalists Barcelona striking starlet Lionel Messi and Manchester United star Cristiano Ronaldo.

The Brasilia-born Rossonero credited his teammates for helping him secure the FIFA World Player of the Year award.

“I became a great player because I play for a great team,” he grinned.

“The way my teammates played has dragged my performances up to the highest level.”

The award caps a fantastic year and a glorious week for the 25-year-old who was instrumental in Milan’s Club World Cup triumph in Japan on Sunday.

“We won in Tokyo and that was because of Milan, not because of Kaka,” he insisted. “In football there are no individual prizes.”

There were inevitable questions regarding his future, but Kaka once more refuted talk that he will relocate to Spain.

“The football in La Liga is amongst the most attractive in the world,” he admitted. “But I’m happy playing for Milan and it would be very difficult for me to leave here.

“I have already turned down the possibility of moving to Spain and I did so because I like playing for Milan so much.

“I didn’t think that I would realise my dreams so quickly. I’ve won the Champions League and so much more since I arrived in Milan when I was very young.”

The former Sao Paulo man concluded by looking ahead to the weekend’s crunch derby against leaders Inter.

“We want to play well against Inter, as it is a great chance to claw points back,” he stated.


Krone für Kaká

Kaká wurde von den Trainern und Kapitänen der Nationalmannschaften zum FIFA Weltfussballerdes Jahres 2007 gewählt. Der Star des italienischen Renommierklubs AC Mailand hat den begehrten Titel zum ersten Mal erhalten.

Der 25 Jahre alte Mittelfeldmann Kaká ließ den Argentinier Lionel Messi und den Portugiesen Cristiano Ronaldo hinter sich.

Für Kaká stellt dieser Titel zugleich die Krönung eines überragenden Jahres dar. Der Brasilianer gewann mit dem AC Mailand zunächst die UEFA Champions League und dann am vergangenen Wochenende sogar die FIFA Klub-Weltmeisterschaft 2007 im Finale gegen die Boca Juniors, zudem wurde er von den Journalisten bereits zu Europas Fussballer des Jahres 2007 gewählt - mehr hätte sich die dynamische und torgefährliche Nummer 22 der Rossoneri nicht erträumen können. Sein sportliches Weihnachtsgeschenk, das er von den Trainern und Kapitänen der Nationalteams erhielt, ist damit der verdiente Jahresabschluss für den Ausnahmespieler: Kaká erhielt bei der Wahl viermal so viele Stimmen für Platz eins als die anderen beiden Nominierten.

FIFA Weltfussballer des Jahres 2007

1. Kaká

2. Lionel Messi

3. Cristiano Ronaldo

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Fuck Yeah


Milan star Kaka has been awarded the FIFA World Player of the Year award at a ceremony in Zurich this evening.

Un'altra corona per Kakà

"Molto più di un sogno"

Il brasiliano ha ricevuto a Zurigo il Fifa World Player 2007: ha preceduto Messi e Cristiano Ronaldo. "E' una serata speciale per me. Da bambino sognavo solo di diventare un calciatore del San Paolo. Dio ci dà molto di più di quello che pensiamo o vogliamo"

1-Kaka 1.047 points

2-Messi 504 points

3-Ronaldo 426 points

bearbeitet von acdc81

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Chi se ne frega!

Geilste Meldung seit Langem zu dem thema! :laugh:

Vielleicht sollte ihm jemand sagen, dass er "offiziell" etwa 10 Mrd.€ schwer ist! 8P

Berlusconi: Let's get 'Dinho!

Milan President Silvio Berlusconi has unveiled a cunning plan to lure Barcelona into selling them Ronaldinho.

“If, by chance, the deal could be done and the price-tag wasn’t too exaggerated….” mused the patron today on radio station Rtl 102.5.

“I have an idea: why don’t we start a collection among all the Rossoneri fans? That way the supporters could give themselves and their President a wonderful Christmas present!”

Berlusconi is more than happy to stump up the cash himself, as he has said on numerous occasions that he would break the bank to sign the Brazilian.

A transfer is more likely than ever right now, as Ronaldinho is unsettled at the Nou Camp and has been dropped, while the fans are also turning on their former hero.

“I hear news from Barcelona that the player is not going through the best time at the moment,” continued the media magnate.

“Milan are already protagonists on the world stage, but us fans would not reject the chance to have a champion like Ronaldinho as well.”

