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peter cushing spielte in star wars ep4 tarkin:

In 1976, Cushing was cast in Star Wars in the suporting part of Grand Moff Tarkin. Like all of the other actors portraying Galactic Imperial officers, he was presented with ill-fitting riding boots, which pinched his feet so much that he was given permission by director George Lucas to play the role wearing his slippers. As a result, the camera operators filmed him throughout the film only from the knees up, or else standing behind the table of the Death Star conference room set.

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Living the Dream!

Der Schauspieler, der den Topscorer der Isländischen Nationalmannschaft in Mighty Ducks 2 spielte (Gunnar Stahl), war auch im 3. Mighty Ducks Teil dabei und agierte dort als Goalie der Varsity Mannschaft der Eden Hall Academy.

True Story!

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