Manchester United FC 2022/23

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Bunter Hund im ASB

Eine Chancenverwertung zum speiben - 2 mal ein Spieler von uns schon um den Torhüter rum und beide scheitern am leeren Tor (gut gegen Bruno war Lokonga stark gerettet)


Aber man hat diese Saison schon gesehen wie ungut Luton Town sein kann. Arsenal Minute 97(?) dort den Siegestreffer erzielt. Liverpool 1:1 bei ihnen. City geplagt wie wir. Gegen Newcastle 4 Punkte geholt.

Also die sind nicht so schlecht.


4ter Sieg in Folge schmeckt natürlich; jetzt kommen weiterhin lösbare Aufgaben. Ausnahme das Manc Derby Auswärts Anfang März - das wird schwer. Die sind jetzt wohl endgültig im Kampf-Modus nach dem Chelsea X gestern.


3 Punkte auf Tottenham aufgeholt :super: Passt schon - ein aufgrund der klaren Torchancen verdienter Sieg von unseren Burschen :love:

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Chancenverwertung kriminell!
Aber egal, Gott sei Dank drüber gebracht. 

Qualitätsverlust wenn Shaw draußen ist, ist halt ein Wahnsinn, weil von links dann nichts mehr geht (wie schon gegen Villa), aber das kann man Lindelöf halt auch net vorwerfen. Wieder nur ein Außenverteidiger fit…

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Bunter Hund im ASB
Papus schrieb Gerade eben:

verwertung kriminell!
Aber egal, Gott sei Dank drüber gebracht. 

Qualitätsverlust wenn Shaw draußen ist, ist halt ein Wahnsinn, weil von links dann nichts mehr geht (wie schon gegen Villa), aber das kann m

Malacia ist ja sowieso vom Erdboden verschluckt. AWB fehlt auch schon ewig und 3 Tage. 


Bei Shaw muss man wirklich schauen was das mit ihm wird; so gut und wichtig er ist wenn fit... diese ständigen Verletzungen ...

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The King
Class of 92 schrieb vor 2 Stunden:

Shaw schon wieder verletzt. 

Muss man sich auch langsam umsehen. Das ist auf Dauer keine Lösung.

Top-Idee, die Leihe von Reguilon zu beenden, um vielleicht am Ende des Transferfensters einen Stürmer per Leihe zu holen, der nie kam. Murtough…

Die Chancenverwertung :facepalm: man möchte nur noch schreien, wie schwierig wir es uns jeden Spieltag selbst machen 

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Bunter Hund im ASB
Starostyak schrieb vor einer Stunde:

Top-Idee, die Leihe von Reguilon zu beenden, um vielleicht am Ende des Transferfensters einen Stürmer per Leihe zu holen, der nie kam. Murtough…

Die Chancenverwertung :facepalm: man möchte nur noch schreien, wie schwierig wir es uns jeden Spieltag selbst machen 

Naja man muss halt dazu sagen, dass mit Malacia ab Jänner gerechnet wurde. Der hatte einen Setback nach seiner OP - das war halt schwer planbar. Das sich AWB dann auch noch zusätzlich verletzt.


Ist halt echt eine Seuchensaison was Verletzungen angeht.

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Bunter Hund im ASB

die ersten Ideen und Aktionen wirken schon mal sehr gut.


Berrada von City - Ashworth von Newcastle. Endlich Fußballmenschen und keine Banker/Vermögensverwalter.


Dazu die Pläne bezüglich Carrington und Old Trafford. Ich bin bis jetzt zufrieden und freu mich mal auf einen Sommer.

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Bunter Hund im ASB

“We have to look at the organisation of the club, because it is not good at the moment,” Ratcliffe told the Belgian newspaper De Tijd. “Take the head coach [Erik ten Hag] for example: he must report directly to the CEO. That is no longer possible in a modern football organisation.

“We then have to ensure that the right people end up in the right positions. Every person in management must be world class. And then it is important to create a positive, supportive, friendly and high-quality environment. That culture was missing before. Only in such an environment can you get the best out of sportsmen. If successful, the results will follow automatically. That’s the plan and I believe in it.”