Berlusconi may have joked about his plans, but Vice-President Adriano Galliani points out there is more than a kernel of truth to it after their Champions League, European Super Cup and Club World Cup triumphs.

“We are receiving calls from many top players, some of them unexpected, and even more agents,” explained the transfer guru. :eek:

“A team that has won as much as Milan is enticing to players, but we have a starting XI without equal in the world and it will be very difficult to improve upon this squad.”

Changes will be forced in defence, though, as Paolo Maldini has confirmed he will retire in June and Marcos Cafu could follow.

Meanwhile, 18-year-old Alexandre Pato will finally be available from January, as he turned of age after the September transfer deadline and so was ineligible.

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Chi se ne frega!

Was für ein Jahr für Ricky! :allaaah:


No one ever like Ricardo Kaka. The 2007 of the Rossoneri's talent does not have any precedent. There's a simply impressive unanimity on Kaka!

Here's the incredible sequence of recognitions that have concentrated on

Kaka during the 2007 solar year:

- 17th December 2007: KAKA' FIFA World Player 2007

- 16th December 2007: KAKA' MVP of the Club World Cup Final between Boca and Milan: his team won and for him there are 1 goals and 2 assists

- 13th December 2007: KAKA' Best Player of the year for the readers of the prestigious weekly magazine WORLD SOCCER: over 50% of the votes for him

- 2nd December 2007: PARIS, KAKA' is the Golden Ball Winner 2007

- 19th November 2007: 'OSCAR del Calcio A.I.C.', Kakà nominated as best foreign player of 2007, the award on the 28th of January 2008

- 5th October 2007: KAKA' Best Player of the season according to Fifpro,the world association of the professional footballers

- 30th August 2007: MONTECARLO, Award Uefa: KAKA' Best Player of the Champions League 2006-2007

- 24th August 2007: KAKA' Best player in Europe thanks to a survey by Sky amongst its subscribers

- 6th June 2007: KAKA' Best player in the world according to the official website of FIFA, 48.61% of the votes

- 1st June 2007: KAKA' Best player in the world according to the weekly German magazine KICKER: 48.8% of the votes

- 26th May 2007: KAKA' Best player of the season according to the official website of UEFA, over 100,000 votes for him

- 23rd May 2007: KAKA' Top goalscorer with 10 goals in the Champions League 2006-2007

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Mit Arsenal haben wir wohl den leichtesten Gegner erwischt. Die sind heuer wieder mal komplett im Sand und mit ihrem durchschaubaren Kick and Rush-Stil werden wir mit dieser behäbigen Mannschaft überhaupt keine Mühe haben. Frag mich sowieso, wie sich die gegen Mannschaften wie Sparta Prag oder Steaua Bukarest durchsetzen konnten...


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Chi se ne frega!

Bisher gab es nur ein Duell zwischen Milan und Arsenal und das fand in Form von Hin- und Rückspiel um den europäischen Super Cup anno 1995 statt:


L'unico precedente nelle coppe internazionali tra Arsenal e Milan risale alla Finale di SuperCoppa Europea del 1995. La gara di andata del 1 febbraio, Arsenal-Milan è terminata 0-0; il ritorno dell'8 febbraio, Milan-Arsenal, 2-0.

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Chi se ne frega!

Na endlich! :holy:

Galliani Tells Ronaldo: Get Fit Or You're Off

Milan Vice-President Adriano Galliani has issued a thinly-veiled warning to Ronaldo that if he doesn’t overcome his injury problems he will be leaving the club.

‘El Fenomeno’ is having a miserable time of things at the moment and has played just one time this season due to injury.

The latest problem occurred while warming up before the Champions League clash with Benfica.

This ruled him out of last week’s FIFA Club World Cup, and will also see him miss this Sunday’s Milan derby.

Ronaldo’s contract with the Rossoneri runs out in June, and there have been strong reports that he will not be offered a renewal unless he can prove his fitness.

"He will have to work hard to regain his place,” said Galliani.

“Next year we will have six attackers. There are already five, the sixth will be Ronaldo, if he is fit. If not him, then there'll be another."

Teenage wonderkid Alexandre Pato will be available to play for Milan from January onwards, following his summer move from Internacional.

The striker has not been eligible thus far as he was still under-18 when the transfer was completed in August.

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