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Chi se ne frega!

Laut Medienberichten (uA. Gazzetta) ist das der Ausgang der Wahl zum Fußballer Europas 2007 und damit Gewinner des "Ballon d'Or":

1. Kaka (_Brasilien_, Milan)

2. Cristiano Ronaldo (_Portugal_, Manchester United)

3. Lionel Messi (_Argentinien_, FC Barcelona)

4. Didier Drogba (_Elfenbeinküste_, Chelsea)

5. Andrea Pirlo (_Italien_, Milan)

6. Ruud van Nistelrooy (_Holland_, Real Madrid)

7. Zlatan Ibrahimovic (_Schweden_, Inter Mailand)

8. Cesc Fabregas (_Spanien_, Arsenal)

9. Robinho (_Brasilien_, Real Madrid)

10. Francesco Totti (_Italien_, AS Roma)

Aus Milan-, aber auch aus italienischer und Serie A-Sicht sehr erfreulich! :clap:

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Fuck Yeah

Milan unveil Club World Cup squad

Carlo Ancelotti has named his 23-man squad for the Club World Cup in Japan, including the injured Ronaldo and Marek Jankulovski.

Milan are participating champions of Europe in the tournament that runs from December 7 to 16.

Although Ronaldo and full-back Jankulovski are currently out of action, the Coach hopes to have them both back in time to play in Japan.

Il Fenomeno has been ruled out of Saturday’s Serie A match with Juventus and most likely the Champions League decider with Celtic on Tuesday evening due to a recurring calf problem.

Under FIFA rules Milan can bring 23 players, but Alexandre Pato cannot take part, as the 18-year-old’s registration can only be made official from January 2008.

The Rossoneri only enter the competition from the semi-finals on December 13, where they will face one of Sepahan, Waitakere United and Urawa Red Diamonds.

Boca Juniors enter from the other semi-final and the trophy will be assigned in Yokohama on December 16.

Meanwhile, Boca Juniors have been told they cannot use new signing Juan Roman Riquelme in the Club World Cup.

The Argentine just completed his move from Villarreal, but is not eligible because he missed the “strict deadline of Friday November 23 2007 for submitting a final list of players,” explained FIFA.

Riquelme was not on the preliminary list handed in last week.

Milan squad:

P: Dida, Kalac, Fiori;

D: Cafù, Maldini, Kaladze, Nesta, Simic, Jankulovski, Bonera, Serginho, Oddo;

C: Emerson, Gattuso, Seedorf, Gourcuff, Pirlo, Ambrosini, Brocchi;

A: Inzaghi, Gilardino, Kakà, Ronaldo

schade dass riquelme nicht spielen darf. genialer kicker, da macht zusehen wirklich freude.

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Chi se ne frega!

schade dass riquelme nicht spielen darf. genialer kicker, da macht zusehen wirklich freude.

Stimmt, aber aus Milan-Sicht sicher ein Vorteil!

Zum Kader:

Keine Überraschungen, Pato, wie oben schon erwähnt leider (immer noch) nicht dabei! :(

Bin aber dennoch optimistisch, dass man da was reißen kann! :)

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Chi se ne frega!

War zwar klar, dass der Tag irgendwann kommen musste, aber das käme jetzt doch überraschend! :heul:

Milan, Maldini annuncerà il ritiro dopo il Mondiale per club

Pare avere un solo ultimo desiderio, Paolo Maldini il difensore trentanovenne capitano del Milan: vincere il Mondiale per club il 16 dicembre a Yokohama e dare l'addio al calcio.

L'indiscrezione è trapelata ieri poco dopo la partenza dei rossoneri per il Giappone. Per lui, si tratterebbe del 26mo trofeo col suo Milan. Alle prese con continui fastidi alle ginocchia, il giocatore aveva già pensato di smettere l'estate scorsa, poi la vittoria di Atene gli aveva donato nuova linfa. Ora però potrebbe arrivare il momento del clamoroso annuncio.

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Chi se ne frega!

