STATISTIK (alle Gesamtsieger seit 2004)


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Sieger 2004/1: Lichtgestalt 108.500c
Sieger 2005/1: pop corn 284.500c
Sieger 2006/1: UK. 165.000c
Sieger 2007/1: UK. 585.726c
Sieger 2008/1: UK. 134.207c
Sieger 2009/1: Silberschweif 34.770c
Sieger 2010/1: UK. 44.417c
Sieger 2011/1: Joint 434.240c
Sieger 2012/1: Paros 2.702.775c
Sieger 2012/2: Silberschweif 229.098c

Sieger 2013/1: Joint 90.000c
Sieger 2014/1: Homer_Simpson 399.623c

TopQuote 2008/1: pop corn (18,24)
TopQuote 2009/1: Joint (15,02)
TopQuote 2010/1: pop corn (10,89)
TopQuote 2011/1: Joint (14,96)
TopQuote 2012/1: Joint (13,02)
TopQuote 2012/2: -wings- (16,99)

TopQuote 2013/1: Joint (13,20)
TopQuote 2014/1: Joint (21,85)


TopQuote 2014

1. Joint 21,85 (26.6.2014)
2. Homer_Simpson 16,64 (23.11.2014)

3. -wings- 15,00 (30.8.2014)

4. -wings- 12,59 (17.10.2014)

5. Homer_Simpson 11,62 (14.9.2014)


Wochensieger 2014

01. Lichtgestalt +1.900c

02. Homer_Simpson +7.238c

03. Lichtgestalt +5.429c

04. Lichtgestalt +2.021c

05. Silberschweif +2.338c

06. Silberschweif +1.647c

07. -wings- +1.910c

08. Joint +7.785c

09. Silberschweif +4.402c

10. Silberschweif +4.964c

11. MostBärRB +1.750c

12. -wings- +605c

13. --

14. Silberschweif +452c

15. Homer_Simpson +4.570c

16. Silberschweif +1.069c

17. Homer_Simpson +8.433c

18. Homer_Simpson +10.503c

19. Homer_Simpson +9.000c

20. Homer_Simpson +13.000c

21. -wings- +17.440c

22. Homer_Simpson +14.061c

23. Homer_Simpson +15.271c

24. Joint +950c

25. Homer_Simpson +20.545c

26. UdoH +1.940c

27. Homer_Simpson +27.886c

28. Homer_Simpson +21.500c

29. Lichtgestalt +901c

30. Homer_Simpson +32.449c

31. Lichtgestalt +3.561c

32. Homer_Simpson +17.728c

33. Lichtgestalt +7.658c

34. Homer_Simpson +8.083c

35. Joint +13.009c

36. Homer_Simpson +11.000c

37. Homer_Simpson +30.860c

38. Silberschweif +28.041c

39. Homer_Simpson +29.000c

40. Silberschweif +21.324c

41. Joint +9.797c

42. -wings- +17.398c

43. Joint +21.940c

44. Silberschweif +25.448c

45. -wings- +70.273c

46. Homer_Simpson +21.353c

47. Homer_Simpson +84.056c

48. Homer_Simpson +91.942c

49. Homer_Simpson +88.492c

50. Homer_Simpson +96.600c

51. --

52. --


22x Homer_Simpson

9x Silberschweif

6x Lichtgestalt

5x Joint

5x -wings-

1x MostBärRB

1x UdoH

bearbeitet von -Wings-

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