wer kennt diesen remix?

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War am Sonntag in der Nachtschicht und hab einen Remix von "The Sound of San Francisco" von den Global Deejays gehört!aber nicht die übliche version wo weltstädte aufgezählt werden sondern österreichsiche Städte, wie St. Pölten oder Linz!

Kennt diesen Remix jemand?

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Vi besvarer din forespørgsel hurtigst muligt.

da kann es sich ja praktisch nur um dieses stück hier handeln:

Now I'm going to sing for you the old Bundesbahnblues:

Oh I was travilling through this country, travilling with the Bundesbahn.

Ah geh wusch a ghe wui.

I said, I was travilling through this country, with the doggone Bundesbahn.

Ah geh wusch a ghe wui!

Taking along my baby - suddenly she was gone. Total verschwunden.

And now i'm looking for my baby, is'nt it a doggone shame.

Himmel fix no amal!

I said: I'm looking for my baby, is'nt it a doggone shame.

I said: Himmel fix no amal!

There is just the Fahrplan of the Bundesbahn to blame zu blöd!

Is she in Scheibbs, in Lunz, in Ybbs, in Schruns,

in Wulkaprodersdorf, in Attnang-Puchheim?

Is she in Mistelbach, in Stinkenbrunn,

in Zwettl or in lovely Wieselburg?

All I know, she's gone and shomwhere im g'scherten Jogelland, my poor baby.

Is she in Hadersdorf, in Weidlingau,

in Kaisermühlen, Gänserndorf, Amstetten?

Is she in Breitenfurt, in Klagenfurt,

in Ischl or in Fuschl or in Graz?

Tell me, where's my baby or I am certainly going nuts, sunst wer i narrisch!

Is she in Oberlaa, is she in Unterlaa,

is she in Erlaa or is she in Laa an der Thaya? Dann schrei i Feuer!

Is she in Bruck an der Mur, an der Ybbs, an der Donau

or is she in Bruck an der Leitha and so weiter?

This is no Genuß, I sing the Bundesbahnblues for my baby.

I ask the Bahnhofsvorstand, I ask the Kassier,

I ask the man who sells the heisse Würstel.

I ask the Fahrdienstleiter, the man with the Beer,

I even ask the Putzfrau with the Bürstel.

But nobody could tell me, where my baby might be - not even Mr. Waldbrunner!

Since then I'm travilling through this country using still the Bundesbahn,

from Bludenz to Marchegg.

looking for my Baby from Braunau to St. Veit an der Glan,

but my baby is weg!

Wearing out my shoes. Singing the Bundesbahnblues.

Text/Musik: Gerhard Bronner

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