Da bahnt sich ein Horrorfrühjahr an. In Anbetracht dessen muss der Vorstand eigentlich handeln und 2-3 neue Spieler holen, ansonsten ist der Kader bereits im April ausgebrannt! Was in weiser Voraussicht der Knock-Out Phase in der CL und später der EM keinesfalls wünschenswert ist! :nein:

Milan’s month from Hell

Milan face a testing start to 2008 with eight games in a month as they play the fixtures rescheduled for their Club World Cup adventure.

Between January 13 and February 13, the Diavolo face a hectic schedule, which is far from ideal so close to the Champions League last 16 first leg on February 19 or 20.

Milan missed games against Atalanta, Reggina and Livorno due to their trip to Japan and a revised date has been chosen for each fixture.

The Bergamo clash against Atalanta that was abandoned on November 11 will now be played behind closed doors on the evening of January 23.

Three days later, Carlo Ancelotti’s men travel to Udinese before facing Catania in the Coppa Italia.

Reggina-Milan, which was set for this weekend, is now on January 30 and Milan-Livorno is on February 13 – both games are evening kick-offs.

If Milan progress in the Coppa Italia they will play their quarter-final encounters on March 12 and April 16 instead of January 23 and 30 and the semi-final on 7 and 14 May instead of 16 April and 7 May.

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Milan - Celtic

Das Codewort für den neuen Kuschelkurs ist "Verkaufbarkeit". Der Fußball, den wir hier alle gut finden und an dem wir hängen ist womöglich nicht massenkompatibel. Wir sind Leute, die ins Stadion gehen, die richtigen Farben vorzeigen, die den eigenen Verein auch noch Montag und Dienstag in der Kneipe verteidigen, die Familienstreit in Kauf nehmen, um zu Auswärtsspielen zu fahren, die vergleichsweise absurde Summen ausgeben, um bei Auswärtsspielen dabei zu sein, sich die Füße abfrieren und Bier aus Plastikbechern völlig normal finden und die dabei noch über den Tellerrand des eigenen Vereins schauen.

So, und jetzt haben gestern sagen wir 5 Millionen Leute weltweit das Spiel im Fernsehen angeschaut, schön mit Bier und Chips, vielleicht 40.000 waren im Stadion. Von diesen 40.000 waren 30.000 im weitesten Sinne Milan-Fans, 20.000 von denen können mehr als 5 Spieler auf dem Platz mit Namen benennen, 15.000 wissen, auf welchem Platz wir stehen, 10.000 kennen den Todestag von Gabriele Sandri und sagen wir 3000 sind bereit, für Ihren Verein Gewalt auszuüben und einzustecken (die Zahlen sind ausgedacht, also bitte nicht drauf eingehen).

Wir sind also eine verschwindende Minderheit in der Masse derer, die sich irgendwie mit Milan verbunden fühlen und - ich nehme mal an, wir scheissen auf Kommerz - wir geben nicht überdurchschnittlich Geld für die Sponsoren aus: Ich jedenfalls habe keinen einzigen offiziellen Fan-Artikel, kein Sky-Abo, keine AC Milan Kreditkarte, keinen Kakà-Wackeldackel fürs Auto und kein Konto bei der Banca Intesa.

So, und jetzt nehmen wir mal unseren geliebten AC als Beispiel für den modernen Fußball, ein Verein, um den sich die Sponsoren reißen. Weil wir so geilen Fußball spielen und so eine lange Tradition haben? Mittelbar. Unmittelbar vermutlich eher, weil viele Leute etwas mit dem Namen anfangen können und Spiele im TV eine große Reichweite haben. Wer bei Milan wirbt, macht sein Produkt bei vielen Leuten bekannt, auch und gerade bei Leuten, die mit Fußball, wie wir ihn lieben, herzlich wenig zu tun haben.

