Wenger vs. Mourinho

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Wenger schießt gegen Trainerkollege Mourinho scharf zurück - er erwägt sogar rechtliche Schritte

Arsene Wenger reagiert scharf auf die Attacken von Jose Mourinho: "Ich behalte mir rechtliche Schritte vor", so der Coach von Arsenal London.

"Er ist ein Voyeur", hatte Mourinho gelästert: "Er redet von nichts anderem, immer nur Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea. Ich weiß nicht, ob er meinen Job will, aber er liebt Chelsea."

Wenger bezeichnet seinen Kollegen als "gestört, ohne Realitätsbezug und respektlos". Auslöser des Streits waren Kommentare Wengers nach Chelseas erstem Punktverlust der Saison.

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Go Bears

FORZA WENGER :support::clap::super:

Ich kann den Mourinho eh ned Leiden bei den Spielen sitzt er immer nur deppat und faul auf seinen Sessel und schaut nur deppat zu es ist ein zufall das er nicht noch nach Popcorn verlangt!

Mourinho ist selber ein Voyeur!

MOURINHO RAUS!!! :support::support::o:nope::nope:

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FORZA WENGER  :support:  :clap:  :super:

Ich kann den Mourinho eh ned Leiden bei den Spielen sitzt er immer nur deppat und faul auf seinen Sessel und schaut nur deppat zu es ist ein zufall das er nicht noch nach Popcorn verlangt!

Mourinho ist selber ein Voyeur!

MOURINHO RAUS!!!  :support:  :support:  :o  :nope:  :nope:


Forza Kindergarten, schalalala. Wir singen Kindergarten schalalalala. :D

Endlich beendet mal ein charismatischen Mann die Schreckensherrschaft Wengers in den Gazetten UND hat Erfolg

bearbeitet von auslöschung

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Das Leben besteht in der Bewegung

mourinho ist zwar arrogant und unsypmpatisch, ist aber wenigstens nicht angepaßt und gibt sogar den sogenannten fußballidolen saures (cruyff); außerdem ein verdammt guter trainer

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Das hält man ja im Kopf nicht aus, da denk ma das ganze hat eine Ende die Wogen glätten sich und

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has re-ignited his feud with Chelsea counterpart Jose Mourinho.

The pair have exchanged words all week in a row started on Monday by Mourinho, who said Wenger was obsessed with Chelsea and called him "a voyeur".

Now the Gunners chief has said: "I will still give my opinion about Chelsea if I want to. Nothing will stop me doing that. We are not in a dictatorship.

"It was a personal attack (by Mourinho) and it was not involved with football."

Mourinho has claimed his comments about Wenger are not personal, but said he attacked the Frenchman after Chelsea compiled a 120-page dossier containing his comments about the Premiership champions.

Wenger said on Friday that he was "amazed" such a dossier existed.

"I'm quite amazed. We have no file about anybody," Wenger said.

Mourinho has offered to apologise if Wenger does the same but the Arsenal boss, who has threatened to take some kind of "action" against his counterpart, shows no sign of wanting to do that.

"For me, the story is now over. I don't want to speak about it any more," Wenger said in the London Evening Standard on Friday.

"I will take action if I want to take action. I have not decided yet.

"If people say my team plays bad football or they don't like it I can take that. When I speak sometimes, I can say words that somebody else does not like, but I have never meant to offend anybody.

"I repeat what I said this week - the comments (by Mourinho on Monday) were completely disconnected from reality.

"I don't know where they came from, but it did not stop me from sleeping, not at all." Wenger originally dismissed Mourinho's comments as "out of order" but the Chelsea coach stands by his opinion.

The two bosses have been urged by the Football Association, the League Managers Association and their own clubs to end the row.

It is thought Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon telephoned Arsenal's managing director Keith Edelman on Thursday in an attempt to defuse the war of words.

Wenger has also criticised the media for distorting some of his comments during the row, after it was reported that he called Mourinho "stupid".

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