Deportivo meldet sich am Transfermarkt

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Nachdem man mit de Guzman erst einen Mittelfeldspieler verpflichtet hat, stehen jetzt andere Namen bei Depor hoch im Kurs:

- Tomasson_Dänemark_: Hat ja beinahe übermächtige Konkurrenz in Mailand, kommt aber trotzdem wahrscheinlich nicht

- Tekke_Türkei_: So viel ich weiß türkischer Torschützenkönig von Trabzonspor, Nationalspieler, bei ihm schauts gut aus mit einer Verpflichtung

- Dhorasoo_Frankreich_: das sieht schon vielversprechender aus, aber Lendoiro hält sich wie immer bedeckt.

- Kehl _Deutschland_: Der Kicker meldet, dass Depor auch an Sebastian Kehl von Borussia Dortmund Interesse hat, als Nachfolger von Mauro Silva.

Bin gespannt, was sich bei Depor tut, wenn sich nichts tut, dann versinken sie für Jahre im Mittelmaß oder darunter mMn.

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- Dhorasoo_Frankreich_: das sieht schon vielversprechender aus, aber Lendoiro hält sich wie immer bedeckt.

Dhorasoo hat auch ein Angebot von Paris SG, angeblich will er lieber wieder nach Frankreich zurück..

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Im ASB-Olymp

Leverkusens Ponte vor Wechsel nach La Coruna

Der brasilianische Mittelfeldspieler Robson Ponte, derzeit noch in Diensten von Bayer Leverkusen, steht kurz vor einem Wechsel zu Deportivo La Coruna. Dies berichten spanische Zeitungen am Dienstag.

Gut möglich, dass Mittelfeldspieler Robson Ponte und Bayer Leverkusen schon bald getrennte Wege gehen. Spanischen Zeitungsberichten zufolge steht der Brasilianer kurz vor einem Wechsel zu Ex-Meister Deportivo La Coruna.

Bereits am Wochenende soll sich Pontes Berater Juan Figer mit "Depors" Sportdirektor Ricardo Moar getroffen haben, um Vertragsdetails zu klären. Ponte, Brasilianer mit italienischem Pass, hat in der vergangenen Saison nur 23 Bundesligaspiele für Bayer bestritten.

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Im ASB-Olymp

Und noch was:


Tuesday 14th June, 2005 -- The pre-season starts next week and the rumours about new incorporations continues. Names like Anh Jung-Hwan, Nakamura, Galletti, Baiano, Anderson and Duda had been related with Deportivo in the last hours.

The more curious case is Ahn Jung-Hwan (29). The Korean international striker was offered by the company Kia that owns his rights. According to Depor Sport the club will receive the player and €6 million in the transaction, Depor would have to pay only his salary and the percentage of his agent (€2.4 million in two years). At the end the squad will have a reinforcement in the striking zone and would earn at the same time €3.6 million.

It will be an incorporation with a marketing intention since the Korean player is recognized as the 'Asiatic Beckham'. Kia needs to increase their presence in Spain and Deportivo present an interesting option to them. Shunsuke Nakamura (27) is another possibility coming from Asia. The offensive midfielder was linked with Depor last week when the president of Reggina revealed that his club is thinking of an operation with the Galician club or with Atlético Madrid.

Meanwhile, president Lendoiro will try to solve during this week several cases. The first will be Dani Mallo. The Galician goalkeeper was the third option of Irureta in the past season and he isn't happy with his situation at the club. Mallo will talk with Lendoiro in order to know his possibilities of being a regular starter in Depor and later he will take a decision about his future.

Fernando Baiano (26) is another open front by Lendoiro. In the last hours it was known that the negotiations between the Brazilian player and Málaga are broken and it seems that Lendoiro had a dinner with Baiano's agent on Sunday. A possible agreement could be reached and Deportivo could have a new striker in the following hours.

Two new names have been related with Depor in the last hours, they are Sergio Paulo Barbosa 'Duda' (24) and Luciano Galletti (25). Duda is a left winger that could arrive to the Galician squad in order to cover the possible departure of Luque. According to the media in Málaga the price for the operation could reach €4 million. Meanwhile, Galletti has not reached an agreement for his renovation with Zaragoza and it seems that the price for his departure could also round €4 million. The international Argentinean player is a option to replace Víctor in the right wing. Atlético Madrid is also after him.

Finally, Anderson Silva (22) from Racing has been reported as a possible target of Deportivo. The Brazilian midfielder had a good performance during the past season, but it wasn't enough to convince Racing's officials. The Cantabrian squad had a €1 million option to secure Anderson's services permanently, but they will not fulfill it. It could be a choice to replace Mauro Silva.

Vor allem der Deal mit Ahn und KIA wäre der Wahnsinn für Depor. Da bekommt man gratis einen starken Spieler, der auch in Sachen Marketing in Asien einiges bewegen kann und als Draufgabe auch noch Geld dafür, dass man ihn bei sich spielen lässt. :eek:

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