Und die wollen ein technisch hochklassiges Spiel sehen, kein Blut, kein auf den Rasen rotzen, harmlose Gesänge a la "per vedere segnare Kakà", Spieler, die sich ordentlich benehmen und sich artig die Hand geben - alles andere macht denen Angst. Wenn jetzt sagen wir Opel den Schriftzug "Meriva" aufs Trikot pappt, dann weil die möglichst viele Leute erreichen wollen und das ganze auch noch positiv besetzt sein soll. Das Auto soll ja gekauft werden, die geben Milan das Geld nicht, weil die in der CL so schön weit gekommen sind! Ein Foto von einem brutal von hinten reingrätschenden Spielers macht sich da nicht so gut, auch wenn die Attacke womöglich grade die CL-Qualifikation sicherte. Spucke aufm "Meriva" ist auch nicht toll oder Blutspritzer. Schön gefunden da draußen wird aber ein Foto von nem Meriva-Hemd, das gerade seinem Kontrahenten fair die Hand gibt. Pensa un po' te!

Kakà mit seinem engelsgleichen Gesicht, den perfekten Manieren, immer korrekt angezogen und rasiert, keine Frauengeschichten, vorbildliches Verhalten sowohl auf als auch neben dem Platz, Verlässlichkeit, ein wenig Exotik (Brasilianer ja, aber diszipliniert und taktisch geschult) - der Mann ist das Emblem des modernen familienkompatiblen Fußballs. Fans brauchen die da nur für das folkloristische Rahmenprogramm und Ärger machen oder unangenehme gesellschafltiche Diskussionen anstoßen dürfen wir schon gar nicht. Oder - Gnade uns Gott - auf ein paar besonders eklige Details des modernen Produkts Fußball hinweisen (Moggi, Epo, Wettskandal).



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Chi se ne frega!

Kaka shoulders the burden

Ballon d’Or winner Kaka insists he enjoys the responsibility of leading Milan to Club World Cup glory.

“This is a very important trophy for the South Americans, so myself and my teammates will do everything we can to win and write our name in the history of football,” said the Brazilian.

He was in the side that lost to Boca Juniors in 2003, but four years on he has become a key figure in the Rossoneri line-up.

“I like responsibility. I know I am here and what is expected of me, so it is true that things are different for me compared to the last time I played in this tournament,” said Kaka, who could face Boca Juniors again in the Final.

“Right now we are focusing only on the semi-final. As for the rest, I don’t like the idea of revenge. In 2003 Boca won and that is all there is to it. We have to look forward.”

Milan enter from the semi-finals and do not yet know the name of their opponents. Sepahan defeated Waitakere United 3-1 and the winner of their match with Urawa Red Diamonds will decide who goes on to face the Italians.

“We watched the game to get a good idea over our next opponents and will be careful to take notes during Monday’s quarter-final.”

Kaka will have even more pressure on him to deliver, as Ronaldo looks set to miss out completely after failing to train for the past three days.

“He has overcome more difficult moments than this, when he was out for two years with that knee injury. I hope he can return soon and get a string of games under his belt.

“The thing that is troubling him is the feeling he’s not part of the squad because he can’t play in the matches. This is why we all talk a lot during this training camp in Japan, as we want to show him he is part of the side.”

It is increasingly unlikely Il Fenomeno will be back in action before the Milan derby on December 23.

“We don’t know when he’ll be back, but when we talk – and we often do – we don’t discuss injuries. His calf muscle is still troubling him, but that is for the medical staff to think about. We take care of Ronaldo the man and our teammate.”

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Chi se ne frega!

Milan receive Ronnie boost

Ronaldo is back in training and Milan teammate Andrea Pirlo hopes he can lead the Diavolo to Club World Cup glory.

The Rossoneri start their bid for world supremacy against Japanese side Urawa Red Diamonds on Thursday morning.

Ronaldo isn’t expected to feature, but he could play in the Final on December 16 as he has shaken of the worst of a calf injury sustained in the warm-up at Benfica a fortnight ago.

“He has such a desire to return and he has been very close to us over the last few days as we really need him, but he is especially important on the pitch,” Pirlo told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

“He is a player who can make a difference. I hope that he can increase his training this week and also play.

“This is a trophy that my lots of my teammates and I are lacking. We have had the chance to play in this competition and we want to go the whole way.”

Milan have been careful not to underestimate Thursday’s opponents after Urawa beat Iranian side Sepahan.

“We watched them yesterday and they were aggressive and had good players and fans,” Pirlo stressed.

“I was really impressed by their striker Washington, Tulio and the left winger with the No 1 shirt Soma who was at the heart of everything his team created.”

