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Institut für genoppte Gurken

I don´t know, if any there is any living man who may remember this, you know, its 97 years since its been founded.

you should try to contact the club officials,

[email protected]

Otherwise, i know my parents own a very old book about upperaustrian soccer history, in which i´ll take kook for you.

If i find something, i´ll post it right here, :super:

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I don´t know, if any there is any living man who may remember this, you know, its 97 years since its been founded.

you should try to contact the club officials,

[email protected]

Otherwise, i know my parents own a very old book about upperaustrian soccer history, in which i´ll take kook for you.

If i find something, i´ll post it right here, :super:

würd mich auch sehr interessieren.

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Institut für genoppte Gurken

Hab gestern das Buch Fußball in Oberösterreich aus dem Jahr 1971 gelesen. Da stehen interessante Fakten über die Zeit von 1912 bis 71 drin (kann ich ja mal posten 8) ) aber nix über die farben.

@ jordan057, Sorry no infos about the colours in my book, :heul:

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