Man muss INEOS Zeit geben und darf keine Wunder erwarten - aber sie versuchen zumindest das Richtige zu machen.

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get the fuck in!

Zeit brauchen wir sicher, alleine wegen FFP werden wir nicht alles auf einmal umkrempeln können. Man kann natürlich hoffen, dass ein besseres Umfeld mehr aus dem aktuellen Kader rausholt, aber davon ausgehen sollte man wohl nicht unbedingt.

Shaw dürfte auch länger ausfallen, Rest der Saison also wohl ohne LB, wozu auch...

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Bunter Hund im ASB

Hau mal die best bits aus dem Athletic Interview mit Sir Jim hier rein 



Has the last decade been quite painful? 

Sir Jim Ratcliffe: “It’s been a complete misery really in the last 11 years and it’s just frustrating if you’re a supporter during that period of time. That’s football isn’t it? It has its ups and its downs. I remember pre-Ferguson it wasn’t great for quite some time – for a more extended period of time actually, for about 25 years.


[18:08, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: We would like to see the Champions League for next season if we can. The key challenge here is that longer term we need to do things well and properly, and thoroughly, so it’s not an overnight change. It’s going to take two or three (seasons). You have to ask the fans for some patience. I know the world these days is about instant gratification but that’s not the case with football really. Look at Pep Guardiola at Man City – it takes time to build a squad.
[18:08, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: “Then we need to populate all the key roles with people who are best in class, 10 out of 10s, and there’s clearly a lot of interest in these roles in Manchester United, because it’s one of the biggest clubs in the world but also it’s one of the biggest challenges, because you’re taking it from a difficult place to hopefully where it should be at the top of the pyramid.
[18:08, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: Q: How would you rate the scale of this challenge? You are up against clubs linked to nation states, Financial Fair Play etc, it has not been a great season etc? How big is the challenge?

“I don’t know about the biggest thing in my career. But certainly the biggest challenge in sport that we’ve undertaken. It’s enormous – and the club IS enormous. The tentacles reach around the world. Everywhere I go in the world it’s Manchester United. It affects an awful lot of people on the planet and getting it right is not easy.
[18:09, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: “It’s not a 10 year plan. The fans would run out of patience if it was a 10-year plan. But it’s certainly a three year plan to get there. To think that we’re going to be playing football as good as Manchester City played against Real Madrid last season by next year is not sensible. And if we give people false expectations, then they will get disappointed. So the key thing is our trajectory, so that people can see that we’re making progress. I think it’s the club’s 150-year anniversary in 2028 … if our trajectory is leading to a very good place in that sort of timeframe then we’d be very happy with that. Because it’s not easy to turn Manchester United into the world’s best football team.”
[18:10, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: Q: Do you prefer a new ground or a refurbishment? 

“In an ideal world I think it’s a no brainer, a stadium of the north, which would be a world class stadium where England could play and you could have the FA Cup Final and it’s not all centred around the south of England. So in an ideal world, absolutely, that’s where I would be but you’ve got to be practical about life.”
[18:10, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: “I can talk about the principle. I am not going to talk about Mason. I am familiar with it. The principle is the important one. We will have other issues going forwards. You are dealing with young people who have not always been brought up in the best circumstances, who have a lot of money and they don’t always have the guidance they should have. What we need to do when have issues like that is understand the real effects, not the hype, then we need to make a fair decision in the light of the club’s values. That’s what we need to do and that’s how we will deal with it.”
[18:11, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: Q: So it’s feasible he could still have a future at Man Utd?

“All I can do is talk about the principle of how we will approach decisions like that.”
[18:11, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: There was this Qatari guy (Sheikh Jassim) that no one’s ever seen it was very odd.

“Still nobody’s ever seen him, actually. The Glazers never met him… he never… I’m not sure he exists!” (laughs). I would say this but there is no comparison between Chelsea and Manchester United. The scale of Manchester United is incomparable to any of the London clubs to be honest with you.”
[18:11, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: The SEC filing suggested Qataris did not provide the proof of funds…

“No, they didn’t, no.”
[18:12, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: What sort of player do you want at the club? Youngsters or superstars?

