Transfernews ab 2.1.2006

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Corradi to replace Vieri?

Christian Vieri is set to leave Milan over the next week, possibly for Spurs, and it’s claimed Parma’s Bernardo Corradi has been earmarked to replace him.

Rossoneri Vice-President Adriano Galliani confirmed that Vieri was looking for a January transfer and that the situation would be clarified sooner rather than later.

“Vieri is very happy at Milan, but in a World Cup year he would like to play more regularly,” explained Galliani. “He is torn and I understand his situation. In any case, this is an issue that will be decided over the next two to three days and will not drag on beyond that.”

The striker has not been called up for tonight's match with Parma due to a bout of flu.

If Vieri has been linked with Atletico Madrid, Tottenham and Newcastle United, then Carlo Ancelotti is left with the task of replacing him.

There are two main options put forward by the Italian Press and both go through the club they will face tonight – Parma.

Corradi is the number one choice, as he is of similar build and playing style to Vieri, while there is a good transfer rapport between the two sides after this summer’s Alberto Gilardino deal.

The former Chievo, Inter and Lazio centre-forward was signed from Valencia as a replacement for Gila and could now follow him to the San Siro on loan.

The other alternative would be a former Parma player who would relish a return to Serie A. Marcio Amoroso was a star for Udinese and the Stadio Tardini side before making the move to Borussia Dortmund in 2001.

Spanish outfit Malaga currently owns the Brazilian, but his contract is up at the end of the season and he is on a loan spell in his homeland.

“Marcio would like to remain at Sao Paolo, but he certainly would not turn down an offer from Milan,” explained the 31-year-old’s agent Nivaldo Baldo.


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