FIFA intend to use the Club World Cup to experiment with new goal line technology, using a microchip in the ball.

“The referees and Adidas officials have come and explained everything,” the Azzurri midfielder explained.

“Near the two goals there are magnetic sensors that will let the referee know when the ball completely crosses the line.

“In any case, putting a microchip in the ball won’t influence the shape of feel of the ball in any way.“

Pirlo concluded by revealing the difficulties he has experienced in changing time zone.


Important day for Milan who also recovered Simic and saw Dida back to training. Today at the "Marinos" there was also Ronaldo: some ball juggling, some shots to the ball, exercises, stretching and running.

YOKOHAMA – Ronaldo's day. Today, considering the light rain which has made the central pitch of "Marinos" harder, Ronie went on the pitch with the team. After listening to the initial speech of Carlo Ancelotti, the Brazilian champion went with one of the trainers of the athletic structure of Milan, Roberto Morosi, for a series of excercizes: first on the short and high obstacles, then for stretching with the rehabilitators Nello Genovesi and "Tomo" (Tomislav Vbrnijak), then for a long phase of running on the adjacent pitch. The possibilities of recovering Ronaldo are increasing ahead of Sunday's match.

In the meantime, after the addition in the group of Serginho yesterday, who can now be considered recovered at all affects, the same thing happened to Dario Simic. Today the Croatian national player did everything with his team-mates, small game in the end included. Dida was back too as he had an intensive training session under the shots of Villiam Vecchi and Beniamino Abate. Even if Ronaldo will confirm his improvements in the next days, Milan, aims to have all 23 players available of the Fifa list ahead of the end of the Club World Cup.

Today the team worked with the ball, first with cross and volleys, then a series of shots towards goal by the individuals against Kalac and Fiori. In the final small game, the team with the red bibs against the team with the green bibs, many players seemed in good condition. A good gooal by Gourcuff and a good save by Kalac were the highlights. Marek Jankulovksi was not on the pitch because of a different training program. We remind that the Czech national player has recovered completely from his injury.

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Chi se ne frega!


Both Milan and Boca are after the fourth World Cup win: whoever will win, it will be a record, since that none of the teams ever managed to do so. Rossoneri and Argentineans have triumphed 3 times.

YOKOHAMA – In front of Milan there isn’t only the possibility to play the Club World Cup, but also that of entering the history books. For the Rossoneri, who have won the Intercontinental trophy three times, there’s the real possibility of winning the fourth cup and it would be a record. The same story is valid for their opponents, Boca Juniors: even today the team coached by Russo, has the opportunity of climbing on top of the world for the fourth time. No other team managed to do so.

The Rossoneri won the Cup in 1969, 1989 and 1990, whereas the Argentineans won it in 1977, 2000 and 2003. With three wins there are also Real Maldrid, San Paolo, Nacional and Penarol, who did not take part in this edition.

If it should go like we all hope, Milan would be the only club to have won the World Cup 4 times. However, other records could be sealed on the 16th of December at Yokohama: Cafu could become the only World Champion to win the Cup both in a South American team (San Paolo in 1992 and 1993) and a European team; Paolo Maldini will play his sixth final, after winning two in 1989 and 1990 and the other three he lost in 1993, 1994 and 2003. Pippo Inzaghi, who came in against Urawa instead of Gilardino during the game, could instead become the only player to score in all competitions, if he finds the goal in the final.

However, apart from the personal records, there’s an entire Milan team which dreams of that trophy which has been missing for the past 17 years. The destiny, for the second time, sends the Rossoneri to face their latest rivals. Just like in the Champions League final, which was played again against Liverpool, following the incredible epilogue of 2005, Milan will have the opportunity for revenge against Boca, following the final won by Carlos Bianchi’s side in 2003. In that circumstance, Boca won from the penalty shoot-out, as regular time and extra time ended 1-1, with the goals in the first half by Tomasson and Donnet.

The story of the Cup is ready to write a new chapter, and for Milan and Boca it is a huge chance: to enter the legend.

It is also fair to remember that since Fifa has substituted the Intercontinental Cup with this competition, the champions have always been Brazilians: Internacional last year and San Paolo the previous year. Who will follow them, the Italians or Argentineans?