“We’re probably still debating what precisely is the style of football we want to play. If you look at Manchester City, they know precisely what the style of football is they want to play and all 11 teams at the club play the same formula. We need to do that, but I think in terms of the nature of the players, you want Manchester United types of players… attacking football, exciting football, bringing the youth through. You want players that are committed. You want players that play 90 minutes – those are the types of players you want playing for Manchester United. The academy is really really important for us. It’s probably the most successful academy in football in terms of number of players that have come through.”
[18:12, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: You are doing something today that has been very rare at Manchester United in recent decades: communicating. How important is it to reconnect the fans and the club? 

“Again, I have a very simple view of a football club. It’s a community asset. The club is owned by the fans, that’s what it’s there for. For the fans. We’re guardians or stewards for a temporary period of time. I’m not going to be there forever. It is important we communicate to the fanbase. We underestimate how important an aspect it is of their life and how it affects their life. On a wet Monday morning in Manchester that’s the first thing you talk about when you go into the office or the factory, how did we do at the weekend and you either start off with a good week or a bad week depending h…
[18:12, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: You are sitting in front of a jersey in here where there is a No 7 on the back and the collar up. It looks like an Eric Cantona shirt. 

“He was a maverick obviously. He was the catalyst for change in Ferguson’s era … and that kickstarted everything off. He was a talisman.

“There has always been a bit of glamour attached to Manchester United which has been lacking a bit in the last few years. You’ve had George Best, Bobby Charlton, Eric the King. At the end of the day we are in the entertainment business. You don’t want to watch bland football or characterless football. And to be honest, since Christmas, with the young lads, they have played some fantastic football. There have been some great matches. I can’t remember many matches at the beginning of the se…
[18:12, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: Have you spoken to Sir Alex Ferguson much? 

“I have. He was the first person I met when I went up there which I think was the second week of January and I had a meeting from 9am to 10am at his house and – I left at 1pm.

He never stopped. He’s got a lot of experience, a lot of stories to tell and a lot of thoughts about the club.

I don’t think he has been encouraged to get involved but he is still very thoughtful about the club and he has an immense amount of experience. He really understands the values and traditions of the club and what it’s all about. He’s still fiercely competitive, Alex Ferguson.”
[18:13, 21.2.2024] Jennifer Flopez: Would it help if they were found guilty of 115 breaches they are accused of by the Premier League?

“I would not wish that upon them. I don’t understand any of that. I just want to smash them on the football field.” ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Viel Spaß beim lesen :super: Falls sich wer wundert; der Interviewer heißt nicht Jennifer Flopez; das ist natürlich mein grenzgenialer WhatsApp Name :firedevil:

bearbeitet von Class of 92

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The King
Class of 92 schrieb vor 19 Stunden:

“We have to look at the organisation of the club, because it is not good at the moment,” Ratcliffe told the Belgian newspaper De Tijd. “Take the head coach [Erik ten Hag] for example: he must report directly to the CEO. That is no longer possible in a modern football organisation.

Da wundert einen nichts mehr, wie das mit den Transfers in den letzten zehn Jahren gelaufen ist. Diese Inkompetenz schreit ja nur mehr zum Himmel.

Maulinho schrieb vor 18 Stunden:

Zeit brauchen wir sicher, alleine wegen FFP werden wir nicht alles auf einmal umkrempeln können. Man kann natürlich hoffen, dass ein besseres Umfeld mehr aus dem aktuellen Kader rausholt, aber davon ausgehen sollte man wohl nicht unbedingt.

Shaw dürfte auch länger ausfallen, Rest der Saison also wohl ohne LB, wozu auch...

Verkäufe von Rashford und McTominay im Sommer würden uns da extremst helfen, da beide aus der Akademie kommen. Ich denke durchaus, dass das ein Ansatz sein wird, vor allem Rashford scheint der Ruhm ja sehr zu Kopf zu steigen. Falls PSG interessiert ist und er nicht abgeneigt ist, gute Reise.

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