On Sunday the important verdict will arrive: appointment is for 16th of December, at 11.30am (Italian time), always at the International Stadium of Yokohama.









2003: MILAN-BOCA 1-1, after extra time, 1-3, after penalties

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eine kleine sammlung zu dida:

Inter -Milan

Bayern - Milan

Bayern - Milan

ManU - Milan

Celtic - Milan

Celtic - Milan

Sevilla - Milan


Und nachdem er gegen die Red Diamonds so toll gehalten hat ist Gattuso zu ihm hin:



weg mit dem schwachkopf! :aaarrrggghhh:

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514.gif - 2254.gif

Club World Cup, Semi-final

AC Milan (Italy, Europe) Urawa Reds, (Japan, Asia)

11:30 CET - Thursday December 13, 2007

International Stadium, Yokohama, Japan


1-0 Seedorf (Min 68)

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Pirlo Free Kick (Min 13)

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Kaka Skills (Min 23)

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Jankulovski Shoot (Min 48)

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Seedorf Chance (Min 58)

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Kaka Skills + Pirlo Shoot (Min 83)

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Chi se ne frega!

Bin mittlerweile optimistisch, dass die Saison seine letzte sein wird! :yes:

Das Spiel Urawa Red Diamonds - Milan war übrigens das größte Fernsehhighlight im japanischen Fernsehen seit fast 30 Jahren, 30 Mio. Menschen haben das Spiel mitverfolgt. Rekord! :)

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Chi se ne frega!

Kuriositäten á la Galliani! :D

Milan Galliani: 'Vogliamo Kakà fino al 2018'

Adriano Galliani, ha rivelato alla stampa spagnola: "Stiamo parlando con Kakà per prolungare contratto fino al 2018". Le norme non consentono accordi della durata superiore ai cinque anni, ma il Milan pensa all'allungamento automatico di stagione in stagione a cifre prestabilite


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Chi se ne frega!

Kleine Preview zu MILAN - BOCA JUNIORS:

club1907169.gif - club1884422.gif

Milan - Boca: ein historisches Duell

Die Zeit der Ungewissheit ist vorbei. Der AC Mailand und die Boca Juniors bestreiten im International Stadium von Yokohama das große Finale um die FIFA Klub-Weltmeisterschaft Japan 2007.

Somit treffen zwei Mannschaften aufeinander, die zu den erfolgreichsten Teilnehmern in der Geschichte des Interkontinental-Pokals gehören und sich 2003 schon einmal im Finale um den Titel der weltbesten Vereinsmannschaft gegenüberstanden. Vor vier Jahren behielten die Argentinier die Oberhand. Nun erhalten die Rossoneri die Gelegenheit, um sich zu revanchieren...

Das Spiel

AC Mailand - Boca Juniors, Yokohama, Sonntag, 16. Dezember, 11.30 MEZ.

Die Ausgangslage

Beide Teams durchlebten in ihrer jeweiligen nationalen Meisterschaft eine eher durchwachsene Saison, weshalb das Finale am Sonntag den letzten großen Höhepunkt des Jahres 2007 darstellt. Die Italiener werden sich außerdem sicherlich noch an die schmerzvolle Finalniederlage im Elfmeterschießen aus dem Jahre 2003 erinnern. Für die Boca Juniors, bei denen nur noch zwei Spieler aus der Siegermannschaft von vor vier Jahren übrig geblieben sind, würde ein Triumph in diesem Wettbewerb nach vier Jahren die Rückkehr an die Spitze der Weltelite des Vereinsfussballs bedeuten.


Keine der beiden Mannschaften hat Verletzte zu beklagen, allerdings muss Miguel Russo auf den gesperrten Fabián Vargas verzichten, der beim 1:0-Erfolg gegen Étoile du Sahel des Feldes verwiesen wurde.

Zahlen und Fakten

Mit jeweils drei Siegen beim Interkontinental-Pokal gehören die Boca Juniors und der AC Mailand zu den erfolgreichsten Vereinsmannschaften der Welt. In Yokohama wird sich einer von beiden absetzen.

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